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Everything posted by lovehacker

  1. Egw pali den soy sinistw na to afiseis atsekaristo to "Να μην επιτρεπεται η αποθυκευση ή το ανοιγμα συννημενων που πιθανον να ειναι ιοί" dioti an erthei kanena periergo email kai katalathos to patiseis gia anigma tote borei na koliseis tpt periergo... Tin exw pathei, gia afto sto protinw..
  2. Nai poly kala einai. Kati omws poy na koitaei sinexeia to LAN kai na soy vgazei pop-up yparxei ?
  3. Paides yparxei programma pou me to pou benei xristis sto diktio (LAN) na sou vgazei minima oti " O xxxxxxxx Ypologistis mpike " ? Efxaristw!
  4. Kati tetoio den nomizw na isxiei.. Aplws prostheteis kapoia epiplewn setting kai beneis opote theleis me afta.. Diorthoste me an kanw lathos...
  5. Afto me tis rithmiseis einai pragmati poly xrisimo. Sto palio site eixan rithmiseis poly paliwn siskevwn.....
  6. Gia etairikes sindeseis isxeiei pali to idio ?
  7. Egw pali teleiwnw stis 1/7.. Akoma 5 mathimata.... Simera grafame arxitektonikh H/Y kai egw fisika poy na ta mathw ola afta... Egrafa egrafa h mallwn antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa antegrafa kai ekei poy eixa piasei panw apo 5 lew den koitazw ligo kai to koynito.... Kai me eide !! :mad: Eytyxws aplws me kantiliase, den me midenise :) Pantws sl45 Rules :) :) :lol: :lol:
  8. Vrika ena book reader gia s40.. http://tequilacat.narod.ru/dev/br/index-en.html Kai kala skonakia :)
  9. Kai emena to idio ginete... Dokimase na allakseis ta settings se pio xamhla... Isws den prolavenei na antapokrithei to 3650 :)
  10. Einai poly xazo to mycosmos mail! Episinaptw arxeia kai den ta stelnei... Ti na pw.. Allazw email telika!! :-|
  11. Egw epidi mikros sixenomoyn to sxoleio ithela na ginw kati to opio den ithele diavasma gia na to katafereis! Hthela na ginw skoypidiarhs ! :) :) Kai meta irthe i megalh apogoitefsh... .... :( Otan ematha oti prepei na exeis apolitirio gimnasioy h kai likioy moy fenete, ta evapsa mavra.... Twra eimai se TEI plhroforikhs... ... Asxeto vevaia, alla kamia fora moy erxete na petaksw to PC sta skoypidia.... Afta :)
  12. Re paidia to Zone Alarm den to xrisimopiei kaneis ? Pistevw exei poles parametrous! Kai se prostatevei kai apo mesa kai apo eksw! :)
  13. Pws beneis se efto to chat ? Mesw MyCosmosView ?
  14. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) dev uparxei tetoia efarmogi. tis susxetiseis 8a tis breis edw: C:\system\recogs Kai pws mporw na dimiourgisw sisxetish?
  15. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Paidia, apo pou mpwrw na allaksw tis sisxetiseis twn file types? Px na anigoun ta zip arxeia me to zipman. Yparxei tetia efarmogh?
  16. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Mporeis na beis me netfront kai opera me kosmokarta h me sindesh?
  17. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) E, nai. To xeirotero gia mena einai na xalaei h sxesh mesa stin eksetastikh.. Poly xali! To exw niwsei! Eftyxws hmoun prwto eksamhno kai htan efkola ta mathimata!
  18. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Prwswpika mou oneira einai katarxhn na vrw mia kopela pou na teriazw pragmatika.. Na pernaw ta mathimata sth sxolh kai na ginei to internet free.. Asxeto to telefteo alla einai mesa :)
  19. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Gia emena afto einai to pio omorfo! :-)
  20. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Yparxei ena tragoudi apo pix lax pou enas stoixos leei << oso agapaw menw pisw >> h kapws etsi. Pistevete oti o erwtas prokalei adraneia se alles asxoleies opws px oi epidwseis sth sxolh? An rotisete emena pistevw pws nai, h asistolh kategida shnesthimatwn ftaiei... :-/
  21. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3650/1.0 (4.13) SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/1.2 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Den nomizw oti stamatise. Aplws kanei alos thn ekpomph..
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