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H E L P voitheia me sxoles


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paidia exo apofasisei na kano ena programma web design gia 1 etos me programata pou me endiaferoun.


meta apo mia episkepsi se poles sxoles exo kataliksei stis eksis sxoles:intergraphics,omiros,ornerakis.

to provlima einai oti den ksero poia na epilekso....

an mporei kaneis na me voithisei poia na epilekso ή an exei iparksei kapoios spoudastis se mia apo tis parapano sxoles gia na mou pei thn empeiria tou.



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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος panos23 ( 1 Σεπ. 2004 , 17:49)


paidia exo apofasisei na kano ena programma web design gia 1 etos me programata pou me endiaferoun.


meta apo mia episkepsi se poles sxoles exo kataliksei stis eksis sxoles:intergraphics,omiros,ornerakis.

to provlima einai oti den ksero poia na epilekso....

an mporei kaneis na me voithisei poia na epilekso ή an exei iparksei kapoios spoudastis se mia apo tis parapano sxoles gia na mou pei thn empeiria tou.




Den kserw kata poso voithaei auto pou tha pw.Egw pou vriskomai sti thessaloniki auti ti stigmi,exw akousei mono gia to Omhros.

Ta alla 2 proti fora ta akouw.To lew auto epeidi isws na simainei pws to Omiros einai pio anagnorismeno.

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