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Everything posted by d2000217
Nokia N95 vs N95 8GB pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/nokia-n95-vs-n95-8gb-pics.html
Nokia N82 Review http://www.mobile88.com/mobilegallery/phonereview.asp?phone=nokia_n82&pg=review&prodid=20759&cat=1 LGKU990 vs N82 (προσοχη... Κινεζικα! εχει 5 σελιδες) http://mobile.163.com/07/1121/19/3TRLCOE5001117A5.html Nokia N82 v Sony Ericsson K850i (οτι το Κ ηταν χειροτερο απο το Ν95 το ηξερα αλλα τωρα πλεον μιλαμε για ΤΕΡΑΣΤΙΕΣ διαφορες!:X) http://nseries-mobile.blogspot.com/2007/11/nokia-n82-v-sony-ericsson-k850i.html
Fresh new Nokia 5310 XpressMusic pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/fresh-new-nokia-5310-pics.html
Rumours και μελλοντικά μοντέλα S60 3rd Edition
d2000217 replied to nervous's topic in S60 3rd Edition
Nokia patents clamshell a touchscreen instead of keypad http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/nokia-patents-clamshell-touchscreen.html http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2586/nnta6.th.jpg -
Nokia N82 running FutureMark's SPMark for Symbian OS http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/nokia-n82-running-futuremarks-spmark.html Nokia N82 Xenon Flash versus Nokia N95 http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/nokia-n82-xenon-flash-versus-nokia-n95.html Tons of new Nokia N82 live pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/tons-of-new-nokia-n82-live-pics.html
Nokia N95 8 GB vs. Samsung SGH-G800 http://mobilmania.sk/Mobilnetelefony/AR.asp?ARI=8908
Assassin's Creed Multiplayer Bug http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/assassins-creed-multiplayer-bug-325997.php Rumor: No Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for PS3 http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=23025 Frontlines: Fuel of War Infantry Tactics HD http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28249.html
Amazing Halo 3 Splatter!! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/134284.html?playlist=featured Poland goes for route 1 to promote Xbox 360 - nude models (click photo) http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=23016
Yet more Nokia N81 pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/search/label/Nokia?updated-max=2007-11-22T01%3A24%3A00%2B02%3A00&max-results=2
Holiday Gift Guide: The Games http://features.teamxbox.com/xbox/2106/Holiday-Gift-Guide-The-Games/p1/ Xbox 360 Birthday Blast We rate the 14 biggest bombs dropped this year. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/837/837038p1.html
Nokia N95 8GB Review http://www.smape.com/en/reviews/nokia/Nokia_N95_8GB-rev.html
Tons of Nokia 7900 Prism pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/tons-of-nokia-7900-prism-pics.html
Fresh new all black Nokia 6500 Slider pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/fresh-new-all-black-nokia-6500-slider.html
Tons of Nokia N82 pics http://justamp.blogspot.com/2007/11/tons-of-nokia-n82-pics.html
MS conducting fresh bans on modified Xbox 360 units from Live http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=22959 According to Xbox-Scene it looks like Microsoft have started another wave of mass banning modified Xbox 360's on Xbox Live. Here's what they have to say: We don't have a lot of information yet (it just started, but we try to warn you all as early as possible), but it looks like Microsoft started a new wave of bans against modified DVD firmwares or DVD+/-R DL discs. Several users on our forums and on IRC report their Xbox 360 has been banned from LIVE today. We get reports of Toshiba-Samsung and Hitachi-LG drives banned with both Xtreme and even the newer iXtreme firmwares. However we also see many reports of people who are currently on LIVE and have no been banned (yet). No reports of banned BenQ drives yet (but few of these drives have been flashed yet). We don't know yet if Microsoft is detecting the modified firmware or the discs (or maybe only with a specific game?). If you have the 'Z Code' 8015-190D it means you are banned. As always Microsoft bans the console serial from LIVE, not your LIVE account. ====================================================================== Human Tetris With Bikini Girls(:lol::lol: Oτι να 'ναι...) http://kotaku.com/gaming/nsfw-clip/human-tetris-with-bikini-girls-325209.php Sci Fi Takes On Mass Effect Tonight http://kotaku.com/gaming/clips/sci-fi-takes-on-mass-effect-tonight-325226.php Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Announced http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/15150/Tom-Clancys-Rainbow-Six-Vegas-2-Announced/ We find out which publisher wins in the battle of the studios http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps3/game/features/article.jsp?articleId=20071114101826562084&releaseId=20060314115917309058§ionId=1003&pageId=20071114102456640096 Ace Combat 6 TV Spot http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28164.html Call of Duty 4 Behind-the-Scenes: Multiplayer HD http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28150.html
Πολλες εικονες... http://www.mobile-review.com/review/nokia-n95-8gb.shtml
New Ace Combat 6 Downloadable Content Revealed (σε λιγες μερες ερχεται, δειτε τις εικονες σε full αναλυση-πανω απο την εικονα η επιλογη) http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/15138/New-Ace-Combat-6-Downloadable-Content-Revealed/ Ghostbusters gameplay video http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=22916 First Halo 3 map pack detailed http://www.xboxic.com/news/4001
Ερχεται μια πολυ καλη αναβαθμιση... http://www.symbian-freak.com/news/007/11/new_n95_firmware_is_on_the_way.htm
Eπισημα η ΝΟΚΙΑ ΕΒΓΑΛΕ τα * navi-wleel * microusb charging (θα γινεται ΜΟΝΟ με το καταλληλο καλωδιο της ΝΟΚΙΑ και οχι με οποιοδηποτε) Ελπιζω αυτα τα 2 να ειναι στα standar στις συσκευες του 2008, τις ακριβες ντε!;)
Στο 360 αν καποιος θελει να ανοιξει ολα τα achievements(gamerscores) ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να το παιξει στο VETERAN οπου δεν ειναι ΚΑΘΟΛΟΥ ευκολο σε καποια σημεια! Εχει καλη διαρκεια ετσι το παιχνιδι! Ειναι ΤΕΛΕΙΟ και η καλυτερη ατμοσφαιρα πολεμου που υπαρχει σε ΟΠΟΙΟΔΗΠΟΤΕ παιχνιδι!! Στο gameplay ειναι ΙΣΑΞΙΟ του HALO 3! Στο multiplayer απλα... THE BEST αφου το συνηθισει καποιος γιατι στην αρχη ψιλοχανεται! ΤΗΕ ΒΕST WAR GAME TO DATE!!!!!:X
Και εγω για τα 8, 2 θα εκανα τα παντα!;):happy: ====================================== Rumored Ninja Gaiden 2 Box Art http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=22894 Xbox 360 Release Dates http://xbox360.ign.com/index/release.html?constraint.eq.game.locale=uk Assassin creed ladder dance(τα bugs ειναι διασκεδαστικα... :lol::lol::lol:) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/132385.html?playlist=featured 1000 Achievement Points In Twenty Seconds http://kotaku.com/gaming/clip/1000-achievement-points-in-twenty-seconds-324157.php HaloRadar: More Faces of Death (Bug's συνεχεια...:lol::lol::lol:) http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/xbox360/game/features/article.jsp?articleId=20071116155143912072&releaseId=2005000000000000000350§ionId=1003&pageId=20071116155215288060 Mass Effect Review HD (must see, must buy) http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27704.html (εαν θελετε κατεβαστε το πρωτα να το δειτε συνεχομενα και σε ολοκληρη τιν ο8ονη το βιντεακι!)
Βλεπω εχεις καλη αισθηση του χιουμορ! Οπως θα ελεγε και ο Τζοι(Φιλαρακια)... How you doin'?:lol::happy:;) Δειτε αυτο... http://meandmyphones.blogspot.com/2007/11/image-processing-speed-n82-vs-n95-8gb.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Διορθωσα το λαθος με συνδρομη του φιλου Ανασταση!
Δεν λεω ποτε ηρθε στην Ελλαδα αλλα ποτε εκανε την εμφανιση για πρωτη φορα στον κοσμο-Ευρωπη! Μεχρι να ακολουθησουν οι αλλοι θα εχει η ΝΟΚΙΑ το Ν97... τι να το κανω τοτε, σοβαρος ανταγωνισμος!
Δεν ξερω αν εχει δωθει... PalmOS ιn Nokia Tablets http://www.mobilmania.cz/Bleskovky/Palm-OS-na-tabletech-Nokia/sr-1-sc-4-a-1117233/default.aspx
Eισαι ωραιος... ευχαριστουμε για τις πληροφοριες!