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Everything posted by FREAK_OF_NATURE

  1. e oxi kai tentzerhs !!! se kouba mou fernei perissotero(u know "koubas with or without xeroulia")
  2. h diatrhsh kapoiou neurou einai pi8anh..to na xaseis meros ths geyshs sou einai ligo pio poluploko..kat arxhn sth glossa mas exoume 5 eidon geystikous kalukes gia gluko,ksino,almuro,pikro topo8ethmenous se diaforetika shmeia ths glossas.me thn trupa sunh8os den epireazontai ka8os de mporeis na tous tryphseis olous :) oi sielogonoi adenes(4 oi megaloi)oudemia sxesh me thn glossa exoun...briskontai se diaforetiko shmeio..sthn glossa ostoso briskontai mikroteroi adenes pou endexomenos na xasoun thn leitourgeia tous,alla kati tetoio klinika polu spania parathreite.. o megaluteros kindunos se piercing glossas pera apo thn emplokh neurou einai h molunsh(oxi mia alla kai apanotes) kai h aporipsh tou metalou(tou skoularikiou) apo thn glossa,kati to opoio o neos/nea mporei kai an mhn katalabei kai na epimenei na foraei to skoularikaki me peraitero emplokes..
  3. apo th mia sumfono alla apo thn allh diafono.. gnosto tois pasoi einai pos to ellhnario(h pleiopshfia tou) pou spoudazei se xores tou eksoterikou-idios prohn anatolikes- sthnei ta panta..uparxoun omos kai ta paidakia pou tous feygei o kolos(pardon) gia na paroun ta ma8hmata me diabasma.. :X to dikatsa de to empisteuomai...o axrhstos 8a brei ton tropo na kseglustrisei kai apo ekei mesa..apeira paradeigmata..giati nomizete pos h peliopshfia griniazei ktl ktl..uparxoun bebaia kai oi eksaireseis meta erxontai ta duskola,pou ksexorizoun ta remalia apo tous sostous.. adeia askhshs epaggelmatos(opou ta pragmata duskoleuoun alla pali lunete to problhma) kai telos monadiko aksiologo krithrio(gia mena) h prosopikh douleia tou ka8enos sorry gia thn glossa mou alla tis teleutaies meres kai an exoun dei ta matakia mou...8a bgo se kana kanali kai 8a ginoun polloi rompa... :O
  4. re paidia mia aporia...otan trote se mac kai goodys meta apo mia ora ksanapeinate?h to pa8aino mono ego?
  5. tria einai ta endexomena h kapoio xioumor pou den antilambanomaste oi perissoteroi edo mesa,h h sunh8hs antidrash an8ropou pou exei ma8ei na dexete ta gegonota xoris na ta kunhgaei,h apla de ton afora to 8ema no offence ovelix
  6. nai alla 8a xazogelaei sunexos aneu logou kai aitias...kati einai kai ayto!!
  7. ontos krima...thn apolausame pantos live para to sardam pou ekane :) http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/5245Anastacia_032.jpg
  8. gia ton karkino tou mastou kukloforoun ektos apo vraxiolakia stylo,arkoudaki,kai nomizo koutalakia...ola au8entika opou ta xrhmata pane se mia organosh(mou diafeygei to onoma ths)
  9. apo to site tou mtv : Oh what a night! Lisbon overflowed with stars from different corners of the world, all there to attend the 2005 MTV Europe Music Awards! Superstar Madonna came out from a giant disco ball and kicked off the night looking fab wearing practically nothing singing her new single "Hung Up". Madonna later came back out on stage to present and hand over the MTV Free Your Mind Award which was given to Bob Geldof for his massive work on fighting poverty, AIDS and third world debt. Green Day got the awards for both Best Album (American Idiot) and Best Rock. The latter was given to them by football stars Nuno Gomes and Luis Figo. Something that Green Day picked up on and had the audience start chanting "Olé Olé Olé". Coldplay were nominated for five awards but only managed to pick up the ones for Best UK and Ireland Act and Best Song, something that made Chris Martin very happy saying the band hadn't received much appreciation for their songs in while. Gorillaz did one of the most fantastic performances together with De La Soul. Pussycat Dolls kicked some ass with their smash hit "Don't Cha". Robbie Williams jumped into audience during his performances of "Tripping". Chris Martin sang into a mobile phone during their performance and Foo Fighters got interrupted during their performances by the EMA host Borat. See, Borat had locked himself out on stage and tried to sneak his way out buy crawling over the stage behind Dave Grohl. Borat also managed to call Madonna a transvestite and to point out that where he's from; Shakira is the word for vagina. He also had to go to the bathroom during a presentation with actress Brittany Murphy and brought in Kazak dancers as well as the leader of Kazakhstan. System of a Down ended the show with their rocking "BYOB". And the winners are: Best Norwegian: Turbonegro Best Finnish: The Rasmus Best Danish: Mew Best Swedish: Moneybrother Best Album: Green Day – American Idiot Best Pop: The Black Eyed Peas Best Hip Hop: Snoop Dogg Best Rock: Green Day Best Alternative: System of a Down Best R&B: Alicia Keys Best Video: The Chemical Brothers – Believe Best Female: Shakira Best Male: Robbie Williams Best New Act: James Blunt Best Song: Coldplay – Speed of Sound Best Group: Gorillaz MTV's Free Your Mind Award: Bob Geldof
  10. ontos to show to anoikse h madonna sa na ksanagyrise ayth stis hmigymnes emfaniseis ths h einai h idea mou?? oraio to neo ths tragoudaki an kai braxniase sto telos ligaki... proto braveio pou do8hke htan tou kaluterou album(nikhtes oi greenday) kai to paredose h anastacia :) koukla opos panta an kai de mou arese to forema ths:p deytero vraveio do8hke apo tis sugababes(semna ntymenes) kai htan sthn kathgoria best pop 8a epanel8o..
  11. Euxaristh h atomosfaira sta goodys??? ti akribos enoeis?
  12. palia diafhmish kapoias sompas allogonou nomizo makhhh anoikse thn kentrikh 8ermansh kriooonooo makh pountiasaaa makhhhhh :mad:
  13. epimeno ostoso pos oso kairo kai an exeis trypa sth glossa 8a kleisei.. eksairetika spanio fainomeno na mhn kleisei trupa sth glossa ayto de shmainei bebaia pos mporei o ka8enas na kanei trypa xoris na einai sigouros pos to 8elei me to skeptiko "ntaksei more.an de maresei 8a kleisei grhgora" ka8os eloxeuoun polu perissoteroi kindunoi apo alla shmeia tou somatos(px aytia)
  14. ok thanks..8a to timhso to zaxaroplasteio :) opote..kseor pou 8a fao,ksero pou 8a pao gia kafe,ksero pou 8a pao na boltaro romantika(ston faro e ?),menei na bro kai pou 8a kano nani... :) d mitseeee to meeting organonete h mpa?
  15. sthn arxh 8umamai evlepa pou kai pou thn bera kai htan endiaferon alla leo mhpos,mhpos leo,exei oligon ti foskoliasei?
  16. ego giati kata ekei exo dei mono kati skulia mprosta apo ta coffee energy?? exasa to aksio8eato pali...
  17. sto prosopo sxetika pio eukola kai grhgora kleinoun trypes se glossa,xeilos,myth kai sxetika pio duskola se muth kai frydi...
  18. kai na sou griniazei "makh kriosaaaa,makh pountiasa,makh anapse to kalorifer kriono" "ma pos sou hr8e na er8oume sta katsavraxa?" " 8elo na ftiakso ta nyxia mouuuu" tote na se do :p ;)
  19. xm..duskolh upo8esh to doro telika.. pera apo kapoia ekdromoula de mporo na skefto kati os "mh atomiko" doro...
  20. varx ola kala ta les. sumfono to uliko doro den exei kapoia idiaiterh shmasia alla prosopika otan o kalos mou den einai dipla mou,kai mono pou koitao kati pou mou exei dorisei(oti ki an einai ayto) amesos 8umamai pote mou to edose,ti mou eipe kai xairomai monh moy sa th xazh :O to megalutero pososto apo kopeles den uparxei periptosh an o kalos ths ths exei dorisei arkoudaki px,na mhn to exei agaliasei toulaxiston mia fora kata th diarkeia ths apousias tou apo dipla ths...
  21. aporia :to motel asthr einai motel h apla etsi legete to zaxaroplasteio? mh gelasete an eipa kotsana pls :O kai mia allh aporia..h polh sas ti oraio bgazei na pao sth mama kai sthn pe8era moy?
  22. ax vre angelina mou de to perimena na to akouso ayto apo sena... ti monopetro mou les?oti pio klise kukloforei gia epeteio sxeshs!! an einai etoimoi to palikari as protimhsei thn mera pou 8a tou er8ei enstktodos kai oxi na perimenei thn mera ths epeteiou... xoria pou o filos rotaei -an katalaba kala- gia dora gynaika pros antra... anyway de mas eipes hlikies...paizei rolo,de nomizeis?
  23. polles ekdoxes apekleises re su giorgosk80 :p ego pisteuo pos to ekane o idios.. kat arxhn exei thn astynomikh tou tautothta ustera einai sa na pro(s)kalei ta mme na asxolh8oun mazi tou...giati arage?h leksoula "arpaxth" sas leei kati? kai pote fysika den apokleiete olo kai kapoio psonio na ton protimhsei gia na agorasei tsiouaoua ka8os poulhse kai sthn 8ea paris hilton :confused:
  24. oraia selida :D exrise kai thn paris hilton antiproedro...thn rothse arage o enikos mas star? kai fusika .."....εμένα τον Εθνικό Σταρ της Ελλάδας Ανδρέα Ευαγγελόπουλο "
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