--=[MotoRacer 3] :!: [Exlusive Thread]=--
Pos sas fenete? Sas aresei?
8 members have voted
1. Pos sas fenete? Sas aresei?
Teleio, mou aresei poli auto to pexnidi kai tha ithela na iparksei kai sinexeia! :D1
Arketa kalo, mou aresei arketa auto to pexnidi, ime arketa ikanopoihmenos apo ta grafika kai ton realismo tou pexnidiou! :)0
Oxi kai kalo, mou tin spane poli ta bugs kai ta problems idika sta WinXP!!! :mad:2
Pio "MotoRacer 3" ??? oute pou to ksero auto to pexnidi! :lol:5
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