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Περιοχές Συζητήσεων
Everything posted by sharkcra
Ανακοινώθηκε επίσημα και το S710............. As the earlier announced S700, the S710a has a stylish and unique three way communication style with swivel-design. This offers users the best operation mode depending on the task, whether it is taking photos, browse and talk, or text and e-mail. The S710a features an integrated 1.3 megapixel CCD digital camera for taking high quality photos and a scratch-proof 2.3 inch 262K TFT colour screen to display quality images and games. To further enhance the imaging experience, the S710a comes with a Photo Light to enable snapshots in dark environments and 8x digital zoom so shots can be taken from a distance. As a QuickShare product, the S710a is extremely easy to use; opening up the active lens cover automatically starts the camera. Pictures or video can be shot with just one click, and then just one or two more clicks to send the images on to friends, colleagues or family. Περισσότερα στο : h**p://developer.sonyericsson.com/site/global/home/p_home.jsp?link_General=main-home
Παιδιά σας ζηλεύω!!!!! :cry: :worry: Πάντως θα περάσει ακόμα καιρός μεχρι να αποκτήσω κα 'γω ένα Κ700ι.... Bρήκα ένα WAP site με καλούδια για Κ700i (.......μάλλον ήδη γνωρίζετε οτι τα παιχνίδια των Νοκια series 60 παίζουν και στο Κ700i....) Το site είναι : h**p://myk700.mywap.o2.co.uk/
Nokia Series 40, Games, Applications, Wallpapers
sharkcra replied to KostasV's topic in Nokia Series 40
Παίδες... δεν ξερω αν το link που θα σας δώσω έχει προαναφερθεί αλλά anyway,....πάρτε το : Κάντε κλίκ ΕΔΩ Έχει περίπου 240 παιχνίδια για Νόκια series 40!!! Επίσης κατεβάστε το Nokia Games Installer κα το MobiMB - excelent phone editor (better than Nokia PC Suite) -
Ίσως να φταίει η Forthnet..... αλλά μπα δεν νομίζω... Έγω μέχρι τώρα δεν είχα ποτέ συνδρομή σύνδεσης για Internet και πάντα χρησιμοποιούσα ACN NetCarta και τώρα τελευταία, κάρτα ενός μήνος σύνδεσης της URnet.gr η οποία χρησιμοποιεί τον ΕΠΑΚ της Hellas OnLine. Και στις δυο περιπτώσεις λαμβάνω κανονικά τα mail μου απο τον mail server της MyCosmos αλλά και άλλους POP3 accounts, στο κινητό μου. Πάντως και όταν είχα στείλει το αρχικό μου μύνημα με τις ρυθμίσεις, κανένας δεν επιβεβαίωσε οτι δούλεψαν, παρ'οτι σε εμένα δουλέυουν εδώ και 4 μηνες που χρησιμοποιώ το Τ610 για emails. Πάρε τηλέφωνο στην Forthnet και ρώτα τους τα IP addresses των Incoming και Outgoing servers για το email, για να ξέρουμε οτι είναι οι σωστοί με αυτούς που σου έδωσα. Και επίσης θέλω να που πεις όλα τα μυνηματα που γράφει η οθόνη του κινητού σου με τη σειρά από τη στιγμή που θα πατήσεις στο κινητό ''Μυνηματα --> E-mail --> Αποστολ. και Ληψη'' για να μπορέσω να σε βοηθήσω.
Είσαι πολύ σωστός YannisK!! Συμφωνώ και επαυξάνω. Τώρα όσον αφορά τους e-mail servers της Forthnet αυτοί είναι : EPAK -> 89625 88888 Incoming mail server -> (((για popper.forthnet.gr))) Outgoing mail server -> (((για mailgate.forthnet.gr))) Άφησε τα default ports. Αν τα παραπάνω δεν δουλέψουν τότε πήγαινε στη σελίδα http://www.leader.ru/secure/who.html και κάνε copy and paste, τους email servers(Έναν κάθε φορά) που έχεις στον υπολογιστή σου (outlook ή αλλον email client) στο κουτάκι ''WHOIS'' της παραπάνω σελιδας και πάτα ENTER. Έτσι θα δεις το IP του server που χρειάζεσαι. Ελπίζω να βοήθησα... Greetings...
8a prepei na sigoureyteis gia tis parakatw rythmiseis : Connectivity ->>Data comm. ->>Data accounts ->>NetOnline ->>EDIT ->>Phone number = 8962499999 (gia NetOnline) ->>OK ->> User Id = to username sou (akrivos opos einai . case sensitive.) ->> OK ->> Password = to pass (akrivos opos einai . case sensitive.) ->> OK ->> Password Request ->> OFF . DAta Rate!!!!!! = 9.6kbits/s!!! ( Mallon ayto einai to provlima sthn periptosi soy) ->> OK ->> Dial Type!!! = Analogue!!!! ->>OK ->> DNS = keno Tora pata to RETURN key mexri na vgeis sto kentriko menu. Apo ekei go to Messaging ->> Email->> Options ->> Edit Account ->> NetOnLine ->> Connect Using = select Netonline ->> OK Protocol = POP3 ->> OK Incoming server = ( αντί για pop3.netonline.gr) incoming port = 110 Outgoing server = ( αντί για mail.netonline.gr ) outging Port = 25 Mailbox = to username tou mail to opoio profanos einai to idio me ayto ths syndeshs π.χ augerinos_gr. Password = to swsto pass Email address = to mail sou π.χ. augerinos_gr@netonline.gr Download = Headers and text From name = to onoma poy 8eleis na emfanizetai sta mail pou stelneis π.χ. augerinos Signature = No Signature Kai telos MHN KSEXASEIS na pathseis 'SAVE' 8ewritika me aytes tis ry8miseis apokleietai na mhn doylepsei, alla prepei na tis akoloythhseis kata grama!!! An pali exeis provlima Just PM me!!
Prospathousa edo kai poly kairo na energopoihso to e-mail tou mycosmos apo to kinito mou (T610) kai katalava ta parakato: 1. Einai ADYNATON na syndetheis meso WAP eite WAP over GPRS kai na laveis emails. (Server not Found). Den eimai sigouros alla theoritika, o monos tropos einai na exeis pragmatiko GPRS me miniaio pagio (29,34 euro horis Φ.Π.Α) (xrisimopoiontas vevaia account me diaforetiko APN (internet). Enas kalos tropos gia na laveis ta mail einai na mpeis sto site ths COSMOTE meso wap kai na dialekseis apo tis epiloges to e-mail. 2. An pali nte kai kala thelete na diavazete ta mail apo ta menu tou T610 (Messaging -> Email) EINAI DYNATON meso mias opoiasdhpote ISP syndeshs (Etsi ki allios to wap ths COSMOTE kai h klhsh se opoiondhpote ISP meso ΕΠΑΚ apo to kinito sas, exoun akrivos thn idia hreosh. βλ. http://www.cosmote.gr/el/content.asp?style=styles&ns=-10001&cid=16205) Pisteyo oti oloi sas exete ena ISP account gia syndesh sto Internet me to PC sas :p . etsi sas para8eto tis parakato Settings : A. gyriste thn glossa tou menu sta agglika (Sorry alla den xrhsimopoio ta ellinika menu) B. Apo ta menu goto : Connectivity ->>Data comm. ->>Data accounts ->>New Account, epilogi _GSM data_ dialekse Name: π.χ. ΗΟL ή ΟτeΝet κλπ. kai pathste OK sthhn epomenh pathste EDIT Phone no : 89625xxxxx (arithmos EPAK tou ISP) ->> OK User ID : to username tou ISP ->> OK Password : to password tou ISP kai telos pathste SAVE. Etsi 8a exete ena kainourio Data account. C. epilekste to account pou molis dimiourghsate kai pathste SELECT kai meta EDIT. Me to joystick dialekse PASWORD REQEST sto OFF, DATA RATE = 9.6 kbits/s (Prosoxh!!! ean dialeksete 14.4, 19.2 ,28.8 den 8a doulepsei!!!!!) DIAL TYPE = ISDN (Ean h syndesi sas DEN yposthrizei pano apo 56 kb/s dialekse ANALOGUE DNS ADDRESS = afiste to keno kai telos pathste to plhktro ths epistrofhs mexri na vgeite sto kentriko menu. D. Apo to kenriko menu go to Messaging ->> Email->> Option ->> Edit Account ->> New Account .onomaste to account me kati ths epiloghs sas π.χ. Mycosmos. kai OK Connect Using = dialekse to account tou ISP poy dimioyrghses prin. Protocol = POP3 (gia mycosmos, cosmote, HOL, κλπ. ) ή ΙΜΑP Incoming Server = (gia mycosmos) ή τον mail server tou email sas Incoming Port = 110 Mailbox = to username gia to email account Password = to password gia to email account Outgoing Server = (gia mycosmos) ή τον mail server tou email sas Outgoing Port = 25 E-mail address = to email sas kai telos pathste SAVE gyriste piso sto menu me ta options kai pathste SET ACCOUNT kai dialekse to email account pou molis dimiourghsate. and...... VOILA!!!!!! Μe ayto ton tropo kai mia syndesh ACN NETCARTA katafera na pairno kai na stelno emails katey8eian sto kinito mou. Fysika ola ayta isxyoun gia POP3 email accounts kai OXI gia HOTMAIL YAHOO κλπ. An kapoios kserei pos na doyme HOTMAIL kai YAHOO apo to kinhto ektos tou mobile.msn.com as mas to pei!!!! Greetings to all T610 Users!!!!
Prospathousa edo kai poly kairo na energopoihso to e-mail tou mycosmos apo to kinito mou (T610) kai katalava ta parakato: 1. Einai ADYNATON na syndetheis meso WAP eite WAP over GPRS kai na laveis emails. (Server not Found). Den eimai sigouros alla theoritika, o monos tropos einai na exeis pragmatiko GPRS me miniaio pagio (29,34 euro horis Φ.Π.Α) (xrisimopoiontas vevaia account me diaforetiko APN (internet). Enas kalos tropos gia na laveis ta mail einai na mpeis sto site ths COSMOTE meso wap kai na dialekseis apo tis epiloges to e-mail. 2. An pali nte kai kala thelete na diavazete ta mail apo ta menu tou T610 (Messaging -> Email) EINAI DYNATON meso mias opoiasdhpote ISP syndeshs (Etsi ki allios to wap ths COSMOTE kai h klhsh se opoiondhpote ISP meso ΕΠΑΚ apo to kinito sas, exoun akrivos thn idia hreosh. βλ. http://www.cosmote.gr/el/content.asp?style=styles&ns=-10001&cid=16205) Pisteyo oti oloi sas exete ena ISP account gia syndesh sto Internet me to PC sas :p . etsi sas para8eto tis parakato Settings : A. gyriste thn glossa tou menu sta agglika (Sorry alla den xrhsimopoio ta ellinika menu) B. Apo ta menu goto : Connectivity ->>Data comm. ->>Data accounts ->>New Account, epilogi _GSM data_ dialekse Name: π.χ. ΗΟL ή ΟτeΝet κλπ. kai pathste OK sthhn epomenh pathste EDIT Phone no : 89625xxxxx (arithmos EPAK tou ISP) ->> OK User ID : to username tou ISP ->> OK Password : to password tou ISP kai telos pathste SAVE. Etsi 8a exete ena kainourio Data account. C. epilekste to account pou molis dimiourghsate kai pathste SELECT kai meta EDIT. Me to joystick dialekse PASWORD REQEST sto OFF, DATA RATE = 9.6 kbits/s (Prosoxh!!! ean dialeksete 14.4, 19.2 ,28.8 den 8a doulepsei!!!!!) DIAL TYPE = ISDN (Ean h syndesi sas DEN yposthrizei pano apo 56 kb/s dialekse ANALOGUE DNS ADDRESS = afiste to keno kai telos pathste to plhktro ths epistrofhs mexri na vgeite sto kentriko menu. D. Apo to kenriko menu go to Messaging ->> Email->> Option ->> Edit Account ->> New Account .onomaste to account me kati ths epiloghs sas π.χ. Mycosmos. kai OK Connect Using = dialekse to account tou ISP poy dimioyrghses prin. Protocol = POP3 (gia mycosmos, cosmote, HOL, κλπ. ) ή ΙΜΑP Incoming Server = (gia mycosmos) ή τον mail server tou email sas Incoming Port = 110 Mailbox = to username gia to email account Password = to password gia to email account Outgoing Server = (gia mycosmos) ή τον mail server tou email sas Outgoing Port = 25 E-mail address = to email sas kai telos pathste SAVE gyriste piso sto menu me ta options kai pathste SET ACCOUNT kai dialekse to email account pou molis dimiourghsate. and...... VOILA!!!!!! Μe ayto ton tropo kai mia syndesh ACN NETCARTA katafera na pairno kai na stelno emails katey8eian sto kinito mou. Fysika ola ayta isxyoun gia POP3 email accounts kai OXI gia HOTMAIL YAHOO κλπ. An kapoios kserei pos na doyme HOTMAIL kai YAHOO apo to T610 ektos tou mobile.msn.com as mas to pei!!!! Greetings to all T610 Users!!!!