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Everything posted by vigo
59 euro kostizei mono!
super to singles. my fav by far
Μουντομπάσκετ 2006: Η Ελλάδα δευτεραθλήτρια κόσμου!!!
vigo replied to achileas's topic in Chat and Fun
http://www.elpais.es/recorte.php?xref=20060901elpepudep_4&id=SCO200&type=Ies&img=Forges_vineta_Grecia-EE_UU.jpg -
gia osous endiaferontia gia stoixhma pontarete sth BOSNIA elabe makran to perissotero xeirokrothma sthn xthesinh proba einai ekplhktiko kai h skhnothesia tou to idio apo dipla FINLANDIA kai UK gia th nikh
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kalhspera exw diapisteysh dhmosiografou kai exw xhmerobradiastei edw kai 5 meres sto OAKA h empeiria einai pragmatika fantastikh! sta prognwstika twra pou tis eida oles tis xwres LIVE kai arketes fores FABORI BOSNIA UK ELLADA FINLANDIA BELGIO i romania exei kakh xorografia h souhdia fainetai dated ekplhxeis an ginoun apo IRLANDIA, KROATIA, OUKRANIA patos ston teliko DANIA, MOLDOVA tha dw 2 dress rehearsals akomh kai hmiteliko kai teliko live einai ola super. elate apo euroclub sto gkazi. xamos kathe brady (mpeite sth zoula me to mpougio)
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to neo video tis PINK "stupid girl" einai EXAIRETIKO
studio version online http://www.keithm.utvinternet.com/audios/Greece06.mp3 ths Agglias einai favori gia mena, kai ths Rwsias einai poly kalo!
PRWTH H ELLADA STA STOIXHMATA! http://www.skybet.com/skybet?action=GoEvType&id=10003474
ths Vodafone to soundtrack to teleytaio pleaaaaaaaaaaase! :-)
einai irlandou to site All kinds of everything einai o titlos tou tragoudiou pou xarise thn prwth nikh sthn Irlandia ston diagwnismo (1970)
Plhrhs LISTA VIDEO KAI TRAGOUDIWN THS FETEINHS DIORGANWSHS http://www.keithm.utvinternet.com/Athens2006media.htm akouste! tha paei kala h Anna xamhlo epipedo fetos. FAVORI: 1. UK 2. ROMANIA 3. BELGIUM 4. NORWAY 5. BOSNIA 6. POLAND
to syskevi kathleimenh to emfanizei otan anoigeis to kinhto kai fortwnei ta dedomena (sms, epafes) tis kartas sim. ayto krata kana 15ari deyterolepta. diaforetika den mporw na skeftw kati
giati to diko mou den einai kleidwmeno ? to phra se paketo vodafone ala carte kai doulevei kanonika me tim karta
gi ayto greeklish me trela! :-)
pantws einai toso mikro kai elafry (to 256) pou oloi osoi to blepoun entypwsiazontai kai pathainoun to megalo shock me thn timh tou
to 256 einai ayto pou blepetai sthn prwth pic kai to xei i vodafone se paketo alacarte me 59 euro m' arese toso poly pou to tsimpisa. einai apolaystiko mikro, to bazeis sthn tseph kai den to katalabainei i othoni einai mikrh men, alla h kalyterh pou xw dei se 4096 xromata kai to apolyto FUN einai ta tria eikonidia pou xei sto kapaki kai anabosbhnei an exeis Mhnyma (portokali fotismos) xamenh klhsh (galazios) shma (prasinos) mporei na mhn prosferei tipota pera apo ta basika alla einai AKRWS ERWTEYSIMO!!! (epishs poly omorfo einai kai to candy bar 252 pou exei akribws tis idies dynatothtes kai menu)
pistoi opws panta sta rantebou ta s/k o vigo moirazei allon ena kwdiko 5198 0305 2624 8435
phga xthes to prwi gia na apofygw tis ordes gia ta ellhnika dedomena einai kati entelws kainourgio gia mena htan apolaystikh h bolta ekei! Poly oraios xoros, exyphretikotato pou einai pragmatika OLA ta magazia ths agoras mazemena ekei. O periballwn xwros thelei akoma douleia, alla eswterika einai ok! apo katasthmata twra osoi eiste filoi tou Omilou ZARA (pullbear, bershka, massimo dutti, oysho) kairos na gnwrisete ton antagwnisth tou sthn Ispania me to onoma SFERA. exei poly poly oraia rouxa se times zara antrika kai gynaikeia. To FNAC pragmati entypwsiako, kompsotatos xwros, den exei thn amerikania tou emporiou sthn atmosfaira kai pragmatika prosferei ta panta. bravo bravo. O Kotsovolos kati antipathes exei to katasthma tou! xaotiko. o PAPASWTHRIOU para poly oraio diakosmhmeno katasthma, exeis thn aisthisi oti briskesai se ena atmosfairiko bibliopwleio ths neas yorkhs/londinou/parisiou. bravo no 2. to GERMANOS CENTRAL exei ontws PROSFORES. xthes eixe ola ta kinhta -25% alla super prosfora htan to 2+2 mhnes 105 euro ONDSL KIT me dwro to polymhxanhma HP 1510 (axias 120 euros kata pws elege). IRTHE mia filh mou kai tsimphse to paketo. TREXATE eixan meinei kamika 30aria! to mono asxhmo sto MALL pou eniosa htan stis eisodous orofous pou exoun katharistries ntymenes me thn "kompsh" stolh na katharizoun astamathta tis eisodou. M epiase h psyxh mou me tous anthropous pou fthanoun se mia hlikia, menoun anergoi kai kanoun ayth th douleia emfanws katabeblhmenoi. krima. ouf.... oxymora skhnika sto mall. parees mesa sthn kalh xara kai thn katanalwsh kai anthropoi pou kanoun mia douleia pou apexthanontai ekeinh thn wra. ayta apo ton nao ths katanalwshs. welcome MALL
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o kalyteros hxos by far kai den ton allazw einai o HELLO_MOTO egkatesthmenos se ola ta moto. fantastikos!!!!!!!!!
anadiploumeno einai ap' oti blepw? exei dyo othones i einai peristrefomenh? mperdeythka o xristianos