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Problem with outllok express


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Magkes edo kai ligo kairo exo to eksis problima.Sto outlook express exo ena ccount toy hotmail kai ena toy freemail.Ti ginetai tora....otan katebazo ta e-mail mou kai apo toys duo logariasmous kai pao na ta anoikso...den ta anoigei....leyko!To pointer ginetai klepsi8ra kai ayto einai....to apolitro tipota.Na stilo e-mail mporo....den mporo na diabaso ayta pou exo katebasei.Dokimasa na apegkatastiso k na to egkatastiso pali.....mataia.Exo to outllok pou erxetai mazi me ta xp.Epidi den goustaro na exo allo programma kai tin eixa brei me to express exete kamia kali idea?
H θάλασσα του Πειραιά απ'όλες είναι πιο γλυκιά...
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Nai dinei....kamia lysi exei kaneis na protinei sto problima mou....

Den einai 8ema hotmail....to idio mou kanei kai me to logariasmo toy freemail

H θάλασσα του Πειραιά απ'όλες είναι πιο γλυκιά...
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