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About manesis12
- Ημ. Γέννησης 18/05/1978
Κινητή τηλεφωνία
Δίκτυο κινητής
Cosmote - Ελλάδα
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egw phga na kanw ena audio CD (apo mp3) me to Nero 6.6.05 kai otan phga na epileksw Recorder, petage mhnuma oti H ekdosh tou Nero pou exw den uposthrizei bundle CD Recorders (kapws etsi den 8umamai akribws to mhnuma). mhpws sou bgazei kai esena kana tetoio? pantws me to Nero to 6.6 ekana kanonika antigrafh arxeiwn se DVD...
gia des auto http://www.security.teleactivities.net/windows/menus.htm den prolaba na to diabasw, kati mporei na leei kai na se boh8hsei (epeidh mporei na mhn anoigei h selida...) ow to Customize Right Click Menus for Special Folders Till now you simply learnt how to delete the special system folders by deleting a registry key, but the hack would have been better if there was a way of adding the DELETE and RENAME option to the right click context menus of these special folders. You can actually change the right click context menu of any system folder and add any of the following options: RENAME, DELETE, CUT, COPY, PASTE and lots more. This hack too requires you to know the CLSID value of the system folder whose menu you want to customize. In this section, I have taken up Recycle Bin as the folder whose context menu I am going to edit. First launch the registry editor and open the following registry key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\ShellFolder. In case you want to edit some other folder like say the FONTS folder, then you will open the following key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{CLSID VALUE HERE}\ShellFolder. In the right pane there will be a DWORD value names attributes. Now consider the following options: 1.To add the Rename option to the menu, change the value of Attributes to 50 01 00 20 2. To add the Delete option to the menu, change the value of Attributes to 60 01 00 20 3. To add both the Rename & Delete options to the menu, change the value of Attributes to 70,01,00,20 4. Add Copy to the menu, change Attributes to 41 01 00 20 5. Add Cut to the menu, change Attributes to 42 01 00 20 6. Add Copy & Cut to the menu, change Attributes to 43 01 00 20 7. Add Paste to the menu, change Attributes to 44 01 00 20 8. Add Copy & Paste to the menu, change Attributes to 45 01 00 20 9. Add Cut & Paste to the menu, change Attributes to 46 01 00 20 10. Add all Cut, Copy & Paste to the menu, change Attributes to 47 01 00 20 11. We want to add only the Rename option to the right click context menu of the Recycle Bin, so change the value of attributes to: 50 01 00 20 Press F5 to refresh and then after rebooting you will find that when you right click on the Recycle Bin a RENAME option pops up too. 12. To reset the default Windows options change the value of Attributes back to 40 01 00 20 The Registry File which one can create for the above process would be something like the below: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell-Folder] "Attributes"=hex:50,01,00,20
fake mail einai 100% me io... diegrapse to...
auto pou leei o JAs0nX einai na baleis katw apo ka8e eikona kai diagramma mia lezanta (px gia diagrammata na leei: DIAGRAMMA:... kai gia ka8e pinaka kai eikona to idio sth sunexeia na baleis ena TOC (Table Of Contents) kai na epilekseis na baleis ta pedia (to automato keimeno) apo tis lezantes. gia "spasta" arxeia pou les esu,dokimase na baleis se ka8e arxeio ari8mous selidas pou na mhn ksekinoun apo to 1 ka8e fora alla apo thn selida pou teleiwse to prohgoumeno kefalaio-arxeio.(afhne kai sthn arxh ka8e arxeiou mia selida kenh). meta dokimase se ka8e arxeio sthn prwth selida (pou exeis kenh) na baleis to TOC, logika - den eimai sigouros, den to exw dokimasei - 8a sou deixnei tous ari8mous ka8e selidas pou periexei tis lezantes. sto telos, sto prwto arxeio pou 8a periexei ta periexomena, kane copy-paste ta TOC apo ola ta arxeia gia na exeis ena sugkentrwtiko Pinaka. auto na to kaneis otan exeis teleiwsei thn ergasia, giati an allazeis kati den 8a mporeis na kaneis update tous ari8mous selidwn tou TOC, giati ka8e TOC anaferetai sto arxeio pou anhkei... den kserw an se mperdepsa... pantws kai egw etoimazw mia diplwmatikh ergasia, opote kati tetoio skopeuw na kanw kai egw (se kana mhna elpizw :D ) gia oti parapanw 8es,pes mas
kostizei 15 euro kai logika 8a to paraggelneis mesw thlefwnou, pou exei sto site steile tous ena mail na sou poune: kspanou@ilsp.gr esu eisai ekswteriko,e??
na prosexeis giati se merikes periptwseis erxontai dh8en mails apo to paypal kai zhtane na kaneis register gia na energopoih8ei to account sou. opote sou emfanizei mia selida gia kataxwrhsh twn stoixeiwn sou sto paypal, na prosexeis katw deksia na exei ena kitrino louketo kai otan kaneis diplo klik panw se auto na sou emfanizei ena para8uro oti anaferetai sthn paypal. epishs,einei pi8anon na sou zhthsoun na kaneis arxika mia kata8esh (an 8umamai kala liga dollaria) gia na ginei verified to account sou
να προσεχεις φιλε με τα dialers. Ενας γνωστος μου την επαθε με dialer και μεσα σε 3 μερες πηγε ο λογαριασμος του ΟΤΕ 600 ευρω. Και ο ΟΤΕ, επειδη ειναι πολυ ευγενικος, πηρε τηλεφωνο να τον ενημερωσει για την τεραστια αυτη χρεωση οταν πηγε 600 ευρω... Αλλο και αυτο...περιμενει να παει 600 ευρω για να σε ενημερωσει.... :cry: Παντως κατι ειναι και αυτο.... ;) Παντως, αν δεν καθαρισεις με anti-spryware, κανε ενα φορματ να εισαι ησυχος. Και μετα προσοχη...
kalo alla argei ligaki parapanw ap'oso prepei kalh arxh...
Όταν λες αναμενόμενο τι εννοείς?? Σχετικά με την εξυπηρέτηση πελατών ή για την ποιότητα των προϊόντων του e-shop? Αν και το θεμα εδω δεν ειναι να αξιολογησουμε τα ελληνικά e-shops και ποιο ειναι καλυτερο ή οχι. Πάντως, ειναι αλήθεια ότι και να ψωνίζεις απο το καλύτερο μαγαζι, εαν δεν εχεις καλη εξυπηρετηση απο ενα υπάλληλο, ειναι πολυ πιθανο να μην ξαναπας στο μαγαζι αυτο. Επίσης πιστευω ειλικρινα οτι εαν το Play247 ειχε περισσότερες κατηγοριες και προϊόντα, θα ηταν το καλυτερο e-shop, σχετικα με την εξυπηρετηση πελατων. Αν και το ξαναλεω οτι δεν θελω να συγκρίνουμε ποιο e-shop ειναι καλυτερο ή οχι
Αντι να αρχισετε να κατηγορειτε το e-shop, μπορειτε να τους παρετε ενα τηλεφωνο να ρωτησετε. Λετε να ειναι τοσο ευκολο να απαντουν σε ολα τα e-mail που τους ερχονται, ιδιως αν ειναι αυτα (αν και δεν το ξερω) εκατονταδες ή χιλιαδες?? Εχουν καποια ατομα που ασχολουνται με τα τηλεφωνηματα, τους πελατες που ερχονται στο μαγαζι, τις παραγγελιες κλπ λετε να ειναι τοσο ευκολο να απαντανε ΣΕ ΟΛΑ ΤΑ EMAILS που τους ερχονται??? Πριν αρχισουμε να κατηγουρουμε ενα απο τα καλυτερα e-shops, ας κανουμε το αυτονοητο...
dokimase auto: http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?bridge kai koita kai sto: http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/thread2964.html kai sto: http://computercops.biz/postt14722.html Otan exeis paromoia problhmata, psaxne kai sto internet. mh sen pianei panikos.. kai FYSIKA TO FORMAT EINAI H ESXATH LYSH OTAN DEN MPOREIS NA KANEIS TIPOTA ALLO!!!!!!! OXI NA KANEIS FORMAT ME TO PRWTO ERROR MESSAGE POY SOU EMFANIZETAI!!!! kai opoios den kserei h den mporei na apanthsei, as afhsei tis eksupnades typou "kane format na luseis to problhma sou"
stis ru8miseis twn users exei mia epilogh gia na allazeis ton tropo me ton opoio sundeesai sta Xp kai epilegeis ton klassiko tropo (auto pou exeis) h oxi (auto pou 8es). tsekare tis duo epiloges pou sou emfanizei. epishs den prepei na exeis password (estw kai keno) (opws eipe o open) gi' auto dokimase na kaneis delete to palio password kai afhse keno to neo, mhpws 8ewroun ta win oti exeis password.
entaksei, opoios den exei lush aplws den apantaei... sxetike_asxete koitakses ka8olou sto site ths microsoft mhpws exei kamia ru8mish pou prepei na kaneis me to xeri?? koitakse se kana support sto site ths microsoft h dokimase na baleis se kana yahoo search keywords tou stul: "windows xp home sp2 activation key" kati allo den mou erxetai sto mualo pros to paron... EDIT: bebaia polla apo ta results pou emfanizontai me to parapanw search se odhgoun se site me kraks :o alla kapou 8a breis ti na kaneis me to problhma sou. pantws kalo einai na psakseis sto site ths microsoft.
egw pou exw to ifp 190T ths iRiver (256MB) apo8hkeuei ta arxeia san ka8ara mp3 arxeia. etsi gia 256 MB upologize gurw sta 50-60 tragoudia, analoga me to mege8os tous bebaia. esu to 8eleis na exei kai thn pshfiakh mhxanh?? pantws to iRiver pou exw (kai opoiodhpote allo montelo ths iRiver fantazomai) einai aksairetiko, me apsogh poiothta hxou kai para polu eukolo menu. kai mporeis na kaneis upgrade to firmware tou apo to site ths iRiver. me liga logia, an kai ligo akriboutsiko, to iriver sunistatai anepifulakta...
nai alla egw exw kanei to V525 anaba8mish se V600 kai esteila wav kai leei "To arxeio periexei mh anagnwrisimes plhrofories" Gi' auto rwthsa. Logika gia na pazei wav 8a 8elei kapoia allh ekdosh tou "leitourgikou" diaforetikh apo th dikh mou... epishs einai duskolo na kanw search gia wav giati h leksh einai mono 3 grammata.