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Τattoo & Piercing


έχετε tattoo??  

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  1. 1. έχετε tattoo??

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Είχα κι εγώ το ίδιο πρόβλημα όταν τρύπησα τη μύτη μου. Επειδή έπρεπε να το βγάζω στις προπονήσεις (καθώς επίσης και από τα αυτιά) την πρώτη μέρα παρατήρησα ότι ζοριζόμουν να το ξαναβάλω. Δεν είχε κλείσει η τρύπα αλλά είχε "στενέψει" και αν την άφηνα χωρίς σκουλαρίκι για κανα δίωρο ακόμα σίγουρα θα έκλεινε περισσότερο. Εξάλλου μου το 'χαν πει και στο μέρος που έκανα την τρύπα πως για λίγες μέρες καλό θα ήταν να μην έβγαζα το σκουλαρίκι παρά μόνο για να καθαρίσω την περιοχή. Τελικά, για κανα δέκα μέρες στις προπονήσεις δεν έβγαζα το σκουλαρίκι (σκοτωθήκαμε με το δάσκαλο για να μου το επιτρέψει) το κάλυπτα με ένα τσιρότο και είχα προειδοποιήσει τους συναθλητές πως απαγορεύονται τα χτυπήματα στο κεφάλι.(no :vava:). ¨Όταν τρύπησα τον αφαλό μου δεν είπα κουβέντα στο δάσκαλο, αλλά ενημέρωσα τους συναθλητές να προσέχουν που χτυπάνε.

Όσο για να ανοίξεις μόνος σου τρύπα: 1.ΓΙΑΤΙ?

2. Έχω δει μολυσμένη αυτοσχέδια

σκουλαρικότρυπα και πιστεψέ με δεν

είναι κάτι που θέλεις να έχεις πάνω


Επειδή παραδόξως δεν έχω απαντήσει ποτέ στο θέμα, έχω και ένα tattoo λίγο πιο κάτω απ'τον αυχένα, ψηλά στη μέση της πλάτης. Ψήνομαι να κάνω και δεύτερο.




Gia na sou apanthsw .... kai prin thn trupa thn eixa kanei monos mou sto katw meros tou aftiou ..

Oso gia auto pou rwthsa einai opou lene oti mporei na xtyphsei neuro ama thn anoi3w yila klp klp Ekei lew na anoi3w. twra fantazomai dn ponaei kai polu...

Alla 8a dokimasw ama dn mporesw 8a paw se kana xasaph :):):)

Yparxei kamia pi8anothta na xtyphsei neuro opws lene ???

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Yparxei kamia pi8anothta na xtyphsei neuro opws lene ???

Ear piercing is common, and multiple piercing of the ear has become increasingly fashionable. Often this involves "high" piercing, which requires puncture through the cartilage of the upper third of the pinna. Infection at this site results in auricular perichondritis. Soft tissue infection is a recognised complication at any site, but the subperiosteal abscess associated with perichondritis often leads to loss of cartilage and to an unsightly deformity known as "cauliflower ear" which has a poor chance of good reconstruction fig 1. Cauliflower ear is more likely to occur with transcartilagenous ear piercings. The usual infective agent in auricular perichondritis is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, to which antibiotic resistance seems to be increasing. The vast majority of piercings are performed by non-medical practitioners, such as jewellers, hairdressers, or tattooists. These practitioners and their customers may not fully appreciate the implications of cartilage damage resulting from high piercing.
:love:Μη με αγγίζεις....Κάνω *ΤΖΙΖ*
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Piercing Ear Cartilage May Increase Risk of Infection



Body piercing is all the rage and has been increasing in popularity for some time now. But many types of piercing, particularly ear piercing, are performed in unregulated or loosely controlled environments, and often by people who are not sufficiently trained in infection control. Unfortunately, like unsanitary nail salons and hairdressers, this lack of regulation can present serious public health risks.


An outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (a serious bacterial infection) due to unsafe infection control practices at a piercing kiosk in Oregon recently illustrated the potential dangers associated with commercial ear piercing establishments. In response to this outbreak, a group of investigators from the Oregon public health agencies set out to examine the risks of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa after ear piercing. The results of their investigation, published in the February 25, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the risk of infection is higher for ear cartilage piercing that for ear lobe piercing.


About the Study

Using sales records from the kiosk, the Oregon Department of Human Services in Portland conducted a cohort study (a study where the researchers compare a particular group of people who all share a common characteristic with a second group of people who do not share that characteristic) of all the people who had received piercings at the kiosk over the month prior to the outbreak. They did this by sending questionnaires to all the customers and collecting environmental samples from the kiosk, including countertops, plumbing fixtures, and ear-piercing guns. The kiosk workers were also screened for Pseudomonas aeruginosa by stool and hand cultures.


From the questionnaires, the researchers identified all the confirmed cases of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (defined as infections that developed within two weeks of the piercing and cultured positively for Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and all the suspected cases of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (defined as any sign of infection at the piercing site, such as local pain or tenderness or drainage of pus or blood lasting at least 14 days).


The Findings

The researchers looked at 186 piercings received by 118 people. They identified seven confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections and 18 suspected infections. Of these, most were treated initially with antibiotics that were ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, four were hospitalized, four required outpatient surgery, and several were cosmetically deformed.


They also found that of these infections, upper ear cartilage piercing was far more likely to result in either confirmed or suspected Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection than was piercing of the ear lobe.


The researchers did not find Pseudomonas aeruginosa on any of the solid surfaces or in the tap water at the kiosk. They did, however, find traces of the bacteria on two of the workers (one from a stool sample and one from a hand culture), in a disinfectant solution, and in wastewater located in traps beneath the sinks.


How Does This Affect You?

The researchers concluded that ear cartilage piercing is inherently more risky than ear lobe piercing in terms of infection. One reason for this is the lack of blood flow to the cartilage area. Oral antibiotics are carried to infection sites by the blood, making cartilage, which has fewer capillaries than other types of tissue, harder to reach. A second complicating factor is Pseudomonas aeruginosa’s resistance to antibiotics. Remember, most of the people who reported an infection after their ear piercing were initially treated with antibiotics known to be ineffective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


So what’s to be done? The researchers make several suggestions. First, state and local public health departments must enforce stricter regulation of piercing kiosks and parlors. Additionally, better infection control training must be required for employees in these settings. Finally, physicians who treat infections resulting from ear piercings, particularly when the piercing is in the cartilage, should consider Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a possible cause of the infection and treat it aggressively.


If your child is considering a body piercing of any kind, have them talk with your primary care physician about the potential risks. Additionally, safety regulations for body piercing are handled by individual state health authorities. Make sure the piercing establishment is adhering to these regulations. Is the location licensed? Is the location clean and safe? Do they follow the local safety regulations? Taking the time to answer these questions now may help prevent a form of self-expression from becoming a lifelong reminder of a youthful indiscretion.

:love:Μη με αγγίζεις....Κάνω *ΤΖΙΖ*
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Top 3 Reasons to Have Your Tongue Pierced:

1. It's Cool

2. Parents hate it.

3. Everybody's doing it.


Top 6 Reasons Not To:


http://www.drhendry.ca/InfoAndLinks/TonguePiercing/ToothFracture.JPG1.Chipped or Broken Front Teeth

The majority of patients we see with tongue barbells wind up with chips, *****s or fractures in their front teeth. These have to be repaired with fillings or crowns. And re-done repeatedly when those wear out - over and over for the rest of your life.



http://www.drhendry.ca/InfoAndLinks/TonguePiercing/GumDamage.JPG2. Gum Surgery

We've had to refer patients to periodontists for surgical correction of damage caused by rubbing tongue barbells.


http://www.drhendry.ca/InfoAndLinks/TonguePiercing/Lungs.JPG3. It can go down the wrong way.

The barbell can come un-screwed and wind up in a lung. (If you're lucky it can be removed by passing a bronchoscope down your throat, avoiding chest surgery.)Going down the other way isn't necessarily great, either. The ball end should pass through harmlessly if swallowed. However the long part would carry the risk of lodging or causing internal tears in the intestine.



http://www.drhendry.ca/InfoAndLinks/TonguePiercing/BrainAbscessPic.JPG4. Gruesome Infection and Death

The mouth is moist and full of bacteria, and the tongue has major blood vessels ideal for spreading infection to the brain and elsewhere. This can disfigure or kill you.


The case at left was a local girl who almost died from a brain abscess following a tongue piercing. She had part of her skull removed to relieve pressure caused by the infection. She can still feel the soft spot where the skull is missing.


http://www.drhendry.ca/InfoAndLinks/TonguePiercing/Blood.jpg5. Losing blood - possibly lots of it.

The tongue contains large blood vessels, and you're in trouble if one of them is perforated. You could end up having to have the vessel closed surgically in hospital.


There is also the possibility of hitting a nerve, and damaging that. Imagine life with a tongue that doesn't work properly.


http://www.drhendry.ca/InfoAndLinks/TonguePiercing/HepV.jpg6. Hepatitis or HIV

Unsterile instruments are a great way to spread these and other infections. If you must do this, be sure to go to a reputable clinic, and be very sure that they do things properly: autoclave sterilization and gloves.


phgh :h**p.drhendry.com

:love:Μη με αγγίζεις....Κάνω *ΤΖΙΖ*
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Όχι καλέ , έχω σταματήσει να κυκλοφορώ με το σουτιέν γιατί μου κάναν παρατηρήσεις, κάτι για προσβολή της δημοσίας αιδούς, δεν έχω καταλάβει καλά...


Urban legend αυτος ο "νομος"...:p :happy:

Μην ακους τετοιες παρατηρησεις!

Και ας την προσβαλες εκεινη την κυρια....την δημοσια ντε!:p

το ξερω off topic...


Παντως να σου πω, περα απο το αστειο οτι πολυ μου αρεσει το σημειο που εκανες tatto!;)



Το piercing στην γλωσσα παντως προσωπικα το βρισκω αντιαισθητικο...:worry:

Περαν απο τους λογους που εβαλε το freakaki (και ειναι πολυ σημαντικοι για να μην κανει καποιος),γενικα δεν μου αρεσει καθολου και σαν εικονα...:O

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WOW epeidh meso pm de mporo na sou deikso foto(h ginete kai de to ksero ego?)

oriste to shmeio pou me rotas...

tragus legete kai einai sto meso tou autiou...



kai ayto einai oti pio aplo vrhka gia ta neyra pou rotas



:love:Μη με αγγίζεις....Κάνω *ΤΖΙΖ*
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Έχω 1 τρύπα στο ένα αυτί και 3 στο άλλο (η μία είναι ψηλά), σκέφτομαι όμως να κάνω κι άλλες. (ειχα παλαιοτερα, αλλα τις αφησα να κλεισουν)Επίσης έχω τρύπα στη μύτη εδώ και 2 χρόνια κι ένα μικρό τατουάζ κάτω απ'τη μ'εση μου λίγο πιο πάνω απο τον ... π@π@ μου! Φαινεται μονο αν φοραω εντελώς χαμηλα παντελόνια και το εκανα ως ενθυμιο για μια περιοδο της ζωης μου που σπουδαζα στο εξωτερικο και περασα πολυ ωραια. (ισως βλακεια σκεπτικο αλλά...) Ειναι πολυ διακριτικο και μονο για λίγους....

στελνω το url αλλα δεν ξέρω πώς θα φανεί...



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FREAK... δεν γίνεται να είσαι λιγότερο... εχμ... παραστατική???

Μας έφτιαξες τη μέρα... :X :cry: :p

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Ρε παιδιά, πριν καιρό είχα ανοίξει αυτο το thread γιατί σκεφτόμουν να κάνω tatto ο αλλά ποτέ δεν ανέβασα φωτογραφία!!:p


Αν θέλετε, δείτε το: http://briefcase.pathfinder.gr/download/513770

Υπογραφή εκτός Ο.Π.Χ.
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παιδιά έκλεισα χρόνο με μία τρύπα στον αφαλό.

και έβγαλα το σκουλαρίκι γιατί είχε αρχίσει να το αποβάλλει ο οργανισμός μου.

έχει αρχίσει και στρώνει το δέρμα, αλλά η φλέβα είναι ακόμη σκουρόχρωμη.

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παιδιά έκλεισα χρόνο με μία τρύπα στον αφαλό.

και έβγαλα το σκουλαρίκι γιατί είχε αρχίσει να το αποβάλλει ο οργανισμός μου.

έχει αρχίσει και στρώνει το δέρμα, αλλά η φλέβα είναι ακόμη σκουρόχρωμη.

Λιγο περιεργο παντως να κανει rejection μετα απο ενα χρονο. Το καθαριζες προσεκτικα με antiseptic?

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εγω ρε παιδια δεν μπορω να βρω το σχεδιο που θελω για tattoo :worry:

εχω αποφασισει τι θελω αλλα δεν μπορω να το βρω...κανας γραφιστας εδω για να βοηθησει στο προβλημα μου? :O :shifty:

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εγω ρε παιδια δεν μπορω να βρω το σχεδιο που θελω για tattoo :worry:

εχω αποφασισει τι θελω αλλα δεν μπορω να το βρω...κανας γραφιστας εδω για να βοηθησει στο προβλημα μου? :O :shifty:

To sxedio mporei na sto sxediasei o tattoo artist pou tha kaneis to tattoo ;) Pes tou ti theleis kai tha to ftiaxei. Etsi exo kanei kai ego sxedon se ola mou ta tattoo

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ναι αλλα ειμαι λιγο δυσκολος γενικα και φοβαμαι μην τα παρει και μου πει να παω να *τουυυτ* :worry: επισης δεν ξερω αν θα πιασει κιολας το feeling απο αυτο που ζηταω
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ναι αλλα ειμαι λιγο δυσκολος γενικα και φοβαμαι μην τα παρει και μου πει να παω να *τουυυτ* :worry: επισης δεν ξερω αν θα πιασει κιολας το feeling απο αυτο που ζηταω

σαφώς θές gothic σχέδιο,έτσι δεν είναι??

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thelw enan dakrismeno gelwtopoio (gelwtopoio oxi clown) kai gia na min einai ksekarfwto etsi apla mono to proswpo na exei tribal san backround alla oxi to klassiko (psiloa8lio) tribal,na einai kapws pio aixmhro kai "apeilitiko" na to pw etsi.to diskolo 8a einai na petyxei tin ekfrasi tou gelwtopoiou gi'auto kalytera na vrw kapion na mou diksei kapia sxedia kai na ta doulepsoume para na kanw kati paromio me ton tatouatzi giati 8a me vrisei kai 8a exei kai dikio :worry:
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thelw enan dakrismeno gelwtopoio (gelwtopoio oxi clown) kai gia na min einai ksekarfwto etsi apla mono to proswpo na exei tribal san backround alla oxi to klassiko (psiloa8lio) tribal,na einai kapws pio aixmhro kai "apeilitiko" na to pw etsi.to diskolo 8a einai na petyxei tin ekfrasi tou gelwtopoiou gi'auto kalytera na vrw kapion na mou diksei kapia sxedia kai na ta doulepsoume para na kanw kati paromio me ton tatouatzi giati 8a me vrisei kai 8a exei kai dikio :worry:

Η δουλεια του ειναι δε θα σε βρισει. Σε ολους αρεσει να δουλευουνε με custom made tattoos γιατι εκφραζονται και αυτοι περισσοτερο στη δημιουργια του

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esy toulaxiston exeis vrei kati sto myalo sou,egw pou thelw na kanw tatoo kai den mporw na vrw to sxedio pou na thelw na exw panw mou gia mia zwi.psaxnw sto internet psaxnw pantou.

na rwtisw thimatai kaneis mia diafimisi,den thimamai an itan campari,gia kapoio poto itan,pou itan enas typos ksaplomenos sto krevati kai tou travaei mia to sentoni,kai fainete ena tatoo pou eixe apo ton afalo kai katw,mporei kapoios na me voithisei an ti thimatai,i pou mporw na ti vrw.

Nokia 5110, Nokia 3210,Nokia 3310, Nokia 8310,Nokia , Sony Erricson W800i, Siemens SX1, Motorola Razor v3, Samsung U100, Samsung U600,iphone 3G(για 5χρονια!), Iphone 4, Samsung Galaxy s3
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esy toulaxiston exeis vrei kati sto myalo sou,egw pou thelw na kanw tatoo kai den mporw na vrw to sxedio pou na thelw na exw panw mou gia mia zwi.psaxnw sto internet psaxnw pantou.

na rwtisw thimatai kaneis mia diafimisi,den thimamai an itan campari,gia kapoio poto itan,pou itan enas typos ksaplomenos sto krevati kai tou travaei mia to sentoni,kai fainete ena tatoo pou eixe apo ton afalo kai katw,mporei kapoios na me voithisei an ti thimatai,i pou mporw na ti vrw.

νυχτερίδα δεν ήταν το συγκεκριμένο tattoo?

τι είδους σχέδιο ψάχνεις?

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thelw enan dakrismeno gelwtopoio (gelwtopoio oxi clown) kai gia na min einai ksekarfwto etsi apla mono to proswpo na exei tribal san backround alla oxi to klassiko (psiloa8lio) tribal,na einai kapws pio aixmhro kai "apeilitiko" na to pw etsi.to diskolo 8a einai na petyxei tin ekfrasi tou gelwtopoiou gi'auto kalytera na vrw kapion na mou diksei kapia sxedia kai na ta doulepsoume para na kanw kati paromio me ton tatouatzi giati 8a me vrisei kai 8a exei kai dikio :worry:

απο τις photo που έχεις στο pathfinder ,έχει ωραία gothic σχεδιάκια.

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