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[Επίσημο] Nokia 5070


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Nokia 5070: Fun and function


http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8772/015070lowrescp5.th.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/8752/025070lowreshn8.th.jpg http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/3023/035070lowresya9.th.jpg

March 29, 2007



Espoo, Finland - Designed with the needs of young consumers in mind, the newly announced Nokia 5070 features a compelling blend of fun and function for today's socially networked mobile customer. With strong messaging, leisure and personalization features, the Nokia 5070 has everything that the mobile social set needs. The Nokia 5070 will be available in the second quarter of 2007 with an estimated retail price of EUR 100 excluding taxes and subsidies.


A full set of messaging features is sure to satisfy the need to connect via text, voice and images. With just a few keystrokes, friends' contact information can be accessed and messages quickly composed and delivered. When a quick voice messaqe is more convenient, the Nokia 5070 offers the option to send off quick voice messages via Nokia Xpress Audio Messaging. And of course, since a picture is worth a thousand words, the built-in camera can snap pictures of friends, weekend trips or any of life's amusing moments and then share via MMS.


When not busy staying in touch, owners can enjoy the fun that the Nokia 5070 is built to deliver. With an integrated FM radio, tuning into the hottest radio channels in town is quick and easy, especially since a stereo headset comes included in the sales package. If a quick game is more appropriate, pre-installed java games such as the widely popular Sudoku can be found on the Nokia 5070. With a built in web browser, surfing the web and checking sports results or movie timetables is also possible with the multi-talented Nokia 5070.


As unique as the Nokia 5070 is, owners are sure to want to make theirs just as individual as themselves. MP3 ringtones are at hand to ensure that each time it rings, the Nokia 5070 can reflect its owner's style, mood or music taste. Additionally, a variety of wallpapers and themes can also be downloaded to give the Nokia 5070 even more of a personalized touch.


The Nokia 5070 has talk time up to 3.5 hours and the standby time is up to 12 days and is available in two fresh colors, red or blue.



Μην ψάξεις ποτέ να βρεις κάτι τέλειο για να το αγαπήσεις. Αγάπησε κάτι ατελές και τελειοποίησε το με την αγάπη σου!

iPhone 5S Space Grey

Προσοχή! Κατάργηση γραφής Greeklish

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Πόσες φορές ακόμη θα δούμε το ίδιο ακριβώς κινητό..?

Nokia 5070

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Nokia 6070

Redmi Note 8T
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:) Διαθέσιμο στο Πλαίσιο... Τιμή: 118 ευρώ.



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Πόσες φορές ακόμη θα δούμε το ίδιο ακριβώς κινητό..?

Nokia 5070

Nokia 6080

Nokia 6070



Έχεις απόλυτο δίκιο, αυτό βλέπω κι εγώ τώρα που ψάχνω ποια συσκευή να πάρω και μου φαίνονται ίδιες.

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  • 7 months later...

Έχω βάλει έναν ήχο να κάνει όταν καλώ το κινητό


Στη συνέχεια καλώ στον αριθμό μου, και ακούγονται τα εξής 3:


Τις πρώτες 1-2 φορές που θα καλέσω δεν ακούγεται ήχος, παρά μόνο ένα μπιπ, στην οθόνη βλέπω ότι υπάρχει κλήση σε εξέλιξη αλλά δεν ακούω τον ήχο του κινητού


Αν καλέσω 3η φορά, ακούω άλλον ήχο από αυτόν που έχω επιλέξει


Στην 4η ίσως να ακούσω τον δικό μου...


Και μετα ξανά από την αρχή


Είναι κάτι στις ρυθμίσεις; Τι μπορεί να φταίει;

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