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Everything posted by cybersledge

  1. :) Teleio.. Oxi bebaia, den einai epishmo!
  2. Dokimaste epishs kai to Vitrite ! Programma diaxeirishs window transparencies. Apo to download.com: [http://download.com.com/3000-2347-9661147.html?tag=lst-0-1] Vitrite 1.0 Adjust the level of transparency for almost any visible window. OS: Windows 2000/XP File Size: 84K License: Free 06/19/2002 From the developer: "Vitrite is a tiny utility that allows you to manually adjust the level of transparency for almost any visible window. It works by utilizing a feature built into Windows 2000/XP (and all later incarnations) for variable window transparency. Vitrite is written in C and licensed under the GNU General Public License."
  3. winCE den yposthrizetai apo kaneann? 8elei compile? ti einai to compile, software upgrade? nothing as painful, enas to kanei port gia n1 kai meta to exoun oloi.. pisteyw oti a3izei akoma.. me ti sygkrinetai?? POIOS NA SYGKRI8EII MAZIIIIIIII SOUUUUUUUUUUUUUIUUUUUUUU :whistle: :cool: :rolleyes:
  4. ... prwta hmoun :D kai meta -??- kai meta :'( 11 dekembriou 2002. na ta xiliasoume.
  5. Sygkekrimmena: "Exclusive! Has nokia lost it? Our verdict on the wierdest 3G phone ever made" [front cover] To ar8ro: "The madness of kind nokia" "WIERD DESIGN, 3G BUT NO VIDEO CALLS - SOMEONE GET THE STRAIGHTJACKETS!" There's a definite whiff of wacky baccy hanging around Nokia's new 7600. Believe it or not, this is a 3G phone - one with 65,000 colour screen, camera, mp3 player and bluetooth. You can take picture and record two minute videos using the camera, but you can't make bideo calls. Strange-we thought that was the whole point of 3G. So does 3* infactm which tells us it's reluctant to sell this phgone on its network Good job the 7600 doubles as a 2G phone as well - expect one of the more established mobile operatirs to start selling it in the next few months. We like the fact that it's small (9*8*2) and light (123g) but we're not sure about the layout of the keys - it won[t be easy to send a text message. Nokia.com, 320 GBP, Due DECEMBER" *To prwto aggliko diktyo 3G
  6. hmmm. to T3 (megalo periodiko gia gadget) to kata8abei to kinhto.. se styl "What Is nokia thinking??"
  7. ok. kai allh napsteria. =) kala den skeftontai oti DEN 8a to xrhsimopoihsei KANEIS? kai ti blakeies einai aytes? KA8E fora pou 8a katebazoume kati 8a stelnei thn credit card mas mesw diktyou? apisteyta anasfalhs me8odos..
  8. ta prwta mou mp3 htane se ena iomega zip drive pou eixa brei parathmeno sto sxoleio!!! to prwto pou epai3a nomizw htane to BRIMFUL OF ASHA!
  9. Γιατί παράνομα καλοί μου άνθρωποι??!!! Τεσπω λάντων.. Δεν υπάρχει BIOS!!! Το firmware είναι ενσωματωμένο στα toshiba controls and drivers μεσα απο windows!!!
  10. Έχω αρκετά μεγάλο πρόβλημα με το laptop μου: Toshiba Satellite 2450-S203 Έχει built-in Wireless LAN, 802.11g, φτιαγμένο από την Atheros. Όταν ήρθε στο κουτί του είχε WinXPhome ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ :eek: :confused: :worry: :'( :blink: :!: και ως φυσικό επακόλουθο, δεν τα άντεξα ούτε 10 λεπτά και τους έκατσα απο πάνω αγγλικά XP pro.. Αφού πέρασα από πάνω και τους drivers, δούλεψαν όλα εκτός από την WLAN karta.. Το πρόβλημα έιναι οτι δεν εμφανίζεται καν στα devices στο my computer, και οταν κανω manual setup απο το αρχειο του οδηγού, δεν εμφανίζεται τίποτα στη λίστα για εγκατάσταση.. Χελπ! Ντεν τέλο ελινικοws windows!
  11. oute ayto eixe doulepsei, thanx pantws! ""shoutz to: kostas-k, porcupine, gdp77"" opws 8a diabazame sto NFO enos crack :)
  12. basika akoma pisteyw oti yparxei pi8anothta na bgei. apo souhdia, mesa. opws opws. arkei na to parw. TO AGAPAW PWS TO LENE?!!!:D
  13. ontws.. meta apo to ar8ro sto mobileburn e3anfanisthke PALI! ante na doume kai ws ta xristougenna kai meta 8a ypokypsoume stp p900..
  14. sygnwmh gia to poly LATE REPLY.. :whistle: :happy: loipon, ta sbhneis apo to HKEY_USERS/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/windows/current_vesrion/run kai HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Microsoft/windows/current_vesrion/run wste na mhn trexoun.. einai protimotero apo to msconfig giati den bgazei msg opote anoigeis ta windows! :eek:
  15. :mad: :mad: :mad: oxi oti xesthke kaneis alla an xreiastei pote se kanenan doulepse to install kai 3ana uninstall tou imesh.- :confused:
  16. sbhsto apo to registry*, kanto rename, kai ama douleyei akoma o ypologisths sou kalws. alliws kanto pali rename sto arxiko tou onoma kai balto 3ana sto registry:) *an den 3ereis pws, PM me na sou pw
  17. http://www.filaki.gr http://www.moraitis.tk (sta videos koita)
  18. mpa... oute... kati sto TCP/IP h sto winshock prepei na einai... 3erei kaneis pws ta kanw reinstall ama apotygxanei to reinstall ta windows?
  19. hmm.. den yparxei restore point! anyway, psaxnw kati kalytero apo ayto.... 3erei kaneis??!?!?! PLEASE!
  20. Key Features * Digital camera & video recorder * 65,536 color display * WCDMA/GSM 900/1800 Dual Mode * Multimedia messaging * Music player for MP3 and AAC files * XHTML browser * Multimedia Player * Gallery - multimedia file storage * Bluetooth wireless technology, IR and USB connectivity * JAVA MIDP * Music files as ring tones * Xpress-on™ Sleeves with new materials --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Opote mallon OXI opws klatalabaineis... Sthn amerkh exoun 1900MhZ syxnothta, kai ta thlefwna pou leitourgoun ekei to lene me MEGALA GRAMMATA: EIMAI TRIPLE BAND!
  21. symfwnw oti SHIT HAPPENS kai h toshiba kapoia fora 8a galei ena elatwmatiko kommati, alla sto katw katw ola ta laptop toshiba exoun (ektos apo thn eggyhsh) asfalish interamerican 1 xrono gia kloph (s diarh3h), fwtia, doliof8ora, amelia xrhstwn, blabes apo tritous, klp klp klp!! opote i think toshiba roolz.. kai mporeis na breis ena kalo gyrw sta 1400Europoula. (eipa nomizw!)
  22. e? einai 3 xrwmata: mayro, ashmenio (opws sth grammh pou kanei to megalo U) KAI....? Ena xrysomygi prasino... Sobvara stis asiatikes xwres kykloforei se mple? popo!! exei kaneis fwtografia??
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