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Everything posted by SeCtoR

  1. H vodafone se athina kai 8essaloniki einai kalh? :confused:
  2. Afou einai synenohmenes oi etaireies na mas allazoun ta fwta kai oi times anti na kateboun ayksanontai H TIM exei thn akriboterh eksyphrethsh pelatwn kai meta h Q pou einai xronoxrewsh emeis pali kala eimaste :whistle:
  3. To I-mode egw proswpika sou to xarizw,ma giati ka8este kai asxoleiste me kati pou sta pairnei me th mia kai to live kai to i-mode gia ta mpaza einai,protimw na parw mia syskeyh pou na dexete oles tis etaireies xwris ry8mhseis vodafone kai cosmote aytes einai gia toys porwmenous twn dyo etaireiwn :whistle:
  4. Ma giati exoune kompleks orismenoi me ton OTE apo ti stigmh pou h cosmote sta kartokinhta einai pio fthnh apo TIM kai VODAFONE opote prepei na eiste eyxaristhmenoi me th cosmote oso anafora to timologio eidika sto what's up :whistle:
  5. Ara pisteyw na beltiw8ei kai to sima mesa sto tei giati opoios exei vodafone de xreiazete na er8ei me kinhto sto tei,adika 8a to ferei :p
  6. Sth larissa pote 8a baloun keraia sth perioxh ths neapolhs?to sima einai poly as8enes,eyxomai na beltiw8ei opws kai sto kilkis pou pianei terma se olh th polh :cool:
  7. H aporia mou einai h ekshs an pas sthn Italia se paraliako meros ths notias italias 8a sou bgazei ellhnika diktya???edw 10 xiliometra mpaineis sth boulgaria mesa kai ellhnika diktya tzifos re paidi mou katey8eian mpaineis se periagwgh anti8eta ta boulgarika kai ta skopianika diktya kanoun party sto kinhto mou,pwpw mhpws mas koroideyoun telika?giati h mobimak exei kalytero sima apo TIM :blink: Gia gelia eimaste :lol:
  8. Sto chat kai se oles tis yphresies mycosmos 8a xrewnesai kanonika
  9. Nai sigoura xrewnontai ola ta sms pou stelneis asxeta an ta parei o allos h oxi,oles oi etaireies to exoun ayto Ola ayta yparxoun sto site tis cosmote kai epipleon ektos apo thn aplh periagwgh yparxei kai h plhrhs periagwgh xwris diadikasies nomizw me orismena diktya pou exei kanei synergasies h cosmote kai einai ta ekshs: Austria Connect Belgium Base Denmark Sonofon France Orange France Bouygues Telecom Germany D1 Germany O2 Hungary Vodafone Hungary Pannon GSM Hungary T-Mobile Israel Cellcom Italy TIM Italy Vodafone/Omnitel Italy Wind Montenegro ProMonte Netherlands Orange Norway Telenor Portugal Optimus Portugal TMN Spain Telefonica Spain Vodafone Switzerland Orange Switzerland Sunrise Switzerland Swisscom UK Orange UK O2
  10. Egw mallon SE 8a parw giati ta nokia den einai kai toso empista,8a to kanoun to kollima arga h grhgora :whistle:
  11. H Tim an beltiwsei thn kalypsh 8a einai teleia alla mexri stigmhs de blepw fws sto tounel 8elei akomh poly...... :whistle:
  12. Egw sou synistw Make your plan me vodafone,prosferei kai syndesh sto internet kai mporeis na ftiakseis to diko sou programma me dwrean sms/MMS ka8e mhna,toylaxiston an h8ela egw syndesh 8a epelega vodafone Make your plan!
  13. To 99,9% ths Vodafone-panafon anhkei ston omilo Vodafone pleon,o kokkalis eixe to 13% me thn intracom kai to poulhse ston omilo vodafone ;) Ara h vodafone sta xartia toylaxiston den einai gayrikh :p
  14. Kaleis 1314 patas to 4 mpaineis sto menu allaghs paketoy kai epilegeis whats up,prepei na exeis sto logariasmo sou 7 euro gia na pragmatopoih8ei h diadikasia
  15. Gamato akougetai h cosmote mpainei dynamika ston antagwnismo twn sms :cool:
  16. Swstos gia sms kai klhseis den pairneis SX1 pou einai kai panakribo symbibazesai me to nokia 1100 :p
  17. To oneiro mou einai na dw kapoia mera th TIM na exei kalypsh xwris problhmata gia na paw alliws paramenw sth cosmote :confused:
  18. Edw to 90% twn ellhnwn den kseroun ti 8a pei wap/GPRS kai poies dynatothtes exoun aytes oi yphresies,to mono pou tous endiaferei einai an h tade etaireia meiwse ta sms :whistle:
  19. Sth kalypsh h vodafone antimetwpizei perissotera problhmata apo cosmote,eidika sthn eparxia einai gia ta mpaza to sima ths,an xw8eis mesa se bouna kai lagkadia mono me th cosmote kai ligo TIM bgazeis akrh enw me th vodafone ektos diktyou Sth larisa h neapolh einai xwris keraia kai de lene na baloune menoun me th karamela oti oi katoikoi diamartyrontai,xanoun kosmo me ayth th politikh toys,eytyxws sto kilkis beltiw8hke kai twra exw sima spiti mou :whistle:
  21. Sto palio dromo 8essalonikis kilkis gyrw sto 10ato xiliometro einai nekrh,exei trypes pou ksexase na kleisei,egw ta teleytaia xronia eida megalh beltiwsh sth kalypsh apo th vodafone kai oxi toso apo thn TIM,megala problhmata sth kalypsh exei sthn Hpeiro,sto xarth tis TIM toy GSM world exei mia megalh asprh trypa sthn perioxh ths kataras,apo oti exw akousei kai sth krhth yparxoun polles perioxes pou exoun problhma me thn TIM Se yphresies pisteyw oti einai h kalyterh kai as exei bgalei h vodafone to live kai h cosmote to i-mode :whistle:
  22. toylaxiston de se xrewnei ana deyterolepto otan kaneis klhsh pros thn eksyphrethsh pelatwn opws sth Q kai thn TIM,pali kala :whistle:
  23. Asto edw ta dika mas mesa sthn Ellada exoun as8enes sima 8a pianoun sto ekswteriko?egw pou exw taksideypsei se balkanikes xwres me to pou 8a peraseis ta synora gyrw sta 10 xiliometra ouden ellhniko diktyo,eksallou h mobimak de sygkrinete me thn cosmote mh to psaxneis Edw mprosta sth keraia hmouna kai mphke sth mesh h mobimak epeidh eixe pio isxyro sima :whistle:
  24. swstos ektos apo ayto einai h akriboterh etaireia sthn kartokinhth,h vodafone synexeia anebazei times,htan h prwth pou anebase kai thn elaxisth xrewsh apo 20 lepta se 30 kai akolou8hsan oi alloi :mad:
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