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About karthik

  • Ημ. Γέννησης Απρίλιος 3

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  1. updated to v11 from v10c but it still showing in updater it won't go away, themes not working Do I need to flash full v11 ROM.
  2. Please make a clean 28s stable ROM aroma with all OTA merged. Kindly add support for x821.
  3. Now I'm down to stock eui found it on V10_SysInterfaces folder thank you CrisBal for OTA.
  4. Today I have updated to 28s v10a eui6 interface still has issue with screenshot toggle it doesn't take screenshot but it takes only notification area interface and another one in the recent panel all background apps will close when I swipe to right and need to swipe left to close single app.
  5. I mean can you record user interface which we can see here.
  6. can you post me Eui 6 screen recorded video which is not so buggy now.
  7. Now it's fixed thank you CrisBal. Eye protection toggle missing too.
  8. This build has camera autofocus problem taken photos were blurred out.
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