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Sony Ericsson MMV-100


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vgazei antaptora i SE gia tin tileorasi (scart) pou exei ensomatomeno BT kai tha mporei na diksei/paiksei analogos to kinito tilefono photos kai mp3 (agnosto akomi gia videos) stin TV sas.




i siskevi kostologeite apo tin SE me anotati timi 150Euro

kai tha einai sta magazia mallon meta to kalokairi...


Sxetiko Episimo Link

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Πώς θα παίζει mp3 ? :worry: θα τα στέλνεις απο το κινητό και θα τα παίζει ? :confused:
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος xraysr0x (16 Μάρ. 2004 , 15:42)


Πώς θα παίζει mp3 ? :worry: θα τα στέλνεις απο το κινητό και θα τα παίζει ? :confused:



Listening pleasure

Played through your TV's loudspeakers, the MP3 files stored in your phone will sound even better. Tell your friends they don't have to bring CD's to your party: Their phones will do just nicely.

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Wirelessly posted (SE T610: SonyEricssonT610/R201 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Αρχικό Μήνυμα από geovass

Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος xraysr0x (16 Μάρ. 2004 , 15:42)


Πώς θα παίζει mp3 ? :worry: θα τα στέλνεις απο το κινητό και θα τα παίζει ? :confused:



Listening pleasure

Played through your TV's loudspeakers, the MP3 files stored in your phone will sound even better. Tell your friends they don't have to bring CD's to your party: Their phones will do just nicely.


Afto ginetai

mono gia kinita pou ipostirizoun mp3??

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Stergianos (16 Μάρ. 2004 , 16:44)


Wirelessly posted (SE T610: SonyEricssonT610/R201 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)




Listening pleasure

Played through your TV's loudspeakers, the MP3 files stored in your phone will sound even better. Tell your friends they don't have to bring CD's to your party: Their phones will do just nicely.[/b]


Afto ginetai

mono gia kinita pou ipostirizoun mp3??



Εμ... λογικο δεν ειναι ??? :D ;)

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Πολυ τζαματο.....αλλο ενα γκατζετακι για συλλογη.......:)

Αναμενω με τα λεφτα στο χερι....:)

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  • The title was changed to Sony Ericsson MMV-100

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