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Everything posted by protogeo
se poion anaferesai kai gia poio video me Z milas ??:wacko:
mhpos kserete pos legetai to kommati apo to "the punisher" (thn melodia ennow:p) kai to tragoudi apo to spotaki ths sprite?
eutyxws na les...:!: :lol:
oxi re gmt mas katalave antwnh... :lol::lol:
Dikio o antwnhhs.. mhn les polla mhn ginei kamia stravh pali:p
pare filaraki:cool: http://www.keihin.gr/intex2.html
ama exeis ta euros parto opos eisai;) mia xara einai h timh..:cool:
:p tespa.. ego den exo kanena provlhma me ta Dinamik megkes kai to gnwrizete auto;)
Mhpos kserete pos legetai to tragoudi pou paizei sthn diafimhsh ths sprite?
paidia mhpos kserete to tragoudi to opoio akougetai sthn diafimhsh ths Sprite??
mhn leme oti theloume...:!: opos poly swsta eipe to filaraki pio pano oute demo den exei vgei gia pc akoma kai esy katevazeis oloklhro to game???? ELEOS.. ektos kai an exeis prosvash sth ea games! :lol::lol:
gia pes kai to source.. gia emas pou den kseroume..
auta einai apo ton gorgoli... to site ths modenas koita;):p (http://www.modenas.com.my)
ok oti peite.. MASTERS:!:
kai omos;)
me ta idia xarakthristhka na evgaine to Z.. : 124cc 17.5hp.. kai to Dinamik opos einai shmera 118cc 16.8hp eimai 100% sigouros oti gia na pareis to dinamik oute pou tha to syzhtouses:lol:
paidia emena kerkyra tpt akoma... se mia filh omos pou egine o 2plasiasmos eno to router ths leei 2048/256 katevazei me 100kb/s... eno ego me 106+kb/s mallon den tha egine anavathmhsh apo otenet.. sosta?
ara anagkastika to phrate! :lol:
afou ftiaxnesai me ta Z mallon eprepe na pareis Z:whistle:
kseroume akrivh hmeromhnia?
ennoeitai;):shifty: :cool:
As thaumasoume oloi to Dinamik tou poly kalou mas filou "antonis21";) http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3807/dsc02651mx5.jpg http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/3170/dsc02648yl4.jpg http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/2320/dsc02654sb1.jpg http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6042/dsc02655vv6.jpg http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/5008/dsc02656gg6.jpg
poly amfivalo an einai ontos to nfs carbon to demo oute mia sto ekatomhrio giati poly apla oute h ea games to exei sto site ths oute kai ena apo ta pio oloklhromena site gia nfs.. symfona me ekeino to demo tha vgei telos tou mhna.. opote........
sto ekane h konami gia thn parth sou to pro 10??:lol: giati ego exo meinei sto 5 anamenwntas to 6:D :cool:
gia pes mas kai mas pou to eides:!:... giati ego psaxno toses meres kai den to exo vrei....:mad: ontos agnwristo... me autes tis m@l@kies pou ekane pos na to anagnwriseis? pantos mpravo tou xeirotero den tha mporouse na to kanei.... :lol: Teleia douleia ekanan sthn ea games.. ego sthn arxh nomiza pos tha vgaloun akoma ena nfsmw (prin do ena allo videaki me oraio ftiaksimo se mia Lamborghini kai oxi to eleeino ftiaksimo tou impreza) alla eutyxws den to ekanan;) twra perimeno pws kai pws na erthei o noemvrhs.. mexri tote tha voleutoume me to demo pou vgainei sto telos tou mhna..:happy: