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gia psakse ston ypologisth soy gia io.

exeis kana fakelo me thn onomasia recyclers?

an nai tote ekei mesa exeis enan io me thn onomasia svchost,o opoios exei molynei thn ram soy.an nai pes moy na pw ta programatakia gia na to sviseis.

prosoxh!mhn to sviseis apo monow soy!

mono me to programma mporei na ginei ayto!

alliws meta den tha noigei o ypologisths soy!

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kane deep scan me to nod32.

an de vrei tipota kalos.

se periptwsh loipon poy den exeis io , katebase to programma : process explorer.

otan to kaneis egatastash tha katalaveis se ti xrhsimeyei.

me liga logia soy deixnei ti parapanw -epipleon-axrhasto programma,trexei ston ypologisth soy.

kai bebaia mporeis na to stamataseis !

kai telos katevase to security task manager 1.7 .

trial vevaia gia 30 hmeres.alla arkei gia na diorthwseis to provlima soy !

des kai ayto to link . http://ask-leo.com/svchost_and_svchostexe_crashs_cpu_maximization_viruses_exploits_and_more.html

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gia psakse ston ypologisth soy gia io.

exeis kana fakelo me thn onomasia recyclers?

an nai tote ekei mesa exeis enan io me thn onomasia svchost,o opoios exei molynei thn ram soy.an nai pes moy na pw ta programatakia gia na to sviseis.

prosoxh!mhn to sviseis apo monow soy!

mono me to programma mporei na ginei ayto!

alliws meta den tha noigei o ypologisths soy!


Εγώ που έχω αυτό το πρόβλημα με το svchost τι να κάνω; :worry:

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Εγώ που έχω αυτό το πρόβλημα με το svchost τι να κάνω; :worry:


exeis dhladh enan fakelo me to onoma recyclers kai ekei mesa yparxei ena arxeio me to onoma svchost?

tote tha katebaseis to programma process explorer.

ekei mesa deixnei poies yphreseis trexoyn sto pc soy.

otan to anoikseis loipon ayto to programma tha deis ta svchost programmata poy trexoyn sto pc soy.kathe fora pou tha phgaineis to kersora toy pontikioy panw apo mia yphresia poy soy deixnei oti trexei o process explorer ,tha deis oti soy deixnei kai thn diadromh apo opoy ksekinaei to programa mesa apo ton sklhro soy disko.

tha peraseis loipon to pontiki panw apo ola ta svchost poy soy deixnei oti trexoyn kai molis deis thn diadromh c:\recyclers\svchost,gia paradeigma,tote tha kaneis deksi klik panw se ayto to svchost kai tha pathseis kill process.

meta tha pas sto fakelo recyclers kai tha ton diagrapseis olon ton fakelo.

soy proteinw na exeis nod32 h to antivir gurd.poy einai kai free antivirus.

kai PARA POLY KALO malista!

elpizw na se vohthisa !:O

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To svchost ειναι σε φάκελο RECYCLER οχι recyclers και ο φακελος ειναι και κρυφος φακελος του συστηματος. Εσύ λες οτι φτιάχνει δικό του φάκελο; :worry:

Σαν antivirus εχω το symantec antivirus και δεν είχε βρει τίποτα, το nod θα το έβρισκε;

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To svchost ειναι σε φάκελο RECYCLER οχι recyclers και ο φακελος ειναι και κρυφος φακελος του συστηματος. Εσύ λες οτι φτιάχνει δικό του φάκελο; :worry:

Σαν antivirus εχω το symantec antivirus και δεν είχε βρει τίποτα, το nod θα το έβρισκε;


sorry:O diko moy lathos..

to svchost einai se fakelo RECYCLER kai oxi se fakelo recyclers.

nai fainetai kryfo to arxeio poy yparxei mesa ston fakelo.

o ios ton dimhoyrgei.

nai,to nod32 kai to antivir gurd tha to evriskan an ekanes deep scan!

to symantec einai arketa vary san antivirus kai pleon,gia mena,mono onoma exei kai oxi leitoyrgikothta:!:

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emena einai omos kesa sto system32.den exo vrei fakelo me to onoma recycler.na to sveiso?ti na kano?


OXI !mhn to sviseis!

den tha anoigei meta o ypologisths soy!

kane ena deep scan me opoio antivirus exeis!

kai an den vrei tipota tote pes moy.

vasika,otan soy kanei restart,soy vgazei kana mynhma sfalmatos ?

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