97 -
ildrosos's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ για την απάντηση φίλε μου . Μετά από πολλές ακόμα συζητήσεις αυτό που μπορούν λέει να κάνουν είναι να πληρώσω άλλα 100 δολάρια και να μου στείλουν ένα άλλο μοντέλο γιατί αυτό δεν υπάρχει πια το οποίο να κοστίζει ίδια λεφτά. (314 δολλάρια)
Καλησπέρα παιδιά , Χρειάζομαι την βοήθεια σας αν κάποιος γνωρίζει και έχει το χρόνο. Αγόρασα πριν 5 μήνες αυτό από gearbest: https://www.gearbest.com/t...pp_568071.html Ήρθε το χρησιμοποίησα και ξαφνικά σταμάτησε να φορτίζει. Εφόσον ήταν εντός εγγύησης άνοιξα ένα τίκετ στο gearbest και μου πρότειναν να το στείλω για δωρεάν επισκευή. Το έστειλα πίσω καθώς μου είχε κοστίσει κοντά στα 300 ευρώ και πλήρωσα επιπλέον τα μεταφορικά ωςτην Κίνα. Μετά άρχισαν ναμου λένε ότι το αντικείμενο δεν μπορεί να επισκευαστεί και για το λόγο αυτό μπορούν να μου επιστρέψουν μόνο το 50% της αξίας του. Μετά από άπειρα email μου είπαν ότι το καλύτερο που μπορούν να κάνουν είναι να μου δώσουν το 60%. Αφού μίλησα με τον ανώτερο και καλά μου λέει ότι πλήρες refund κάνουν μόνο στις πρώτες 45 ημέρες. Το paypal λέει δεν μπορεί νακάνει κάτι γιατί έχουν περάσει 180 ημέρες από την αγορά του προϊόντος και να απευθυνθώ στο Ινστιτούτο προστασίας δικαιωμάτων καταναλωτή της χώρας μας... Έχει τύχει σε κανέναν κάτι παρόμοιο ;Τι κάνατε ; Γιατί να μην με αποζημιώσουν το 100% αφού δεν μπορούν να το φτιάξουν ; Να σημειώσω ότι δούλευε απλάδεν φόρτιζε. Τώρα δηλαδή χάνω και το αντικείμενο και τα λεφτά της επιστροφής. Παρακαλώ τα φώτα σας. Επισυνάπτω και το τελευταίο κομμάτι της συζήτησης μας : Gearbest Customer Support At 02/15/2018 01:39:05 CST Dear Micheal, We are so sorry for keeping you waiting so long for this repairing. We are sorry to inform you that your item can't be repaired well any more.It is scrapped. In this situation, we can offer you three options: 1.Partial refund to your GB Wallet as store credit. We can offer you a partial refund of 157 USD to your Wallet and reward you with extra points(e.g. If your refund is 1 USD = 1 point.). This amount can be used for your future orders. Learn more about wallet benefits : http://www.gearbest.com/m-article.htm?id=111 Learn more about points benefits : http://www.gearbest.com/ab...ut-points.html 2)Partial refund to your original payment account. We can refund 157 USD to your original payment account. Please note: For paypal refund, it may take up to 48 hours. You can view the status of your refund from your Account History. Please kindly inform us of your decision at your earliest convenience. Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Micheal At 02/20/2018 06:42:25 CST Hey hello there. Sorry but I think this message was invented for another recipient. I bought this tablet Order Total: USD $ 331.50 usd. The item is still in warranty. Since you cannot repair it I want you to fully refund me for the price I paid. I did not break it , I did not do anything to break the charge. Since it is still in warranty why do you offer me half the cost for a refund ? If you cannot pay back the money it costs why don't you send me another one then? Half the money is unacceptable and I cannot see any reason for that. I thought gearbest is a well known store for customer support. I paid Order Total: USD $ 331.50 the item is like you mentioned scrapped. Since I did nothing to scrap it and is still in warranty I think you have to give me a new one or my money back. I am waiting for your answer. Gearbest Customer Support At 02/25/2018 05:51:24 CST Dear Micheal, We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. As the product was scrapped and we couldn't repaire it well. Therefore, we can only provide you refund option. As you are a valuable customer for us, we can refund you 60% of the product value to your payemnt account, which is 188 USD. Can you please confirm I can go ahead with this refund? Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Micheal At 02/27/2018 05:48:56 CST No you cannot go ahead with this refund. This is unacceptable . As you said you scrapped the product not me . This is your fault then not mine. I want 100% full refund. I will not accept anything else. I am waiting for an answer tomorrow, not in 3 days. Gearbest Customer Support At 02/27/2018 07:02:06 CST Dear Micheal, We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. We have submitted this issue to our supervisor. Please kindly wait 2 business day. Thanks for your understanding and patience. Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Gearbest Customer Support At 03/01/2018 11:05:56 CST Dear Micheal, Thanks for your asking. It is because your product is scrapped and in this situation,we couldn't it well. Please note that you have used it for about 5 months,please note that we can only refund you partially. Please forgive we have our strict policy: https://www.gearbest.com/a...nd-return.html 45 Day Money Back Guarantee For most items, in the unlikely situation that your product is faulty, you can send it back for a refund or item exchange within 45 days of receiving it. Return shipping reimbursement is not available for this. Please note that your issue is already more than 45 day, so we couldn't refund you fully. Please reconsider our solution in former message. Hope this is clear for you. Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Micheal At 03/02/2018 05:40:11 CST Dear Waiola, I have carefully read your answer and I have to tell you that your warranty terms do not describe what you are trying to tell me . There is no single point , in your termas and warranty page (https://www.gearbest.com/a...nd-return.html ) that says the word "partial refund". Instead there are many points describing when a customer is not eligible for a refund like : The customer voids the warranty if they: - Flash the firmware of a device or root a device - Which I did not do - Open the body in an attempt to fix the device - Which I did not do - Modify, remove, customize, or swap parts of the product- Which I did not do - Use the device in a way that it is not originally intended for- Which I did not do - Continue to use the item once a fault occurs and causes more damage- Which I did not do. In addition I found that my case suits best in this category : One Year Repair Warranty Since my item had one year repair warranty ,like your article describes : "during which you are eligible for free repair." So you have to repair my item like YOUR TERMS SAY. If you cannot repair my item , this is not my responsibility. I keep asking the same question and I still do not get an answer : What does this mean ? It is because your product is scrapped and in this situation,we couldn't it well. What do you mean my item is scrapped ? Did I scrap it ? Did I do anything to scrap it ? No. So why should I not be refunded ? Maybe it was scrapped because of low quality materials ? Or maybe you scrapped it trying to fix it ? Why then you say you cannot refund me ? I do not understand. Your terms don't say anything like :If the item is scrapped by gearbest's support technician you will be partially refunded!This is not written anywhere ! So please proceed with a full refund of my item . I would like to speak with the general manager for this issue. I have also sent an email to paypal describing the situation , I have reposted your answers on http://www.myphone.gr forum and also have contacted my country's consumer rights protection organization describing what has happened. Give me back my money, or my tablet fixed. Please reconsider your offer.
Εγγύηση κινέζικων καταστημάτων (Εμπειρίες μελών)
ildrosos replied to Donmitsos10's topic in Λοιπά κινητά τηλέφωνα
Καλησπέρα παιδιά , Χρειάζομαι την βοήθεια σας αν κάποιος γνωρίζει και έχει το χρόνο. Αγόρασα πριν 5 μήνες αυτό από gearbest: https://www.gearbest.com/tablet-pcs/pp_568071.html Ήρθε το χρησιμοποίησα και ξαφνικά σταμάτησε να φορτίζει. Εφόσον ήταν εντός εγγύησης άνοιξα ένα τίκετ στο gearbest και μου πρότειναν να το στείλω για δωρεάν επισκευή. Το έστειλα πίσω καθώς μου είχε κοστίσει κοντά στα 300 ευρώ και πλήρωσα επιπλέον τα μεταφορικά ωςτην Κίνα. Μετά άρχισαν ναμου λένε ότι το αντικείμενο δεν μπορεί να επισκευαστεί και για το λόγο αυτό μπορούν να μου επιστρέψουν μόνο το 50% της αξίας του. Μετά από άπειρα email μου είπαν ότι το καλύτερο που μπορούν να κάνουν είναι να μου δώσουν το 60%. Αφού μίλησα με τον ανώτερο και καλά μου λέει ότι πλήρες refund κάνουν μόνο στις πρώτες 45 ημέρες. Το paypal λέει δεν μπορεί νακάνει κάτι γιατί έχουν περάσει 180 ημέρες από την αγορά του προϊόντος και να απευθυνθώ στο Ινστιτούτο προστασίας δικαιωμάτων καταναλωτή της χώρας μας... Έχει τύχει σε κανέναν κάτι παρόμοιο ;Τι κάνατε ; Γιατί να μην με αποζημιώσουν το 100% αφού δεν μπορούν να το φτιάξουν ; Να σημειώσω ότι δούλευε απλάδεν φόρτιζε. Τώρα δηλαδή χάνω και το αντικείμενο και τα λεφτά της επιστροφής. Παρακαλώ τα φώτα σας. Επισυνάπτω και το τελευταίο κομμάτι της συζήτησης μας : Gearbest Customer Support At 02/15/2018 01:39:05 CST Dear Micheal, We are so sorry for keeping you waiting so long for this repairing. We are sorry to inform you that your item can't be repaired well any more.It is scrapped. In this situation, we can offer you three options: 1.Partial refund to your GB Wallet as store credit. We can offer you a partial refund of 157 USD to your Wallet and reward you with extra points(e.g. If your refund is 1 USD = 1 point.). This amount can be used for your future orders. Learn more about wallet benefits : http://www.gearbest.com/m-article.htm?id=111 Learn more about points benefits : http://www.gearbest.com/about/about-points.html 2)Partial refund to your original payment account. We can refund 157 USD to your original payment account. Please note: For paypal refund, it may take up to 48 hours. You can view the status of your refund from your Account History. Please kindly inform us of your decision at your earliest convenience. Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Micheal At 02/20/2018 06:42:25 CST Hey hello there. Sorry but I think this message was invented for another recipient. I bought this tablet Order Total: USD $ 331.50 usd. The item is still in warranty. Since you cannot repair it I want you to fully refund me for the price I paid. I did not break it , I did not do anything to break the charge. Since it is still in warranty why do you offer me half the cost for a refund ? If you cannot pay back the money it costs why don't you send me another one then? Half the money is unacceptable and I cannot see any reason for that. I thought gearbest is a well known store for customer support. I paid Order Total: USD $ 331.50 the item is like you mentioned scrapped. Since I did nothing to scrap it and is still in warranty I think you have to give me a new one or my money back. I am waiting for your answer. Gearbest Customer Support At 02/25/2018 05:51:24 CST Dear Micheal, We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. As the product was scrapped and we couldn't repaire it well. Therefore, we can only provide you refund option. As you are a valuable customer for us, we can refund you 60% of the product value to your payemnt account, which is 188 USD. Can you please confirm I can go ahead with this refund? Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Micheal At 02/27/2018 05:48:56 CST No you cannot go ahead with this refund. This is unacceptable . As you said you scrapped the product not me . This is your fault then not mine. I want 100% full refund. I will not accept anything else. I am waiting for an answer tomorrow, not in 3 days. Gearbest Customer Support At 02/27/2018 07:02:06 CST Dear Micheal, We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused to you. We have submitted this issue to our supervisor. Please kindly wait 2 business day. Thanks for your understanding and patience. Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Gearbest Customer Support At 03/01/2018 11:05:56 CST Dear Micheal, Thanks for your asking. It is because your product is scrapped and in this situation,we couldn't it well. Please note that you have used it for about 5 months,please note that we can only refund you partially. Please forgive we have our strict policy: https://www.gearbest.com/about/warranty-and-return.html 45 Day Money Back Guarantee For most items, in the unlikely situation that your product is faulty, you can send it back for a refund or item exchange within 45 days of receiving it. Return shipping reimbursement is not available for this. Please note that your issue is already more than 45 day, so we couldn't refund you fully. Please reconsider our solution in former message. Hope this is clear for you. Best Regards Waiola Gearbest Customer Service http://www.gearbest.com/ Micheal At 03/02/2018 05:40:11 CST Dear Waiola, I have carefully read your answer and I have to tell you that your warranty terms do not describe what you are trying to tell me . There is no single point , in your termas and warranty page (https://www.gearbest.com/about/warranty-and-return.html ) that says the word "partial refund". Instead there are many points describing when a customer is not eligible for a refund like : The customer voids the warranty if they: - Flash the firmware of a device or root a device - Which I did not do - Open the body in an attempt to fix the device - Which I did not do - Modify, remove, customize, or swap parts of the product- Which I did not do - Use the device in a way that it is not originally intended for- Which I did not do - Continue to use the item once a fault occurs and causes more damage- Which I did not do. In addition I found that my case suits best in this category : One Year Repair Warranty Since my item had one year repair warranty ,like your article describes : "during which you are eligible for free repair." So you have to repair my item like YOUR TERMS SAY. If you cannot repair my item , this is not my responsibility. I keep asking the same question and I still do not get an answer : What does this mean ? It is because your product is scrapped and in this situation,we couldn't it well. What do you mean my item is scrapped ? Did I scrap it ? Did I do anything to scrap it ? No. So why should I not be refunded ? Maybe it was scrapped because of low quality materials ? Or maybe you scrapped it trying to fix it ? Why then you say you cannot refund me ? I do not understand. Your terms don't say anything like :If the item is scrapped by gearbest's support technician you will be partially refunded!This is not written anywhere ! So please proceed with a full refund of my item . I would like to speak with the general manager for this issue. I have also sent an email to paypal describing the situation , I have reposted your answers on http://www.myphone.gr forum and also have contacted my country's consumer rights protection organization describing what has happened. Give me back my money, or my tablet fixed. Please reconsider your offer. -
[OnePlus One] Αναβαθμίσεις - Τροποποιήσεις - ROM - Tweaks
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Παιδιά μετά την τελευταία αναβάθμιση όταν μπω σε οποιοδήποτε Wifi μου βγάζει ένα θαυμαστικό δίπλα στο δίκτυο και ένα μήνυμα που λέει ότι το Access point δεν έχει ιντερνετ. Έχω ίντερνετ σε εφαρμογές κτλ αλλά δεν έχω σε browser. Δουλεύουν instant messengers κτλ μόνο browser δεν δουλεύει . Το έχει αντιμετωπίσει κανείς ; Το ίδιο μου κάνει και σε 3G δεν μπορώ να το λύσω με τίποτα (flashara πάλι τη ρομ έκανα wipe dalvic cache τίποτα) Καμμία ιδέα ; -
[OnePlus One] Αναβαθμίσεις - Τροποποιήσεις - ROM - Tweaks
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Μόλις το έλυσα για όποιον πιθανόν το χρειαστεί: Μπείτε εφαρμογές Βρείτε τις 3 παρακάτω: Google play store Google play Services Google play framework(αν δεν φαίνεται μπείτε στις ρυθμίσεις και ενεργοποιήστε τις εφαρμογές συστήματος) Μπείτε σε όλες στο storage και κάντε clear cache , μετά μπείτε Manage space -> Clear all data Μετά αφαιρέστε το Google account ή τα google accounts από τη συσκευή (αυτό θα αφαιρέσει όλες τις συγχρονισμένες επαφές μηνύματα κτλ.Προσοχή) και προσθέστε το ξανά. Restart και boooom. All set -
[OnePlus One] Αναβαθμίσεις - Τροποποιήσεις - ROM - Tweaks
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Δεν το έχει αντιμετωπίσει κανείς; Τόσο άτυχος ; -
[OnePlus One] Αναβαθμίσεις - Τροποποιήσεις - ROM - Tweaks
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Παιδιά καλησπέρα , με 13.1.1 και 13.1.2 όλες οι google εφαρμογές βγάζουν ένα μήνυμα που λέει : π.χ. Google Hangouts is experiencing an Unknown Issue with Google Play Services Έχει τύχει σε κανέναν; Δοκίμασα clear cache από google play services και play store. disable play store επαναφορά εργοστασιακής έκδοσης και ξανά update Πέρασμα ξανά Rom, clear dalvic cache και παραμένει. Δεν φαίνεται να μου δημιουργεί πρόβλημα αν και δεν χρησιμοποιώ πχ. το Hangouts Αλλά βγαίνει συνέχεια και είναι πολύ ενοχλητικό. Π.χ. με το που ανοίξει το κινητό το βγάζει με το που μπεις playstore το βγάζει κτλ. -
[OnePlus One] Παραγγελίες - Αγορά - Invitations - Αξεσουάρ
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Φρέσκο invite και εδώ οποίος το θέλει pm -
ok σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ
5.0.1 nai τα αντέγραψα αυτά οκ
Xmm άρα αυτό ήταν το λάθος.. Για βάλε καμμία προτεινόμενη οδηγία ρε γυαλάκια γιατί είναι της γυναίκας μου και θέλει τα πάντα...
Ήμουν στην 4.4.4. και flashara την οτα που έχει στην αρχή του post. Πριν από αυτή φλάσαρα boot.img , system.img, recovery.img. ΑΦού δεν ολοκληρώνεται το flasharisma ανοιξα το τηλ να δω που είναι και είναι στην 5.0.1 , τα πάντα όμως μετά από λίγο λένε δεν αποκρίνεται αναμονή ή κλείσιμο ; το κλασσικό παράθυρο όταν κολλάει και δεν μπορώ να βρώ άκρη..
Καλησπέρα παίδες φοβερός οδηγός , έχω όμως ένα πρόβλημα . Ακολούθησα την περίπτωση 2 γιατί σε αυτή ανήκω και πλέον όταν κάνω sideload παίρνω ένα error όταν προσπαθεί να κάνει verification me error status 7 . Εκεί κατάλαβα ότι ξέχασα να επαναφέρω τις google apps τις οποίες είχα κάνει disable... Οπότε πήγα στην περίπτωση 3 Και πάλι όμως παίρνω το ίδιο error όταν προσπαθώ να κάνω sideload... Τι λύση μπορεί να βρεθεί;
[OnePlus One] Αναβαθμίσεις - Τροποποιήσεις - ROM - Tweaks
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Οκ φιλέ θα το δοκιμάσω σήμερα σε ευχαριστώ πολύ -
[OnePlus One] Αναβαθμίσεις - Τροποποιήσεις - ROM - Tweaks
ildrosos replied to athanaso77's topic in OnePlus
Καλησπέρα παιδιά θα ήθελα την βοήθεια σας. Έχω το one αγορασμένο από την εταιρία όχι από Κινέζομαγαζο. Με το πού το πήρα πήρε τις ότα μέχρι την 33R και μετά το έκανα root μέσω command line ακολουθώντας ένα οδηγό από xda και του πέρασα twrp. Τώρα πού βγήκε η νέα αναβάθμιση δεν μπορεί να εγκαταστάθει προφανώς. Δεν υπάρχει τρόπος να εγκατασταθεί εκτός του να σβήσω τα πάντα να μπει πάλι η στοκ ρομ να αναβαθμιστεί και μετά πάλι root και τα λοιπά? Βοηθήστε λίγο γιατί έχω μπερδευτεί και δεν θέλω να μπλέξω με backup εφαρμογών και εγκατάστασή από την αρχή τής rom please!!!!