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Everything posted by dbecks7

  1. Ayto mporei na ginei ean den exeis egkatesthmeno to pc suite
  2. Egw thelw na rwthsw ean yparxei kati antistoixo tou quickoffice kai gia to kinhto mas 'h mhpws paizei kai h ekdosh gia to p800-900...
  3. To phra shmera kai 1)Den leitourgei swsta(sxedon katholou) to bluetooth kai 2)mou dwsane th syskeyh me th mpataria mesa sto thlefwno kai fortismenh.Poia einai h gnwmh sas?Ti na kanw vre paidia?Exw apelpistei sthn kyrioleksia!!!Sas parakalw peite mou kati giati den antexw :(
  4. Geia sas.Thelw na ekfrasw ta parapona mou kai se ayto edw to forum gia to service ths SE kai sygkekrimena tou katasthmatos ths Kallitheas.Agorasa to thlefwno mou kai meta apo 3 meres den mou anagnwrize kammia sim.To phga gia service stis 14/11 kai akoma den to exw parei sta xeria mou.Exw dhmiourghsei zhthma kai sta kentrika alla den exw lavei apanthsh giati kathysteroun toso poly.Phge sto service kai epestrepse me to idio provlhma xwris na to parw egw sta xeria mou kai xwris na me enhmerwnoun ti ginetai.Einai ntroph tous na koroideyoun ton kosmo etsi eidika otan exei plhrwsei ta xrhmata tou gia na agorasei mia kainouria syskeyh!
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