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Everything posted by moment_v

  1. Συνεχίζουμε εδώ: http://www.myphone.gr/forum/showthread.php?p=3270305#post3270305
  2. http://blackberry-experts.net/sites/default/files/imagecache/full_image/banner01_9300gryr.png.jpg No surprise here considering Rogers in Canada already announced the new BlackBerry Curve last week, but this morning it became official on a Research In Motion level. Like the Pearl 3G, the new BlackBerry Curve will be known as the BlackBerry Curve 3G. It's the next generation of the 8500 series, which basically remains the same entry level device as the 85xxx, but now has 3G. Also, while the device is shipping with BlackBerry OS 5.0 to start, it is labeled at 6 ready. That's a nice suprise that I wasn't totally expecting. So it looks like you'll be able to stick with 5 or upgrade to BlackBerry 6 on the Curve 3G as you see fit. We've seen the Curve 85xx series be extremely successful in the marketplace, and this one looks like a nice little followup that should do big sales for RIM. Stay tuned for more details - we'll have a full BlackBerry Curve 3G review up soon. Press Release RIM Introduces the New BlackBerry Curve 3G Smartphone New addition to the globally popular BlackBerry Curve series is fast, easy-to-use, richly-featured and BlackBerry 6 ready WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 9, 2010) - Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ:RIMM)(TSX:RIM) today announced the new BlackBerry® Curve 3G, an exciting addition to the globally popular BlackBerry Curve series of smartphones. Designed to provide the growing mass of smartphone purchasers with a distinctly powerful, approachable and affordable choice, the BlackBerry Curve 3G supports high-speed 3G (HSDPA) networks around the world and gives users the exceptional communications features they need to accomplish more than ever, when they're at home, at work and everywhere in-between. "The majority of people in the worldwide mobile phone market have yet to buy their first smartphone and the BlackBerry Curve 3G is designed to provide an extremely attractive and accessible choice that will help convince many of them to make the leap," said Mike Lazaridis, President and Co-CEO at Research In Motion. "The new BlackBerry Curve 3G is a perfect choice for happily busy people who are looking for a user-friendly 3G smartphone to help them make the most of their day and to stay connected with their friends, family and co-workers." The BlackBerry Curve 3G smartphone features a comfortable full-QWERTY keyboard for fast, accurate typing, optical trackpad for fluid navigation, built-in GPS and Wi-Fi®, as well as dedicated media keys, so music lovers can easily access their tunes while on the go. The new smartphone also features a camera that can record video and a microSD/SDHC slot that supports up to 32 GB memory cards for media storage. Support for 3G networks makes browsing faster, streaming music smoother, and gives users the ability to talk on the phone while they browse the web, instant message with BlackBerry® Messenger (BBM) or share their location with friends on popular social networking sites. The BlackBerry Curve 3G ships with BlackBerry 5 and is BlackBerry 6 ready. BlackBerry 6 is a new operating system for BlackBerry® smartphones that was announced last week. It retains the trusted features that distinguish the BlackBerry brand while delivering a fresh and engaging experience that is both powerful and easy to use. BlackBerry 6 is expected to be available for the BlackBerry Curve 3G, subject to carrier certifications, in the coming months. The new BlackBerry Curve 3G smartphone (model 9300) will be available from various carriers and distribution partners around the world beginning in August. Check with local carriers for details about availability and pricing. For more information about the new BlackBerry Curve 3G smartphone visit http://www.blackberry.com/curve3G. For more information about BlackBerry 6, visit http://www.blackberry.com/6. Os 5.0 προς το παρόν, και OS 6.0 ready. Το πρώτο 3G Curve :)
  3. Κανένας carrier δεν επηρεάζει τη συσκευή σου παρά μόνο στις οθόνες εκκίνησης / απενεργοποίησης και το σηματάκι που πιθανώς έχει πάνω το τηλέφωνο. Μην ανησυχείς λοιπόν :)
  4. Όταν στείλεις μήνυμα θα εμφανιστεί ένα τικ δίπλα του και ένα d όταν παραδοθεί.
  5. Καλώς ήρθες λοιπόν. Τα χρήσιμα site είναι: http://www.myphone.gr και http://www.blackberry-experts.net [ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ] http://www.blackberryos.com - http://www.bbleaks.com - http://www.blackberryforums.com [ΑΓΓΛΟΦΩΝΑ]
  6. http://www.blackberry-experts.net/sites/default/files/imagecache/full_image/big.jpgmages of the BlackBerry 9780, which is also known as the Onyx II or Bold2, have leaked. This time, they clearly show the presence of RIM’s new BlackBerry OS 6.0 onboard. Thought to be the successor to the BlackBerry 9700 Bold, the BlackBerry 9780 is a much awaited phone that has been in the works for a while. Other specifications revealed by the leak are as follows: 480x320 (HVGA) screen, 2G and 3G GSM as well as WiFi b/g connectivity, 512MB RAM (surprising, as that’s twice its predecessor), and a 5MP camera. Of course, these specifications might change before the phone launches, which is quite often the case with devices that don’t even have their names officially confirmed. Το 9780 το ακούγαμε καιρό και τώρα έγινε και επίσημο. Το νέο μέλος της οικογενειας bold και αντικαταστάτης του 9700, οπως προδίδει το όνομα του, πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσει σύντομα στην Αμερική. Για την ακρίβεια λίγο μετά τη κυκλοφορία του 9800 δηλαδή σε μια βδομάδα (μιλάμε πάντα για ΗΠΑ) Το 9780 διαθέτει 512MB μνήμη, 5MP camera και παίζει σε ολα τα δίκτυα. Η εμφάνιση είναι ακριβώς ίδια με το 9700 με μια μικρή διαφορά στο πλάι. ΠΗΓΗ
  7. Καλημέρα! Τα 256 είναι η flash memory στην οποία δεν έχεις τη δυνατότητα αποθήκευσης εξ΄ου και δεν σου εμφανίζει κάτι :)
  8. Δεν μπορείς γιατί πρώτα και πάνω από όλα πρέπει να ενεργοποιηθεί η υπηρεσία του BlackBerry :)
  9. To θέμα της χρέωσης είναι θέμα apn (access point name) γιατί ουσιαστικά όταν έχεις BIS και μπαίνεις myphone θα μπεις bis.eu.vodafone.myphone.gr ενώ σε μια άλλη συσκευή θα πρέπει να μπει web.vodafone.europe.myphone και κάτι τέτοιο χοντρά χοντρά.... Για την ασυμβατότητα hotspot browser ελληνικών site φταίνε και η RIM και τα συγκεκριμένα site πχ το Βήμα είναι οκ.
  10. Εγώ ουδέποτε είχα θέμα με το κινητό ειδικά με τα SMS. Μόνο με το msn και κάτι ψιλά που διορθώθηκαν στην αναβάθμιση.
  11. Πάντως με την τελευταία αναβάθμιση κολλάει πιο πολύ από ότι με το software που είχε εργοστασιακά...
  12. Απλώς επικοινωνείς να στο "γυρίσουν" σε BIS
  13. Υπάρχει και στο FAQ. Να σαι καλά πάντως :)
  14. Έχει Linux Mobile (LiMo) και δύσκολα θα βρεις κάτι σπασμένο.
  15. Θέμα κωδικοποίησης. Με wifi έτσι θα σου τα δείχνει:(
  16. Από BIS περνάει έτσι κι αλλιώς αλλά με λιγότερη συμπίεση.
  17. Δεν παίζει κανένα ρόλο. Μην ανησυχείς :)
  18. http://www.blackberry-experts.net/howto/auto-text-fix 1) δεν σε κατάλαβα... 2) Ναι κάνε hide το εικονίδιο του gmail.
  19. Compass GiveAway TheroBmeter Δείτε τις παραπάνω εφαρμογές. Αξίζουν :)
  20. Ο hotspot browser δεν έχει συμβατότητα με ελληνικά site (όχι όμως όλα). Ίσως ευθύνεται ο κωδικός των σελίδων. Δεν μπορεί να αλλάξει κάτι σε αυτό δυστυχώς.
  21. http://www.blackberryapps.com/product.asp?id=40590&n=Task-Manager---Free-Version
  22. Δες την πρώτη σελίδα του παρόντος :)
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