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Everything posted by mikel

  1. paidia kalimera iparxei tropos na doume video sto ipod me ipotitlous?
  2. vgikan emesws plin safws times (gia ellada) gia to kainourgio ipod nano! http://www.apple.com.gr/apple/hardware/ipodnano.html ipod shuffle:79 ευρώ (+ΦΠΑ), ipod nano:apo 150+fpa ipod 5.5gen 30 giga: 279 ευρώ (προ ΦΠΑ),
  3. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    lol apo pou to simpereneis afto?
  4. efxaristoume gia tin adapokrisi Muck Smith :P odws to mini tha menei ws to best of the best ipod!
  5. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    xmm isws epeidi stin evrwpi exoume perissoterous forous? kserw einai dikaiologies gtp alla etsi ginete se oles tis konsoles kai to software. emeis stin evroph to plironoume poli akrivotera kai sinexws mas exoune gramenous(trani ekseresh h microsoft kai h nintendo) eftixws omws to wii tha einai region free....
  6. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    koita sigoura poloi to perimename sta 200 alla den einai kai tragiki h katastash. mexri ton iounio padws tha exei pesei.alitheia posa evrw tin perimenes?(h mallon me posa evrw tha tin agorazes?)
  7. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    December 8th 2006. EUR 249 / GBP 179 Bundles is white console, one Wii remote, one Nunchuck, Wii Sports. Between 49 and 59 Euros for software. 34 for 39 pounds. ligo tsimpimenes oi times gia to soft alla ola ta alla anamenomena! mas eksigithike padws dikaia kai oxi san tin p$Ony pou mas egrapse teliws! tespa to thema einai oti 8 dekemvriou tha to exoume!super!
  8. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    lol ta 250 evrw einai sigoura,to provlima einai min mas xrewsoun parapanw. skepsou to ds kanei stin ameriki kanei 130$ kai edw 150! opote perimene simera toulaxisston 250. afta... akoma na arxisei!eleos
  9. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    nai alla mas ta exoun prik$ei mexri na arxisei:lol: itan na arxisei stis 2 kai akoma perimenoume na gemisei! ti na pw... na mas anakoinwsoun toulaxiston kati kalo.... min mas poun 2007 opws h sony:mad: :mad: .......... tespa se liga lepta tha kseroume..........
  10. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    nai gia tin amerikh gia tin evrwpi deste to link pou edwsa parapanw.
  11. thanx dakria agorazw apo to farmakio? episis kanei fisiologikos oros???
  12. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    paidia AFTA POU EGRAPSE O FILOS PARAPANW DEN EINAI EPISIMA aftin tin stigmi ginete to event sto londino an thelte deste edw http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=67637 exei live report
  13. paidia otan foraw tous fakous gia polles wres kokinizoun poli ta matia mou(kai vlepw metria).na tous vgazw tote??? forw fakous edw kai kanena 7amino den eimai kai poli noubas:P
  14. pragmatika G A M A T O!pragmatika tromeres dinatotites kai simpathitiko design! As expected, Microsoft is busting out the Zune today, and we've got the rundown. Not a lot of surprises in the specs department, but they've confirmed the basics we've known for a while, like WiFi, 30GB of HDD, built-in FM, a 3-inch screen and the basic music, pictures and video playback. They also finally let slip the screen res -- an unsurprising QVGA[AFTO SIMENEI APISTEFTI POIOTITA] -- and some better news on the codec front: the Zune supports h.264, MP3, AAC and WMA. As for ballyhoo, wireless Zune-to-Zune sharing is where the real action is at, and it works pretty much like we've been hearing: you can share a full-length track with a friend, and they've got three times to listen to it over a three day period, after which they can flag the song for purchase on the Zune Marketplace -- unless they're an unlimited "Zune Pass" subscriber, of course. You can also share playlists and pictures with your buddies, along with what we suppose are "unprotected" homemade recordings. So far Microsoft isn't mentioning Live Anywhere functionality, but they do hint heavily at future software updates to take even better advantage of the wireless capabilities. Of course, it all really comes down to matching your Zune with that snazzy new fall wardrobe of yours, and to that end the Zune comes in black, brown and white. Sadly, Microsoft still won't spill the beans on pricing and availability, so we'll keep an eye out for that just like always. Keep reading for all relevant pr0n. eidika i dinatotita na dineis ta tragoudia stous filou sou wireless einai toulaxiston tromerh!
  15. mikel

    Nintendo Wii

    tha mathoume avrio to messimeri pou exei h nintendo europe event sto londino....
  16. Microsoft reportedly to unveil Zune player tomorrow Zune to debut at press event tomorrow Microsoft's Zune player. Microsoft is set to take the wraps off the worst-kept secret in the digital music business tomorrow. The company is to unveil its Zune player at a press-only event in Seattle, just two days after Apple rolled out iPod upgrades and the addition of movies to iTunes. The Microsoft event, first unearthed in a Seattle Weekly profile of the Seattle software giant's digital music efforts, will likely provide few details that haven't already either been confirmed by Microsoft or written about extensively by tech and gadget sites. As previously reported, the device, manufactured by MP3 player maker Toshiba, will feature a 30GB hard drive, three-inch LCD, an FM tuner, and wireless capability. The Zune will also have social networking features that will allow users to stream content to one another, so that one Zune user could act as a wireless DJ of sorts for another Zune user nearby. That feature, as well as Microsoft's plan to pre-load the Zune with audio and video content from the likes of Hot Chip, CSS, Serena Maneesh, and 30 Seconds to Mars, will be the key to Zune's success, according to J Allard, the man behind Microsoft's Xbox video game console and, most recently, the director of the company's digital music efforts. In the Seattle Weekly profile, Allard calls Apple's iPod "the Pong of digital music," referring to the elemental video game from the '70s pistevw oti tha afisei xiliometra pisw tin apple an sindiasei ola afta me kali timi.... http://image.com.com/mp3/images/genie_images/story/2006/z/zune02_story.jpg
  17. egw pistevw oti diskola tha afisei h apple tin microsoft me to zune na pezei monh ths.... kai eidika tin periodo diakopwn pou apomonh ths einai to 40% twn sinolikwn polisewn....
  18. +1 prosopika meta apo orimi skepsi tha perimenw na dw ta modela tis microsoft(zune) na dw times kai reviews kai meta na agorasw kati.thewrw ipervolikh kai epipolea tin agora neou ipod apo tin stigmi pou kaliptomai me to nano mou.... prosopika perimena poli perissotera gia simera......
  19. diathesima kai sto elliniko itunes ta games gia to ipod edit:stereo me prolaves
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