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Everything posted by zchristos

  1. pragmati auto simveni, kai o papas tha pei OXI?? oxi fisika, tha pei NAI, na exoune oi alloi kai to paidi mou na min exei... :D
  2. ego tha po kati allo, giati tous anisixoun oi antennes tin stigmi pou dinoune sta mikra pedia tous kinito, pedia 10 xrono kratane kinito, ego gnorizo oti apo prosfati meleti ta pedia ine poli euesthita sta kinita, kai epireazou tin ygeia tous, alla den apodiktike akomi an oi antennes ine vlaveres
  3. kai auto egine, alla tipota. mou ipane an mporo na peraso apo ta grafeia tous, na peraso gia ena elegxo...alla no time...isos katafero avrio na peraso.
  4. se areeba stelno alla den perno, se cyta den paei... telika prepei na exei provlima i karta mou...... :(
  5. :) ego nomizo ine kalitera na to egrafes to thema tis cytamobile-vodafone
  6. to provlima to exo edo kai sxedo mia vdomada, den lavano den stelno....alla apo to kinito mou feugi to mms....pou pigeni arage???
  7. ego nomizo ine ola gia to simfero kapion, pos ine dinato gia tin cyta na min akousame pote gia provlimata egkatastasis keraion kai olo gia tin areeba akoume. kai ego leo, otan den pernou kali lipsi kanoune parapono oti i perioxi tous den exei kalo sima, alla den dexonte na valoune keraies, eleos pia, mono stin kypro simvenoune auta. giati oi keraies ton agglon pou apodiktike oti ine vlaveres, oxi mono leitourgoune alla megalonoune.... ksipnate kosme, giati o amiantos akoma ine pano apo merika spitia????
  8. ..... "Σε δηλώσεις του ο Προϊστάμενος των Κινητών Τηλεπικοινωνιακών Υπηρεσιών της ΑΤΗΚ Δρ. Άριστος Ριρής επανέλαβε τη σταθερή δέσμευση της Cytamobile-Vodafone για απρόσκοπτη και αδιάλειπτη επικοινωνία δίνοντας ταυτόχρονα το στίγμα της νέας χρονιάς: "το 2005 θα είναι μια δυναμική χρονιά με νέες υπηρεσίες και ακόμη περισσότερες εκπλήξεις"." Δημόσιες Σχέσεις ΑΤΗΚ 17 Ιανουαρίου 2005
  9. dokimazo apo ta xthes na kano fragi, dokimazo apo to kinito, kai apo tous kodikous(*#, 35 etc) pou dinei i areeba stin istoselida tis kai sto manual tis alla xoris apotelesma, entometaksi sto manual leei oti o kodikos fragis ine o idios me to PIN number, eno sto customer care mou ipane ine 0000, anyway dokimasa kai me tous 2 kodikous pali xoris apotelesma, tora prepei na perimeno apo tous texnikous tis areeba ma epikoinonisoune mazi mou.
  10. edo kai arketes meres, eno stelno mms auta apo oti fenete menoune sto server, den pigenoune pote sto paralipti|(to kinito mou sta stelni), kai den perno oute mms, eno oi rithmiseis mou ine sostes, kapou prepei na kolane, mipos se kanena server. ps. ime sindromitis tis areeba
  11. mipos sas leei kati auto, http://www.3gsmworldcongress.com/exhibition/default.asp?url=sponsors 2005 Sponsors Congress CD ROM and Post Congress CD ROM areeba Village Map Sponsor areeba Rickshaws Sponsored by areeba ;)
  12. Spacefon Now Spacefon Areeba Ghana’s largest mobile telecommunications network, Spacefon, which is operated by Scancom, is now known as Spacefon-Areeba. The change in brand name is to ensure uniformity and a maximization of the synergies accruing from the operations of all members of Scancom’s mother company Investcom Holding. Scancom Ltd is a subsidiary of Investcom, an international holding that specializes in telecommunications and holds interests in several networks around the world. In 1996 Scancom introduced Spacefon, Ghana’s first GSM mobile service provider and the service has since become the market leader with a subscriber base in excess of 600 thousand. Spacefon has stayed ahead in an increasingly competitive local telecommunication industry with innovative products tailor made for the various segments of its target groups. Whilst acknowledging the strength of the service in the market, officials of Spacefon admit that it would be suicidal to be complacent. Even as it is being hotly chased, Spacefon is stepping up its speed and has recently soft launched its GPRS service. And in what seems to be a sign of things to come Spacefon and its sister service providers in North and West Africa and the Middle East are pooling their resources together to beat any competition in their operating areas. Commercial Director of Scancom Fouad Chalabi told JOY Business Report that as a first step all of Investcom mobile network operations, which are currently branded under different names, would be re-branded under a single name areeba. To allow the Ghanaian market adequate time to get used to the new brand name, officials of the company say it would use the service would be co branded Spacefon-Areeba for the next six months after which it would be known only as areeba. The officials believe that just as Spacefon has become a local household name, Areeba would also evolve into a global household name of choice in the telecommunications industry.
  13. akoma ena diktio areeba...http://www.bashairtelecom.com/
  14. prepei na enoeis tha arxisi na stini keraies gia 3g se liges meres? :)
  15. auto to gnorizoume edo kai kati vdomades, pes mas kati neotero?
  16. pedia, xalia i kalipsi tis areeba, etixe simera na pao larnaka, kai den ixa automati anazitisi dyktio, tote katalaveis poso xalia kalipsi exei i areeba, epitrepete na taxideuo kai na klini i grami kai na min perno sima mexri na mpo tis larnakas? pos ine dinato na min exoune kalipsi stous autokinitodromous, diladi kapios pou taxideui prepei na min mila sto kinito mexri na kontepsi se kentro kapias polis? i an dokimasi na milisi se kapia fasi tha diakopi i grammi, kai diktio na alaksis i grami kovete kai ela meta na kalesis me romming. vre areeba toulaxisto kalipses tous autokinitodromous, arxisa na pisteuo oti 10-20 keraies exei i areeba. :) tha parakaleso tous ypeuthinous tis areeba pou diavazone to forum, na lavoune kapious provlimatismous sta sovara kai na min asxolounte me trixes, kai na psaxnoune apo pou mathenoume kapies plirofories sxetika me tin eteria, giati i kypros ine mikri, kai i cytavoda exei polous praktores ekei mesa sta grafia sas pou douleuoune gia allous. posa akoune kai oi security ekei mesa :) an theli kanenas ypethinos tis areeba na me rotisi kati, aplos stilete mou PM. euxaristo, kai den tha kliso to stomataki mou, aplos enimeronoume to kosmo antikeimenika, kai se opoion aresi.
  17. episis akousa oti ekeino to xristougenniatiko dentraki pou ixe ekso apo to ktirio tis areeba to opio kati akousa oti stixise 5 xiliades lires, to exoune aferesi, ine alithia?
  18. kati akousa oti i areeba den ine livanezikon simferonto pleon alla Kypriakon, exete akousei kati???
  19. Demis_CY prosekses oti sto Fylo tou user chryant ine arseniko, auta ta pragmata prepei na ta prosexoume. chryant mpori na min to prosekse o Demis_CY, kai epidi me to name sou den mpori kapios na katalavi ti Fylo ise. min to prokalis kai esi.
  20. an i kenourgies sim ine 128k den kanoune kamia diafora pleon, giati ta kinita tora forane sti mnimi tous ekatontades kataxoriseis kai sms.
  21. pios ipe na kaneis save sti sim, kala les, oute ego trelathika na kano, aplos to kinito pou exei epilogi na do posa foraei i sim, kataxoriseis kai sms.
  22. to gnorizo, an ine eukolo na mas peite eseis pou exete cytavoda poses kataxoriseis foraei kai posa sms.
  23. xoraei, ma den to ikseres? anafera tin xoritikotita tis areeba sim, gia na tin sikrinete me auti tis cytavoda, to 128k ine i xoritikotita tis sim, posa xoraei i sim tis cytavoda
  24. den gnorizo, alla tha sas po, foraei 250 kataxorisis onomaton kai 35 sms
  25. efxaristo gia tin pliroforia, alla to kinito mou ine kenourgio kai sto katalogo me ola ta diktia pagkosmios exei kai tin areeba, kseris giati?
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