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Everything posted by FREAK_OF_NATURE

  1. 3 χάριτες?που το ξεθάψατε αυτό πάλι?xaxaxa..η σειρά όπου σε ένα επεισόδιο,η μαρία,η μεσαία αδελφή τα φτιάχνει με ένα μιρκότερο της...για να έρθει μετά από λίγα χρονια η μεγάλη αδελφή-σε άλλη σειρά- θέμα της οποιας είναι ο δεσμός της με ένα μικρότερο!!
  2. ti prepei na kaneis?thlefonhmasth gramateia ths b sxolhs gia an sou poune ta dikaiologhtika pou xreiazesai
  3. sta ellhnika oute emena briskei kati...ston thle katalogo 8essalonikhs pantos me to epi8eto moy yparxoun 4 selides peripou..me to idio onoma kai eponumo 2 eimaste..h 3 de 8umamai
  4. axm..nomizo pos o ka8enas einai se 8esh na to katalabei:)
  5. kati paromoio pa8aino ego sto eksoxiko mas sth kalikrateia xalkidikis..shma ths tim exo mono sto krebati mou apo kato,pano apo ton aporofhthra,kai sto wc...h mama mou uposthrizei pos exei kai pano sth biblio8hkh alla se mena de pianei :p
  6. mono me to epi8eto brhka 677 apotelesmata...anamesa se ayta kthniatros,ka8hghths panepisthmiou sto eksoteriko,xhmikos,a8lhths,ksenodoxos,marmaras....kai polla alla.
  7. dld 8eloun na mas peisoun pos osoi pshfisan perasan apo ayth th diadikasia?tora eimai sigouth pos prokeite gia moufa voting!
  8. mphka gia na pshfiso sto site..kai me ekplhksh diapistosa to ekshs:You have chosen the nominee ACROPOLIS: How to get your "v-stamp" code: To have your vote counted, you need the v-stamp code - but it's really easy! All you need to do is call the following number to receive your "v-stamp", which will be given to you as a 6 digit code. The code is valid for one use and will be valid for one hour only. "v-stamp" telephone line for BULGARIA: please call +6753237253 * and write down the code. (* Charge: International rates apply. ) If you are not calling from Bulgaria, please refer to this full list of service numbers around the world. kai oson afora an dhloseis oti eisai apo ellada,bgainei to ekshs:You have chosen the nominee ACROPOLIS: How to vote in Greece: You can use SMS * - please click here to vote via SMS. (* Charge: Euro 0.75 per message incl. VAT. ) Or please call 9011211711 *. (* Charge: Euro 1.00 per minute incl. VAT. ) During the call, you will be asked for the following nominee code: 716 Thank you very much for voting! By calling, you will enter the New 7 Wonders Prize Draw!.
  9. 701.37 to 2 fast 700.23 h petalouda
  10. to 2 fast 2 furious..701 mg prin 1 bdomada egrapsa to butterfly effect xoris kanena problhma!!!
  11. os data moy to grafei kanonika...alla re sy os tora sa vcd ta egrafa kai den eixa kanena problhma...ti ftaiei?
  12. os tora omos ta egrafe kanonika...anyway.8a to dokimaso kai sa data kai 8a sou po...se 5 lepta 8a kseroume
  13. de nomizo...anaferete sta ebdomadiaia statistika...px mporei th mia bdomada na eiuxe 40%,meta 23%.89% kai tora 0%
  14. nai..os tora etsi ekana..:p kotsanoula?
  15. to problhma moy einai to ekshs:exo thn ekdosh tou nero..grafei kanonika ta panta ektos apo tainies..ekei eno h taineia einai 700 mb moy bgazei oti einai 850 kai arnhte na th grapsei.. :confused: any ideas ti mporei na ftaiei? :eek: ps.sorry gia ta greekklish alla h selida pou kata kairous proteinete sto forum einai down..currently i hope! :whistle:
  16. ok...oloi mas thn exoume sixa8ei...to telos to kserei kaneis?
  17. acropolis 0%???kai to empire state building exei 1 ,kati%??? giati sygrinoume suka me karydia?h akropolh ftiaxthke p.X me elaxista mesa exo to empire state building me tis pio synxrones(gia to 1930) texnologies!! perito na po pos eimai kata ths anadiamorfoshs ths listas ton 7 8aumaton tou kosmou...
  18. EMEI ksekinhsame apo th prohgoumenh deytera kanonika..alla edo bgainei allh mia eksetastikh periodos ka8os den exoume dikaioma na xrostame ma8hma...
  19. Mallon exo spanio onoma kai epi8eto :p brhka mono ena apotelesma kai ayto sxetizete me th 8eologikh sxolh ths xalkhs... kerdizo tpt me ena apotelesma?:p:p:p:p
  20. axm..kai na tan spitonoikokyra na peis na paei sto kalo....emeis eimaste oikopedouxoi..fysika ayto den apotelei dikaiolgia alla...ta gaygismata pou ta akouse?
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