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Everything posted by capricorn737

  1. https://nolp.dhl.de/nextt-online-public/report_popup.jsp?piececode=CY733213413DE Status on Sa, 06.04.2019 07:15 hours: The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center Next step: The international shipment is being prepared for forwarding to the destination country
  2. Μπορείς να υποβάλλεις Αίτημα έρευνας στα ταχυδρομεία ΗΠΑ (USPS) Submit a Missing Mail search request at MissingMail.USPS.com https://faq.usps.com/s/article/Missing-Mail-The-Basics Missing Mail Definition Missing Mail is mail that has not been delivered by the expected delivery date. This applies to packages that are undelivered, lost, or late. If it has been lost, late or missing for 7 days or more, you can: 1) Submit a Missing Mail search request at MissingMail.USPS.com https://missingmail.usps.com/ Καλή τύχη. Όταν έχεις απάντηση, ενημέρωσέ μας. Πάντως την δική μου συστημένη επιστολή την έχασαν.
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