Ευχαριστώ πολύ για την βοήθεια παιδιά. Διάβασα όλο το topic και με λίγη υπομονή τα κατάφερα!!!!
Απλά ακολουθήστε αυτές εδώ τις οδηγίες
Part A:
First Steps > Google Maps Install in phone.
- Download the app Mobile GMaps and install in phone.
Part B:
Download and configure gMapMakers > Configuracion de los mapas.
- Download gMapMaker here
-Enter here and search for the map you want to download an select the area. To select a point click in the map and then click another point until you make a triangle or an square with the selected area.
- To select a Site in the map:
* Zoom Level: From 16 to 16 [maximum zoom available]
* Level of Detail: Fast [you can choose any other option in the map]
* Type of map: Google Roads Maps [you can choose the satellite, and use
a proxy in gMapMaker to be able to download the pictures without being
blocked by Google]
* Be sure to choose the type of map [Maps, Sattelite or Hybrid] That i'll
be important when verify the Mobile Gmaps config.
- Click in generate and it will create a file .map with a name like this: save this file in the gMapMaker folder, it should be:
C:/Archivos de Programa/gMapMaker
- Once the map download is finished, gMApMaker will generate a folder named
MGMapsCache, transfer the folder to the folder others in your phone.
Part C:
Phone Config to access the maps.
- Open Mobile GMaps in the phone, go to Menu/settings/Map Browsing and mark
the options "Stored Maps" and "Offline Mode" in the field "Storage Path"
select a route to save the maps, the same that in part B: Other/MGMapsCache.
- In the option "Memory Cache (Kb)" Type 6536. and save the changes.
- Go to Menu/adjusts/screen. in the option "Coordinate Format" choose the
format (DD.ddddd) and save. Then restart the app.
- Go to "MEnu/Map Types/Not Available" and enable the options "Google Maps"
"Google Satellite" or "Google Hybrid" [according to the option selected before.
Save the changes and go to "MEnu/Maps Type/Yahoo Maps" and disable all the
enabled options, this 3: MAP, SAT, HYB, and save the changes.
- Now to find the map in the phone we need to config Gmaps Mobile to make our
map the initial point of the app, otherwise it opens in another place in the globe.
- In the Pc go to C:\Archivos de programas\gMapMaker inside there is the .map file
identified as Map2145687006540, open it with WordPad, inside of this file you
can find the coordinates of the map.
*Example -23.026693823076034, -47.2412109375. write that coordinates.
- In the phone with Mobile GMaps open, go to Menu/Favorites, cilck in the icon below
Left and choose the option Add, wich have the fields"
* Name: Write the name of the city.
* Latitude: -23.02669 [using the above coordinates]
* Longitude" -47.24121 [using the above coordinates]
* PS: The coordinates should have 5 digits after the dot.
* Type of Map: Choose Google Maps [select Google Sattelite, Hybrud or the downloaded
- Save the changes and restart Mobile Gmaps, go to
Data: You can lower the zoom level as much as you want, if you want to download the sat
photos choose "GoogleSat" in MapTileCache, to go lower differents areas in the same
zoom follow this steps, paste the zoom in the C:\GMaps\MGMapsCache\ Folder and download
the area you want, the program will update the files.
Data2: Keep always the same folder in MGMaps to all the .map files and rename it to identify,
in this way google blocks the map downloads of the maps you already have from the proxy.
to avoid this you only need to select the same .map file that you want to block. The app
jump to all the downloaded maps, giving contuinity to the downloads and just download the
maps that google doesn't block and dont download again the ones you already have.
Obervations: In case that you can't visualize the mapz verify the file Cache.conf wich is created
automaticaly along with the maps, this file is inside the folder where you save the
maps inside MGMapsCache
Ούτε internet ούτε χρεώσεις. Να έχετε ανοιχτό το GPS στο τέλος της δοκιμής έχωντας αναγνωρίσει την θέση σας.
Μερικά path είναι διαφορετικά αλλά με λίγη προσοχή θα το καταφέρετε.