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Everything posted by WoW

  1. Gia ton grifo tou Einstein nomizw oti mono to 2% opws eipe mporei na to lusei xrhsimopoiwntas to mualo tou...Ama einai na pareis molubi kai xarti tote dn einai tpt to spoudaio ...
  2. Auto pou les prwth fora to akouw tbh :O Egw opote paw se sunaulia paw xwris alla exw arketes sto pc mou opote pws tis pernoun?...btw sto RW trabh3a arketes foto kai dn mou eipan tpt ... Anyway .. auta ..
  3. 1.2 exw sto auti egw :S :D :wacko: :wacko: :blink: Re dn 8a pa8eis tpt imho! Enas filos mou ekane prin thn men8hmerh kai dn epa8e tpt an kai exw prin dn eixa akousei tpt sxetika me blefaroptwsh ...Tespa ..... -_-
  4. Einai tou eisbolea an les gi auto... To exw se rmx me to ftais ths Tamta ama to 8es steile pm. :)
  5. Ki omws etsi legetai....to exw k egw...ya3e ki allo .
  6. lol pou ginontai auta re??? Mia filh mou ekane sthn glwssa ston Lektiko kai dn ths zhthsan tpt... akous ekei tautothta....tespa good luck ;)
  7. PVD kai apo mena .... O tiesto kalutera na to parathsei :lol: :lol:
  8. Geia... To kommati pou pezeis sthn diafhmhsh what's up,to 3erei kaneis?? thx
  9. Egw exw ena akuro :O teleutaia : Goa Trance: A Psykotropic Trip Through Tribedelic Transcapes ;) ;)
  10. Gia osous phgane ... Mporei kaneis na mou pei an uphrxan tpt pro mousepads kai pontikia ?? (i mean rzr,corepad,klp) thx
  11. WoW


    Re paidia exw kai egw mia aporia.... Poia marka 8ewreitai h kaluterh ston tomea twn RAM?? A kai epishs pws na dw thn uyhloterh suxnothta pou mporei na tre3ei h mnhmh?? (apo thn mobo mono?) thx
  12. Egw pantws 8a elega oti einai 1 panarxaio :X blue da ba dee -Eiffel 65 :p:p p.s oti na nai....
  13. dandy warhols eixa dei live@lycabetus ,Gia tous allous dn psinomai kai toso... anyway.. -off topic- tinkerbell akouse to omonumo kommati apo Cherouvim :)
  14. Merika kommatia pou pezoun se clubs einai : Wonderland Avenue - White Horse (Mike Monday Mix) Pakito - Living on video Bob_Sinclar_feat._Steve_Edwards_-_World_Hold_On The Egg - Walking Away (Tocadisco's Acid Walk Mix) benassi_bros_fat._dhany - hit_my_heart_(sfaction_mix) (a8anato :P) Benny Benassi - whos your daddy (david guetta remix) OTTOMIX-Raggasex (mono o orgasmos :lol: )
  15. Pare thn cosmote thl kai 8a ginei mia xara :> Episis otan kapote eixa karta eprepe na kanw reboot gia na ftia3ei....
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