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Everything posted by ReaLity

  1. H periergia skotose ti gata ....krima re boy ! to eixes pei kiolas..... ti malatsia pextike twra...krima. Nai swsta sou eipe pigene to se opoiodipote nokia shop k pestou mou kolise . backup elpiso na eixes kanei!!!! De dokimazis pantos alli mia mpas k to kanei overwrite???? Kali tixi .....
  2. v 11.0.034 an auti einai i last ekdosi tote ego tin eixa....krima mpas k ekane kamia sovari allagi! tespa good luck stous allous glitosa k ton kopo tou backup!!!
  3. 1--> MENU-ACCOUNT-NEW [account set-up screen] 2--> Under "Account Name" (e.g. Gmail) 3--> "Display Name" (oti8es) 4--> "Mail Server Type" make sure "POP3" 5--> "Incoming Mail Server" is "pop.gmail.com" and 6--> "Outgoing Mail Server" is "smtp.gmail.com" 7--> Sto user name vale full Gmail address [i.e. username@gmail.com] 8--> to password sou !!! Kapou edo an 8es epilegis k to "Get Entire Message" !!! 9--> "Advanced Settings" 10--> "Secure Pop Login" KENO 11--> "SMTP Authentication" tsekare to 12--> SMTP username and password KENO 13--> "POP3 Port" put "995" and 14--> "SMTP Port" put "587" 15--> "Use SSL for POP3" and "Use SSL for SMTP" ta tsekaris k ta 2. DONE nomiso se kalipsa 0ver & out
  4. epitelous! omos to testare kanis ??? pao gia full backup k vlepoume! gia to N93 leo! thx gia ta info episis boys!
  5. k3yg3n antika8istas to 3 = ' e ' gia na sto kano pio liana :) ! good luck [EDIT] --> [uPDATE] Lonely Cat Games ProfiMail 2.60 SymbianOS9.1 spasmeno CuLTPdA Apo ta gnwsta 'emporika' magazia!!! ProfiMail is a powerful e-mail client for mobile devices. It allows you to read your mail on go, and send text with attachments directly from your device. Send photos, recorded sound or simply text messages to friends, from anywhere. Through your mobile Internet connection. Simple. http://www.lonelycatgames.com/picture/profimail/shot07.png http://www.lonelycatgames.com/picture/profimail/shot03.png http://www.lonelycatgames.com/picture/profimail/shot04.png Features: * Automatic synchronization of messages with mail server * IMAP folders * Attachments - view, save, send * HTML messages with images and hyperlinks * Built-in File Explorer * Address book * Signatures * Support for POP3 / IMAP / SMTP mail servers * Writing mails using T9 dictionary * Multiple email accounts * Rules and filters allowing selective message download * Opens and browses ZIP archives * Support for various character encoding - Western, Cyrillic, Central European, and more * Build-in image viewer - JPG, PNG and other popular formats * Text viewer for standard text, HTML and Word documents * Optimized for GPRS - get headers first, then download message bodies which you really want to see * Scheduled message download * Sound notifications Supported devices: S60 3rd edition: Nokia E60, E61, E70, N71, N80, N91, N92, 5500 Ego to dokimasa k sto N93 mou me ena gmail account k doulepse mia xara! Kai apo oti diavasa k sto n73 douleuei mia xara!
  6. Einai diafores oi efarmoges pou epitrepoun restart 8imame paliotera oi efarmoges gia zip eixane k option gia reset to kinitou !!! Den tis exo psaksi gia na 3ero pies apo tis new to epitrepoun alla 8a koitakso aurio me pio iremia k 8a sou po! Isos to handy zip na to kani! To mono xrisimo sto restart pou exo vri einai pos den sou zitaei PIN pali! Nite
  7. Diavasa pos gia to N93 exi vgi neo F/W sta italika! agnosto an ontos isxuei pantos to official site den exi vgali kapia anakoinosi akoma!
  8. Swsta! alla se merika themes pou xrisimopoio i exw dokimasi exo vri tin e3is diskolia: Otan einai na ksanavalo to pass distixos einai toso skoura wste na min mporis na eisai sigouros gia to ti grafis. Tin exo patisi 2 fores me to best safe k de leei ka8olou .... ---------------------- Gia esena resident apla sou protino na use to Alon Software MP3 Dictaphone v1.12 pou exo grapsi ligo pio pano!! kani ti doulia pou 8elis k leitourgi me to kinito sou! Ontos den eprepe na peis pos douleueis sti nokia!!! *justkiddingVEVEA!!!*
  9. [Just Found] Alon Software MP3 Dictaphone v1.12 http://www.alonsoftware.com/images/recorder_nokia/record.gif 'ALON MP3 Dictaphone ALON MP3 Dictaphone for S60 is the first high-quality MP3 dictaphone which also supports AMR and WAV audio formats for recording, phone calls recorder and MP3, OGG, AAC/MP4/M4A, AMR, WAV audio player with built-in 3-Band Parametric Equalizer , hot buttons and M3U playlists. You may easily turn your smartphone into advanced digital dictaphone and start to record lectures, conversations, interviews and phone calls. On the other hand you need not to spend money to music player - with ALON MP3 Dictaphone you can listen to your favourite music in MP3, OGG, AAC/MP4/M4A, AMR and WAV - the most popular audio formats. ' ' NEW! # Improved user interface # Supports AAC/MP4 format # Record phone calls # Record in AMR format # Player supports AMR format ' INFO --> http://www.alonsoftware.com/ Gia twra 3erw pws douleuei sta : N80 N93 8a to kanw edit molis ma8o k gia alla, sto episimo site leei pos douleuei fine gia ola ta Nokia S60 v.3.11! Kai kati akoma to vrika ragismeno ;)
  10. Koita de to exo dokimasi ka8olou to divx gia na sigrino diafores! Apla to smartmovie 8ewreitai pio pro! apo ta alla isos ontos to divx na kani akrivos ta idia pio katallilos na sou apantisi 8a einai kapios pou ta dokimase both. 8a to kateuaso k ego se ligo k 8a sou po tin apopsi mou. [EDIT] djdias gia to FSC den to exo try sto N73 alla apo oso lene pezi mia xara. dokimase gia email to 1@2.3 einai to pio standard pou pezi. allios ti na sou po isos exi kapio problem me to firmware sou se sxesi me twn allwn. EPISIS 3erw pws exei vgi nea ekdosi tou ragismenou me neo k3yg3n pou 8a mporouse auto na einai problem! opote an einai send me PM to imei sou na dokimaso k me ta 2 kai na sou apantiso!
  11. Nai opos les auto einai trial ekdosi! den exei vgi ragismeno akoma apo oso gnwrizw, den einai neo appz auto pantos!! funny pantos!
  12. Sto xxxxxxxxxxx ragisan to SmartMovie v.3.25 kai doulepse mia xara me to N93 mou. Episis douleuei sta : E60 E61 N73 N80 N91 Auta pros to paron. To mono pou den exo vri akoma einai gia unlock to converter gia to pc. [EDIT] Akyro to vrika apo allo site to PC Converter kai eukola to 3eklidosa apo to pc vazontas to code pou mou edose to mobile menu gia to antistoixo converter!!! An kapios de to exei as PM na tou doso to path....cya!
  13. Sta gnwsta magazakia 8a ta vris xxxxxxxxxxx kai xxxxxxxxxxx an de ta kataferis send PM .... se genikes grammes einai psiloxalia to FSC se auti ti fasi [prosopiki apopsi] se sxesi me auto pou eixame palia epoxes 7650 !!! PS : sorry gia to diplo post de to sini8izo apla i8ela na 3exwriso tis 2 sizitisis :) !
  14. Proxtes diavasa se ena site pos vgike 8GB karta :) ! h nokia otan evgale tin pliroforia pos mpori to N93 na pari ews k 2GB distixos den ipirxe megaliteris xwritikotitas tote! Alla to mono pou mporoume na poume me akrivia einai pos h 2GB {120x} einai apsogi gia to kinitaki mas ! Apo ekei k pera mono an kapios kataferi k piasi sta xeria tou mia 4ara i trelo/palavo! an evriske mia 8ara 8a 3erame ti akrivos pezi. Prosopika nomiso pos i 4ara 8a leitourgi!!! !!!ASXETO!!! o germanos den evgale mia prosfora {mallon kalitera REFUND} i kapia antistixi etairia oti mporis na agorasis oti 8es k gia 14 meres mporis na to exis se aristi katastasi k na to epistrepsis!!! Vevea tora pou ta grafo ola auta siniditopio pos prepi kai na tin xrisimopoiisoume ..... ara akyro! Kala 8a itan pantos :)
  15. mporis episis k me to crypto na kataferis paromia apotelesmata eite me eikones eite me opiadipote arxeia! kai logika me auto to appz kani tin oli diadikasia poly pio eukola.
  16. Diskoli epilogi 8a tin elega ego!!! An k den exo dokimasi k ego tou N91 ta akoustika o skliros tou kai mono einai poly brosta! Apo efarmoges den 8a vris kamia allagi.... alla apo video to N93 a3izi poly. eidika an ena kalotravigmeno video to perasis k sto pc sou 8a pa8is plaka! good luck
  17. Ego to ekana idi. Oi diafores einai elaxistes kai ta duo megala [terastia mallon] einai, to 8ema gia emena itan ka8ara e3wteriko :) ! ! ! kai logo fakou carl zeiss! Mporis kalista na paris to N73. Genikotera milontas oi N7x seires fenete na einai oi kalyteres lambanontas ipopsi sxesh apodoseon k timis. Donisi giati na min eixe??? Exei!
  18. Sta gnwsta magazakia vrika to AutoPilot ragismeno ! Sto N93 de mou doulepse akrivos o tropos installation opote akoma mi dokimasmeno pliros den eimai 100% oti douleuei swsta! Sto N73 lene pos einai OK ! episis k sto N80. To Autopilot einai kati san to ACM [advance call manager] me liga logia na blockaris diafora noumera. Over & out PS: Episis allos enas file explorer Tasky v1.3 for S60 3rd ed. Yet another task manager for Symbian OS. Target audience are testers and software developers. Tool allows to monitor memory usage and perform thread/process management tasks. info: Iphone PS2: Sorry gia tin tropopoiisi to eixa 3exasi :)
  19. gia WIFI diktio ektos apo ekei mporis eukola na pas se opoiodipote flocafe i kai starbucks [to deutero den 3ero an einai for free!!] ego to dokimasa sto N93 mou me to pou to pira sto diktio enos filou! Apsogo !!!
  20. Giia xara kai apo emena! mpeno kai ego sti dikia sas ZONE! poulisa molis to N80 mou kai etoimazomai na parageilo to N93. kapou sta prwta post diavasa pos den exei USB kalwdio isxuei??? Genika ti kaloudia exei mesa sto kouti? ante na doume!
  21. [UPDATE] HandySafe v5.04 OS9.1 Full sto iphone douleuei sigoura se: N80 - E61 - 3250 lei pos einai compatible me : Nokia 3250, 5500, N71, N73, N80, N91, N92, N93, E50, E60, E61, E62, E70.
  22. [NEW] 4Elements http://shop.my-symbian.com/include/pictures/296804/screen_1b.jpg http://www.handango.com/include/pictures/296804/screen_3b.jpg Finally, mankind civilization made Earth out of any mineral resources. Scientists discovered a new energy form based on reaction of four new elements: Sidium, Denium, Ferium and Gerium. A planet found in deep space was the only place where all the elements could be separated from mined minerals. To produce the Energy all the elements must be in same proportion, but each of four nations had a better technology of separating only one element. The planet became a battlefield for Energy. The Four Elements War... You will play for one of four nations landed on a planet in deep space. You will develop your base, build ground and flying units, harvest minerals, trade with other nations, produce energy and ... fight, fight and fight against every one! http://my-symbian.com/s60v3/software/applications.php?fldAuto=112&faq=1
  23. an to rwtas gia to navigator na vgi san shortcut den pezi file mou! gia alla den to exo dokimasi. To appman den to exw dei pou8ena ...rikse k mia matia sto handango. [EDIT] ego mono auto vrisko http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?siteId=1&jid=E2923A5AEB1C6D5F5BEB74778F3F94BD&platformId=4&N=7&Ntt=appman&productId=50841&R=50841 BTW de vrisko logo na kanis to idio post se 2 diaforetika topics. No offense over & out
  24. ego 8a tin epe3ergazomouna sto PC mou me Photoshop i kana SnagIt. Pio eukoloxristo kai sigouro apotelesma.
  25. [NEW] Scenetone for S60 3rd edition, v1.5.1 Scenetone is a "demoscene" player that can play various module formats such as Soundtracker, Protracker, XM, S3M, etc. and also SID tunes. It also has ability to generate .WAV file from a song (to be used as a ringtone).It is licensed under GPL. The current version is still an beta version so it may have some problems and the OpenGL ES 3D visualizer is not optimized yet. http://my-symbian.com/s60v3/software/applications.php?fldAuto=111&faq=14 De to exo dokimasi akoma sto N80 gia na do compatibility to apogeuma. Den to vlepo na einai kai poly xrisimi efarmogi alla pote de 3eris pios k giati to xriazete. ReaLity Over & Out
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