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Everything posted by haris10
den ksero alla den to exo prosexei...!!:) synithos otan htan na pao na paro kati phgaina se alla magazia..!!!
auto pou legame gia to wireless oti simenei to idio me WLAN k wifi isxiei..?? k tora gia to pos tha syndethoune ola auta..: to modem syndeete me to router(me ethernet), to router syndeete me to pc(me ethernet) , kai to access point ti einai?????????
e entaksei den einai k toso tragiko...!!! mprosta se tetoio kinito poios ta koitaei auta..apla na xoume na leme...!!!:D
thx nervous...kserei kaneis an exei katasthma sth xalkida...?? a, k einai agores apo to internet h exei k magazia kanonika opos o px germanos??
paidia to plaisio einai mono apo internet h exei k katasthmata opou mporeis na pas...??? kserete an exei katasthma sthn xalkida???
re paidia den exo katalabei ti einai to access point..!! as mou eksigisei kapoios!!:)
ontos..!!!! alla einai poly spastiko, den einai?? xalaei olo to kinito...!!:) :lol: :D
de goustaro na paragilo apto internet....thelo apo germano h vodafone h ksero go ti.... alla koitaksa k ekei alla de vrika tipota...!!
pou na koitakso re sy taso gia minisd 2gb?? exeis vrei tipota..? ego exo vrei mono 1gb..
tora gia miniSD 2GB den exo vrei pouthena... oute germano oute vodafone oute e-shop..pou exei re paidia..??
kala milame gia to n93 tha mou fygoun: 1) 680 gia to kinito...!! 2) kana 150 gia karta miniSD 2GB 3) wireless router kana 100......diladi kana xiliariko euro.....!!!!!!!!! alla ta aksizei...!!:D
gi auto einai k etsi mou rxete otan paro to n93 tha to ksekoliso.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p
to mono pou mou th spaei sto n93.....xalaei olo to kinito...!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/8840/nokian93007vl.jpg
ti na syndeete sto pc me ethernet???
ti ennoeis????
ti se noiazei re taso gia ta alla ...?? to n93 na erthei sthn ora tou k ase ta alla!!!!!! k na argisei ti egine..anti gia telh iouliou tha to paroume arxes septembrh...!!!!:p
diladi ama paro wireless router de tha exo provlima sthn taxytyta????
me ethernet syndeomai..alla de leo oti einai argo....!!! mia xara kanei th douleia tou...! k mousikh grigora katebazo k ola..!
Speed 312.6 kilobits per second Communications 312.6 kilobits per second Storage 38.2 kilobytes per second 1MB file download 26.8 seconds Subjective rating Not bad Explain results Info Date & time Thursday, May 25, 1:30PM* Test type IDT4 Free Connection type ADSL Region Europe Data size 1024KB How communication devices are rated. Kilo means 1,000 and mega means 1,000,000. Examples include 56k modem and 10Mbit Ethernet.
k 100 Mbit exo.. to koitaksa...ektos an einai tipota allo ..alla den pisteuo...!:D
pos re niko de xreiazomai modem...?? internet de tha mpaino?? (den thelo na paro adsl router, alla router....) ama paro aplo wireless router tote pisteuo pos to modem tha syndeete me ethernet sto router k to router me ethernet sto pc...sosta??
k kati allo..:an paro wireless router, to router tha syndeete me to pc me ethernet k oxi to modem...kano lathos..?
ti karta diktyoy?? epeidi den ksero k kala apauta mhpos mporeis na to kaneis liana...??:happy:
ma den exo router...!!!!!!!!! gi auto rotao na matho otan to paro na ksero...;)
diladi tha einai poio argh h adsl syndesh tou ypologisth h otan syndeete me to kinito mono???