Brwmogazos Δημοσιεύτηκε March 8, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημοσιεύτηκε March 8, 2004 Arxisa na paizw me to clockgen gia na testarw thn kainouria replacement P4C800E Deluxe afou h palia pe8ane apo ygrasia.4201mhz afth thn fora apo ton Costa Rica 2.8MO P4 mou phra enw prin 4176mhz me to board pou pe8ane... Anevazontas to vcore @ 1.725 anevase peripou gyrw sta 295fsb apoti 8ymamai kai vevvaia to pc resetarise... @ 1.75Vcore omws mporesa na ftasw mexri..300fsb...katey8eian ekane reset pali. Dokimazontas na anevasw to Vcore omws edwsa mexri...1.85V opws sthn palia board to maximum pou edwsa sthn cpu kai h cpu eftase PALI thn idia taxythta twn 4201Mhz kai meta to pc kollhse... Me liga logia +.1V kai den phra oute ena mhz parapanw...To board omws trexei akrivws 300fsb sto shmeio afto omws...mou fenetai ligo periergo... To board exei dextei Vdimm mod @ 3.35V kai maxxarise akrivws sta 300.1fsb symfwna me to clockgen. To board loipon maxxarise h h cpu...? H motherboard einai h revision 2 kai den exw kollhsei psyxtres se mosfets etc opws sthn palia, opws epishs den psyxw me watercooling to northbridge alla mono me ena anemisthraki kai thn mama psyktra... Ena cpuz screen pou travhksa me thn digi cam afou to pc kolllhse... Kai mia foto apo ta "sw8ika" tou pc...psyktres pou8ena... H mnhmh mou vgazei 255fsb 1:1 sta @ 2 2 2 5 Turbo , perf mode enabled etc me chipset volt set @ 1.7V An vgalw to pci kai agp lock yparxei periptwsh na anevei scsi controller omws pou xrhsimopoiw gia tous scsi boot sklhrous etc den shkwnei kai polla mhz over spec omws... Kamia idea kaneis? Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
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