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Everything posted by mikel

  1. edw nomizw oti milame gia to ps3 kai oxi gia to ti kanei i ms:) kai epeidi to pas to thema ekei i ms :den taxtike pote kata twn dio paketwn(pragma pou ekane i sony alla meta to metaniose),den iposxethike diplo hdmi(pragma pou ekane i sony kai meta to metaniose)den iposxethike 1080p(pragma pou i sony ekane kai meta to metaniose(to core paketo den tha pezei 1080p)) den iposxethike grafika tou epipedou killzone 2(kai allwn games) gia ingame kai meta to metaniwse(exoun kamia sxesi ta grafika pou idame sto taken stin e3 2005 me tin e3 2006???)den iposxethike mixanima router(pragma pou i sony ekane kai meta to metaniwse)kai polla alla...... den einai kalo na mpenoume se tetoiou idous adiparatheseis.padws einai gnosto oti ta misa apo afta pou leei i sony den ta kanei kai ta leei kathara gia marketing. telospadon,otan tha kikloforisei to mixanima(varous 5kg :worry: ) tha doume ti pragmatika aksizei!
  2. prwta apola to lik-sang exei aftes tis times apo tin e3 2005.opote den theoroudai egires! defteron.enas filos pou exei magazi me videogames otan ekane to kostologio (apo tin sony)gia to deftero 6amino tou eipan akrivws afto to pragma.oti to ps3 stin arxi tha pouliete me 2 h 3 games mazi stin arxi! tespa osoi den pistevete tha to deite otan tha dinete ta evro sas se ligous mines.o noemvris den einai makria!tha doume........
  3. to ksanalew gia ali mia fora ! to ftino paketo DEN tha kikloforisei stin evropi.MONO TO AKRIVO TWN 600 EVRO! TA GAMES THA KOSTIZOUN 80 EVRO! DESTE LINK http://www.play.com/Games/PlayStation3/CART/5-/RegionHome.html?cur=258 kai fenete oti stin arxi toulaxiston tha kikloforei mono se paketa me games!diladi den tha ginete kapios na parei mono tin konsola! Sony Playstation 3 Console With 60GB HDD & 3 Games (Formula One 06/Warhawk/Singstar) EUR 879.99 Delivered einai polla ta lefta!!! telika odws i sony thewrei tous pelates tis provata!to mono pou exw na pw!
  4. i microsoft tha vgalei hd-dvd add on mono gia tis tainies(kamia sxesi me blu-ray) kai den einai opws i sony pou sto epivalei san xaratsi , i microsoft sou afinei na epilekseis an tha to pareis i oxi.kai tha kanei girw sta 100 e
  5. mikel

    Sony PSP

    http://www.pspgr.uni.cc to kalitero elliniko site gia psp!tha vreis oles tis apadiseis edw!:)
  6. parte kai ena prosfato arthro gia to blu-ray The DVD War Against Consumers Makers of new DVD players are going too far in copyright protection efforts, but buyers needn't take it lying down Blu-ray, however, goes beyond the AACS, incorporating two other protection mechanisms: The ROM Mark is a cryptographic element overlaid on a "legitimate" disk. If the player doesn't detect the mark, then it won't play the disc. This will supposedly deal with video-camera-in-the-theatre copies. STRANGLEHOLD ON CONTENT. Even more extreme is a scheme called BD+ that deals with the problem of what to do when someone c-racks the encryption scheme. The players can automatically download new crypto if the old one is broken. But there's an ominous feature buried in this so-called protection mechanism: If a particular brand of player is cryptographically "compromised," the studio can remotely disable all of the affected players. In other words, if some hacker halfway across the globe c-racks Sony's software, Sony can shut down my DVD player across the Net. The Blu-ray's DRM scheme is simply anti-consumer. The standard reflects what the studios really want, which is no copying of their material at all, for any reason. They're clearly willing to take active and unpleasant measures to enforce this. Last year's Sony/BMG rootkit fiasco comes to mind (see BW Online, 11/29/05, "Sony BMG's Costly Silence"). The possibility that they would disable thousands of DVD players, not because they're hacked but just because they might be vulnerable, would have been unthinkable a few years ago; it's clearly an option today. Having grown tired of one war, we're on the eve of another, complete with alliances, secret codes, and laser beams. No, not Iran -- it's the fight over the next generation of DVD devices. The real battle isn't between Sony (SNE) and Microsoft (MSFT) and their chosen formats, it's between the manufacturers and us -- the consumers, the ones who ultimately pay for it all. And the battle is over Digital Rights Management (DRM), because in addition to increased storage, these new disks are packed full of copy-protection functions, some of which impair our ability to use the content we pay for, the way we like and are legally entitled to. http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/may2006/tc20060526_680075.htm?chan=technology_technology+index+page_digital+entertainment
  7. kai emena me evale se sovarous provlimatismous apo ti stigmi pou akougete oti ta blu-ray games tha kanoun 80+ evro:mad: :mad: ase pou akougete oti den tha ginete na poulas kai na agorazeis metaxirismena games:mad: alli pap@ria! kai ase pou to blu-ray den spaei me tipota!! to exoun valei drm kai den iparxei periptwsi na spasei mesa sta prwta 2-3 xronia tis kikloforias tou:mad: kai kata ti gnomi mou tha einai mia apotiximeni pateda pou prospathei i sony na to epivalei stous katanalotes opos polles alles pou eixan poli asximi kataliksi (vlepe minidisc) gia mena i oikonomiki kai poiotiki lisi afti ti stigmi einai to wii!anakoinwsan oti tha kanei katw apo 210 evro! kai to 360 akougete arketa oikonomiko apo ti stigmi pou ton septemvrio provlepete price drop tis taksis twn 100 evro (diladi to premium na paei sta 300 evra) egw padws exw sxedon aporipsei to ps3 logw tis politikis tis sony kathws thewrei tous pelates provata!aisxos!:mad:
  8. kala to 6280 pote tha to valoune stis ipostirizomenes?teloi tou mina ipan kai simera teliwnei o minas!
  9. pro evolution 6 kikloforei: 20 oktomvri 2006 http://www.pes2007.com/360/1.jpg http://www.pes2007.com/360/2.jpg exei anakoinwthei gia : 360,ps2,xbox,ds,psp,pc kamia anakoinwsi gia ps3:X :blink: mou fenete parakseno pou den tha vgei sto ps3 padws....
  10. pistevw oti exei apominei mono to onoma playstation kai tipota allo. 1)tipota tromera kalitero apo 360!legan gia tromeres diafores kai den eidame tipota 2)ta blue-ray tha adigrafodai alla skefteste to kostos?:worry: ena keno blue ray tha kostizei kamia 15aria evro+200 evro to tsipaki otan vgei!(se 1.5-2 xronia meta tin kikloforia kathws to blue-ray diskola tha spaei)+1500 evrw to adigrafiko (toso tha kostizei apo tin stigmi pou to aplo kostizei girw sta 1000)+tha prepei na perimeneis kana mina na katevei to game apo to net(min ksexnas oti tha einai 25giga kai me 384 thes aneta 3 vdomades to game)opote adigrafes stin arxi toulaxiston (prwta 3 xronia ksexaste to) 3)den exw dei kati to ediposiako teleio ektos apo ena game!kai den dinw 600 evro gia ena game;) btw.:ninja: :ninja: des ligo ta site tipou gamespot kai meta pes mou an iparxei poikilia ps den iparxei sxedon kamia diafora anamesa sta grafika tou ps3 kai tou 360(min pw oti tou 360 einai kalitera)deite ta kainourgia video apo tin e3! ps.2 to ftino paketo DEN tha kikloforisei stin evropi!opote etoimaste 600+ evro! ps.3 merikoi lene oti i sony hellas edwse timi gia to ps3 640 evro pragma katholou apithano kathws ola ta eidi tis sony (vlepe psp) einai pada ligo pio tsimpimena stin ellada para se oli tin alli evropi! egw ekana tous silogismous mou (:X ) kai mallon tha akolouthisw tin taktiki 360+wii ( = to kostos enos ps3)
  11. oxi! toulaxiston sto diko mou igro(novasoft aqua) oi odigies lene oti mporeis na exeis tous fakous mexri kai 1 mina sto idio igro. gia sigouria diavase tis odigies tou igrou sou
  12. afto vgike mono gia liges wres to savato kai molis katalavan tin patata tous to katevasan!den to thewrw da kai toso tromero!posa tetoia lathi exoume dei na ginodai.....
  13. telika i prosfora isxiei gia 512 kai oxi gia 1024!( http://www.forthnet.gr/templates/corporateProductsDetails2.aspx?c=10008544 )mia xara einai! me 9 evra to mina perneis 512!poli kala!:p
  14. re paidia to paratraviksan me tin timi(tou ps3) me ta xrimata pou dineis gia ena ps3 perneis ena 360 kai ena wii! prosopika mexri stigmis den exw ediposiastei apo afta pou exoun diksei gia to ps ektos apo 1-2 paixnidia!den kanei kati to ediposiaka kalitero apo to 360!i diafora tous einai elaxisti kai den einai toso megali oso elegan! egw padws eimai se dilima poia next-gen konsola na parw!
  15. psaxnw ena tragoudi pou exei tous parakatw stixous sto refren tou: baby,baby why i have to fall in love with you...... pleasee titlo kai kalitexni!to tragoudi einai gnosto!
  16. afti itan pou xoreve me ena kokino foustani kai xorevan mazi tis kapoioi me paradosiakes stoles????egw aftin exw dei se tetoia video!tromeri!!:lol: den xerw an milame gia tin idia padws afti pou sou lew einai pragmatika thea!:rolleyes:
  17. kapou diavasa oti mallon tha sinexistei to poli mexri ta xristougena.alithevei?
  18. afto pou tha diksei tin deftera einai to protelefteo gia fetos????
  19. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    as allaksei to titlos tou topic!!
  21. tin eidate tin mastourogria pou einai etoimi na klapsei??
  22. AISXOS NA MIN MAS DWSOUN 12 OI ALVANOI??????AISXOS!!! filandoi oi nikites!mpravo!
  23. kai ta sxolia tou (tou kapoutzidi) einai teliws astoxa kai asxeta!!
  24. thelw na dw ti tha leei avrio to star!:p:p:p:p :lol
  25. ta 3 pirame apo tin lithouaniaa!!kai oxi mono!:p
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