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kalispera paides!exw ta winxp profesional agglika kai ta ellinika mou ta vgazei me symvola ktl....voithiste me sas parakalw na fenonte ola kanonika kai na mporw na diavasw ellinika epitelous...giati me ayton pou ginete thelw na valw subtitles se ena avi arxeio kai xrisimopoiw to subtitle proccesor kai opote vazw ellinikous ypotitlous den tous diavazei me apotelesma na min mporw na dw tainia me ypotitlous....an mporeite na mou proteinete kai eseis kana allo programataki gia tin eisagwgi ypotitlon se avi arxeio tha to ektimousa poli....eyxaristw ek ton proteron....
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τραβα στα Regional and language options/advanced δες αν εχεις επιλεξει ελληνικα και βαλε στις κωδικοσελιδες συν την 20423....

λογικα δε θα εχεις προβλημα

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,

ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."


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