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Everything posted by dipap

  1. SE ayto isos na min fteei to kinito... isos to diktyo soy exei problima... etsi ego nomizo.. pantos 3ero filo me tetoio kinito kai den ypirxe problem...
  2. de bariese.... yparxoyn merikoi poy den theloyn mp3 ktl.. theloyn ena thlefono na pernei thlefono!
  3. ayta den ksero an tha kykloforhsoyn sthn ellada... ena site ths bird http://www.birdintl.com/ an thelete na to agorasete isos to brite sto internet...
  4. exete akoysei th marka bird? oriste ena kinito ths.... mp3/mp4 no bluetooth no irda usb yes 1.3 mp nomizo kamera 128mb mnimi akouo tora...:lol:
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