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Everything posted by hunk
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) mhpws to mperdeueis me to batman 5?den tha bgei scary movie 4 re..oute 3 oute 2 exei bgei..afou to tagline tou scary movie to elege ksekathara "xwris oikto,xwris ntroph,xwris no.2" :lol:
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) esy ti kinhto exeis?apo siemens gia paradeigma tha douleuei se nokia?den to eixa skeftei gia task apo to hmerologio...keep jacking
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) anamfisvhthta..den diafwnw..apla lew pws otan ginei kati mia h dyo fores me epityxia meta tou allazoun ta fwta...re sy nantia ti tha ginei?apo thread se thread tha phgainoume?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) giati re einai axrhsth?an eisai sthn kafeteria kai perasei o sakhs apo dipla mporeis na bgaleis pic kai na thn steileis me mms stis files sou kai na zhlepsoun...skepsou poso pithano einai...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) ti tha eprepe na eimai me 119 twra mhnymata?den kserw an metraei auto alla ta 100+ mhnymata einai mesw wap... sto telos tha bgaloun kai tainia metal gear solid..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) tha kanoun tainia silent hill?na tan h zhlia psora...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) ela re file...auto htan kinhto..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) to kinhto to exw 5 mhnes peripou...exw steilei 3 h 4 mms kai mono to teleutaio pou esteila phge ston paralhpth tou..parola auta kserw polla atoma me mms kinhto...mou fainontai panakriba...ase pou mporw oti thelw na to steilw ston allo me bt otan brethoume...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) siemens c11 me cosmokarta den thymamai hmeromhnia alla otan to eixa parei yphrxe ayto kai alla 3 kinhta me cosmokarta
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) ok thanks..kati allo molis prin ligo rwthsa sto dvd club ths geitonias kai den exoun thn tainia..gamwto Η μετάφραση του South Park στα ελληνικά είναι "Το πάρκο της τρέλλας". Κι επειδή πολλοί υπάλληλοι στα video club δεν ξέρουν γενικώς τί τους γίνεται, ρώτα με αυτό τον τίτλο μπας και το βρεις.[/b] ok tha rwthsw aurio giati shmera phra tainia..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Σαν ευρωπαϊκό σάιτ που'ναι, πουλά ντιβιντί περιοχής 2. Αλλά έχει και μια κατηγορία απ΄την 1. ok thanks..kati allo molis prin ligo rwthsa sto dvd club ths geitonias kai den exoun thn tainia..gamwto
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) kati allo..ta dvd ti perioxhs einai?oxi oti exw prob alla gia na kseroume..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) Αγορά ντιβιντί απ'το Ελλάντα? α πα πα πα πα! Στο πλέη.κομ τα βρήκα φίλε μου Χανκ, στο πλέη.κομ... ;) nai re sy alla plhrwneis me pistwtikh karta?ante pesto sth mana mou...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) re sy pou ta brhkes ta dvd tou south park?exoun kykloforhsei sthn ellada?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) kai egw mia apo ta idia eimai...alla apo ena apospasma pou eixa dei eixa gamhthei sto gelio...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) gia p800 den kserw pws ginetai alla tha pw gia to s55 kai mporei na ginetai kati paromoio..afou apothikeuseis to sms stis epiloges exei mia pou leei arxeiothethsh(s55 panta).h epilogh auth apothikeuei to sms san kanoniko arxeio sthn flash memory tou kinhtou..apo ekei kai pera to kaneis oti thes..yparxei periptwsh omws na apothikeuetai san arxeio *.sms p.x. kai na mhn anagnwrizetai apo alla kinhta..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) diavasa kai sto metrorama gia mia tainia ths disney an thymamai kala to "ghosts of the abyss" pou kai auto tha xreiazetai 3d gyalia..kai pistepse me an petyxoun eispraktika den tha arghsoun na bgoun kai alles...des ti egine me ta comic...spiderman daredevil hulk batman fantastic four ironman catwoman..an broun kati to ksezoumhzoun...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) ναι με τετοιους συγχρονους κινηματογραφους που εχουμε θα μας δοσουν οχι μονο 3-D γυαλια αλλα και 4-D :lol: tha ta dinoun se osoun mpainoun kai meta tha ta mazeoun sthn eksodo gia na ta dwsoun stous epomenous..den paraksenefthke kaneis pou anaviwsane tis 3d tainies pou htan hit sta 70's?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) molis eixa thn prwth mou empeiria ston hlektriko.enas touristas eixe s55 opote ksekinaw me ena hi..tpt..stelnw how are you..tpt..stelnw why dont you answer..tpt o typos..ante gamhsou..stelnw ena sms gemato fuck you..kai me kanei ban..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) xwris na thelw na se tromaksw alla an kathe fora pou empaines sto wap ekane klhsh sto noumero auto tote xrewnosoun 70 drx to lepto..gia na mpeis sto wap mesw gprs prepei na to anoikseis prwta sto kin sou...apla phgaine rythmiseis>syndesh>gprs kai anoikse to...twra mpaineis tsampa se ola ta wap sites..
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) exasa pasa idea gia sena...gia mena o jason einai apla ena kathysterhmeno mamothrefto me ena mpalta sto xeri... pantws exoun afhsei kai oi 2 istoria...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) paidia bohtheia...edeiksa sthn aderfh mou to wap over gprs ths kote kai nomize oti ta panta sto mycosmos view einai tsampa...mhpws kserete tis xrewseis peripou gia kathe ti gia na kanoume enan apologismo?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) to katevases?kai gw to exw dei...me poion hsoun?to freddy to theo h to mapa to jason?
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) to freddy vs jason exei bgei sthn amerikh apo tis 15/8 kai kykloforei kai sto internet...pantws to imdb den anaferei hmeromia kykloforias tou sthn ellada...kai na thymhsw oti kai to jason x vghke kateytheian se dvd...
Wirelessly posted (siemens s55: SIE-S55/16 UP.Browser/ (GUI) MMP/1.0) auto to post mou mallon phge aparathrhto...na akousw sxolia twra loipon...