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Katarxin tha ithela na 3ekathariso kati: To problima mou theoro oti einai kathara tou ypologisti mou kai ton windows asxeta an anaferete sto Vodafone Mail. Gi'ayto to logo to grafo se ayto to section tou forum. An pali oi mods pisteyoun oti prepei na metaferthei sto section tis Vodafone, as to kanoun.


Otan pao sto site tis Vodafone > My Vodafone kai balo username & password kai meta stis Diathesimes Ypiresies an patiso to link tou Vodafone Mail, mou anoigei ena parathiro (mikrotero) opou ekei mesa mporo na diaxeiristo to e-mail account mou. Dhl. na do mail, na steilo mail ktl.


Ayto ginetai etsi oraia kai kala otan eimai sto Linux kai mpaino me Mozilla. Otan omos mpo sta WinXP kai pao na mpo me ton IE, tote den mou anoigei kanena parathiro gia to Vodafone Mail... :( Giati???


Kai tin pio prosfati version gia Java kai Flash exo, an kai den nomizo na xreiazetai...

Q σου λεβέντη μου!!!
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έμενα πάλι μου ανοίγει μόνο με win κ ie... με ότι άλλο Browser έχω δοκίμασει πχ οπερα τζίφος..
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mipos exeis energopoihmeno kapoio programma pou kleinei ta popup? Episis an exeis norton internet security 'H kapoio allo sxetiko programma koitakse tis ri8miseis tou giati kapou 8a einai energopoiimeni h epilogi na kovei ta popup para8ira!

Βλέπεις πράγματα και αναρωτιέσαι "Γιατί;"

Αλλά εγώ ονειρεύομαι πράγματα που δεν υπήρξαν ποτέ και λέω "Γιατί όχι;"

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