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About vochomurka10

  • Ημ. Γέννησης Απρίλιος 7

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  1. Can anyone please make a dump of the original ROM and share it? I am interested for the ROM in the ZIP format. I can then use Carliv Touch Recovery to flash it. Thank you in advance
  2. There is only the same version as available on Geekbuying.com. The one with the flash tool. I have tried the flash tool on Windows 7 32b and it show the same error.
  3. I´v tried on Windows 7 64b - could that be the problem? 64 bit system?
  4. Sorry, I made a mistake - my mail address is karaspetr1@gmail.com. I will welcome if anyone is able to share the original ROM. I have downloaded it from Geekbuying blog page, including the flash tool. But the tool is showing some errors during start and flashing is not working. I would like to find the ROM in the ZIP format. Thank you in advance
  5. Hello is it possible please to share your ROM? I have the same phone but with version V0.3_20130929. If possible, please send me the link to my mail vochomurka1@gmail.com Thank you in advance
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