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M400 Pocket PC phone - from Samsung


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το νέο ppc της samsung με κινητό τηλέφωνο, ψηφιακή φωτογραφική μηχανή και δέκτη τλεόρασης:






Samsung Electronics introduced a new handset, the Smartphone, in a promotional event Monday. The Smartphone is combined PDA, cellular phone, digital camera and television.


*The new phone is designed for Korean market is not GSM compatible. :(

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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to sigekriemno ixe anakinothie prin kana 7 mino ean thimame kala! alal distixos thimame pos den tha bgaloun pote kati antisito gia europi pros to paron ke parepiptontos ksexases na peis pos exei ke gps pano!!:)

i am back at last .....

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το συγκεκριμένο δεν είναι με το gps αλλά με την τηλεόραση :)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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συγνώμη tranq.



...The new Phone Edition-based MITs M400 offers Koreans blazing wireless transfer speeds, bogs of RAM, GPS , a camera with camcorder functionality, 2-way radio and - get this - TV.




Powered by a 300 MHz Intel PXA255 XScale processor and running Pocket PC 2002 Phoone Edition, the M400 is at a performance disadvantage when compared with the battery of Pocket PCs - most of which run at 400 Mhz - recently launched in conjunction with the introduction of Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC. Similarly, the 16-bit, 3.5" transflective TFT display of the M400 is of the same variety as those of the majority of recently introduced Pocket PCs.


However, no recently introduced models are powered by the Phone Edition of the platform, which will arrive in the shape of upgrades to existing Phone Edition devices and also with the introduction of new devices later this year. And, its basic hardware is regardless not what makes the M400 stand out in a crowd.


What distinguishes the M400 from other Pocket PCs, is its support for CDMA2000 1xEV-DO, the in CDMA technology which increases data transfer speeds from the 144 Kbps offered by current 1xRTT networks to a whopping 2.4 Mbps. With increased transfer speeds also comes the natural evolution of storage space, as the M400 offers 128 MB of on-board memory, as well as an SDIO capable SD/MMC Card expansion slot allowing storage to be increased to over 1 GB, and input/output peripherals to be added.


Not content with this, Samsung has also added an integrated GPS receiver to the M400, enabling location-based services without the need for add-on peripherals of any kind. According to Samsung, an optional navigation system can be installed to aid drivers, providing voice recognition, voice services and 3D images.


The list goes on, as the M400 also offers an integrated digital camera with 16-bit color depth and 0,3 megapixel (VGA) resolution capable of both taking still pictures and recording video. Also, the M400 contains a 2-way radio feature which Samsung has yet to elaborate on.


And lastly, in an unprecedented move, Samsung has also included a TV tuner in the M400 which lets owners tune into regular broadcasts to watch and even record video on the unit for later playback.


πηγή: http://www.infosyncworld.com

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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να προσθέσω ότι έχει 128άρα ραμ όπως και το 5550 (τα μόνα μέχρι τώρα)


άλλη μια εικόνα:


Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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opos oniro ine ke to oti tha rthei kapote edo..... apo autonomia omos eoxume tpt giait me ola auta ama krataei 5 ores kala thane....

i am back at last .....

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Wirelessly posted (Nokia 7650: Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0)


Αρχικό μήνυμα από τον/την kplr

Χάθηκε ο κόσμος να βάζανε και μια compact flash πάνω.. Τόσα βάλανε εκεί κολλήσανε...


Pragmatika nomizo oti ine to mono ppc pu DEN thel cf :lol: exi apo mono tu gps, tv ke kamera me vide. Ti allo na parei? :)

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον 21century


Αληθεια αν ερχοτα στη χωρα μας θα εκανε πωλησεις αλαλ αρκει να εκπληρωνε οσα υποσχεται...



θα έρθει λογικά το sgh-i700 (παρόμοιο) αλλά και νέα Pda που δεν τα ξέρουμε ακόμα. είμαστε σε μια εποχή που μπορούμε να δούμε μόνο μερικές βδομάδες μετά... :rolleyes:

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Η μόνη φορά που δέν θα με πειράξει η απουσία CF. Με κλειστά μάτια το παίρνω.




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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον Tomby


Η μόνη φορά που δέν θα με πειράξει η απουσία CF. Με κλειστά μάτια το παίρνω.





An to pareis me kleista matia tha sou pasarw to kolimeno Loox sou kai tha to parw egw! :p

Μέγιστο μέγεθος εικόνας 420Χ150
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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον kplr


Χάθηκε ο κόσμος να βάζανε και μια compact flash πάνω.. Τόσα βάλανε εκεί κολλήσανε...




giati i sd card pou kikloforoun mexri 1GB ligo einai???

mexri telos 2004 tha exoun vgei 4GB... kai nomizo einai kai pio grigores.. gia megethos, e... oute sizitisi.

kaliteri epilogi gia mena... oi cf logo megethous kapou tha eklipsoun...

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από τον eNeRGy


giati i sd card pou kikloforoun mexri 1GB ligo einai???

mexri telos 2004 tha exoun vgei 4GB... kai nomizo einai kai pio grigores.. gia megethos, e... oute sizitisi.

kaliteri epilogi gia mena... oi cf logo megethous kapou tha eklipsoun...



αν και το λέει για τα περφεριακά και όχι για την μνήμη... με tv, gps, camera, cdma... δεν θες και άλλα :o

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος eNeRGy (22 Αύγ. 2003 , 13:57)


giati i sd card pou kikloforoun mexri 1GB ligo einai???

mexri telos 2004 tha exoun vgei 4GB...


Mάντεψε τι ημερομηνία έχουμε τώρα!!! ;) :p


oi cf logo megethous kapou tha eklipsoun...


Πράγματι! Ήδη σε πολλά μαγαζιά δεν υπάρχουν CF :p :p :p

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Trobocop® ( 2 Δεκ. 2004 , 08:15)


Mάντεψε τι ημερομηνία έχουμε τώρα!!! ;) :p




Πράγματι! Ήδη σε πολλά μαγαζιά δεν υπάρχουν CF :p :p :p




2GB exoun vgei SD... gia tis 4GB profanos fteei i sandisk pou to eixe anakoinosei kai den to ekane kai oxi ego! (ektos an fteo kai gia afto ego opote prepei na tin kleiso tin sandisk! :p )

an kai afou iparxoun 2GB sto emporio... oi 4GB apla tha testarontai kapou... opote... pali mesa eimai :p (alla para t'afta tha tin kleiso tin sansidk!)


oi cf de tha stamatisoun na iparxoun sta magazia... oso de tha stamatisoun ta CD-r tora pou vgikan ta dvdR se ligo ta HDdvd klp klp...

alla olo kai ligoteres compact siskeves tin ipostirizoun... tora ta alla pou les... einai gia: :p

i ipostiriksi einai ipoxreotiki...


ean de vriskeis 2GB sd... mporo na sou fero ego apo Germania mia Sandisk ultra II 2GB x66...

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