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katarxas to hdmi dn kanei apolitws TIPOTA oute veltiwnei thn gaming empiria sou oute tipota

exei parei poli hype h ipothesh logw tis proothishs pou to dinei h sony

kai to v2 360 an kikloforisei pote tha kikloforisei kathara gia logus marketing

Αυτο λεω και εγω... απλα μου αρεσει ο 120αρης δισκος και οτι λογω νεου επεξεργαστη θα ειναι πιο ησυχο!!!(αυτο το βουουου μου δινει στα νευρα οταν ειμαι κουρασμενος ορισμενες φορες!!;) )

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Μα το DVD player ειναι που κανει σαν μονοκινητηριο αεροπλανο του Δευτερου Παγκοσμιου Πολεμου.


Τα ψυκτρακια ειναι που κανουν πολυ θορυβο...;)

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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odws to dvd player kanei ton thorivo

dokimase na min exeis valei ddvd sto drive kai aplws na eisai sto dashboard

akougete tipota?

dokimase meta na valeis dvd

n diafora tromeri

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To player καθαυτο κανει τον θορυβο ή το cooler του player που προσπαθει να "κρυωσει" το συστημα!??

Αν ειναι ο player... 1η φορα βλεπω να κανει τοσο θορυβο ενας!!!


Οτι και να ειναι παντως λενε στο νετ οτι ο νεος επεξργαστης θα χρειαζεται λιγοτερο coolαρισμα!!!:)

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Πολλα και ενδιαφεροντα νεα...

Xbox 360 IPTV interface gallery

Check out the following pics of Microsoft's upcoming Xbox 360 IPTV interface, not much is given away in terms of content providers but it certainly does look encouraging.



Official MS Xbox 360 CES Announcement:

Microsoft has issued the official press release for their Xbox 360 announcements at this years CES keynote. As expected IPTV was announced, 10.4 million consoles have been sold across the world and since the launch of the 360 over 100 million items have been downloaded from the network.


PRESS RELEASE: Xbox 360 and Microsoft TV: Together Expanding the World of Games and Entertainment


In a move that will combine the power of Xbox 360 with Microsoft TV IPTV Edition, Bach provided an early look at a new service, IPTV on Xbox 360. The offering is expected to deliver world-class TV experiences such as digital video recording capabilities, with gaming, movie viewing, and even voice and video communications. Tapping into an expanded set of entertainment experiences, users will be able to watch their favorite sporting event live while chatting with their friends, for example, or participate in a match on Xbox Live® while they record a TV program in the background. IPTV on Xbox 360 is expected to be available to consumers by holiday season 2007 and will be offered by providers that are deploying TV services based on the Microsoft TV IPTV Edition software platform.


“Our goal is to make entertainment more personal, more interactive and more social,” Bach said. “IPTV on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live are powerful examples of ways we are bringing together the worlds of gaming, TV viewing and community to make it easy for people to access and discover their favorite content and share their personal experiences with the communities they are part of.”


Microsoft TV IPTV Edition continues to strengthen its position in the market with deployments under way with five of the world’s largest service providers and trials with 11 additional companies, representing a footprint across 14 countries on four continents.


Bach also showcased the strong momentum behind Xbox 360 and highlighted the company’s success in delivering high-definition viewing experiences with HD DVD. Exceeding expectations by hitting the 10.4 million-console-sold mark this holiday season, Xbox 360 is the leading next-generation games and entertainment platform. It is also the largest social network in the living room, with 5 million Xbox Live members.


In addition, strong sales of the Xbox 360 HD DVD Player and strong demand for downloadable movies and television programs are a clear indication that increasing numbers of consumers see Xbox 360 as an ideal device for connecting to a broad range of entertainment experiences. In just over a year, people have downloaded more than 100 million pieces of content to their Xbox 360 consoles, which include game content, television shows and movies.



Xbox 360 to have 300 HD games by end of year, GoW as important as Halo Franchise!

Some more information was revealed on the Xbox 360 during CES, far beyond the official press release. There are 160 high-def games available, this will almost double to 300 by the time the year is out! Lots more info was announced such as Xbox Live has over 5 million subscribers, there are alot of new comers to the Xbox platform, HD-DVD peripheral is selling out regularly, 3 billion hours of gaming on live and a whole lot more inside.


Xbox 360 Summary from CES Keynote by Microsoft


- 10.4 million Xbox 360 consoles sold

- 160 High-Def titles available, 300 by end of 2007

- Sold in 37 countries

- Many Xbox 360 owners are 'new'

- 2.7 million copies of Gears of War sold in 2 months - almost as import as Halo franchise now

- 5 million Xbox Live members

- Demo of Live on Vista shows Uno being played against Xbox 360 players

- 3 Billion hours of gaming on Live so far

- HD-DVD peripheral being produced as fast as possible, continues to sell out was the top HD platform last year

- Lionsgate added as partner for HD content on marketplace

- HD streams via Windows Media Center connected to Xbox 360

- IPTV to be available from Holiday 2007

- MS show future home concept, recipes suggested on ingredients on table, and music changing on room lighting and post-it not reminders halting games on the Xbox 360 when suitable



New content for Gears of War coming this week:

According to 'Mygen' new content for the Xbox 360 smash hit Gears of War will be coming later this week on Thursday. The content pack will feature two new maps including one where players fight around a downed King Raven helicopter.



GTA Creators *****down for Xbox 360 Previewed:

It's the new title from the man behind the GTA series and is scheduled to make a huge impact on the Xbox 360. TXB has given us some early impressions on the game and believe it to be one of the most fascinating titles they've seen in recent times. The game features very unique visuals and and if you're on the highest point in the game, can see for miles and miles! They say it also has some brillaint audio effects, stay tuned for more info as a release draws closer.



Gates at CES: Microsoft No. 1 in gaming - Reversal of Un-Fun 'Clunky Box'

During his CES Keynote, Microsoft's uber rich chairman Bill Gates confidently remarked he expects Microsoft to overtake Sony in order to become the new leader in the videogame console market. Judging by the rate in which MS are moving, does anyone dare disagree? Gates also poked fun at the Xbox 1, saying MS come in late with a big old clunky box that was expensive and had less titles than the competition. But now the tables have been reversed :).



Ακομα μεγαλυτερο χασμα απο τον ανταγωνισμο για το Xbox360!!!! Στα μεσα του 2007 οπως λεει και Billακης θα εχουμε αλλη μια αναβαθμιση με νεα και καυτα καινουρια πραματα!!!


Αγορασα και νεο Υπολογιστη, θα ερθουν και τα Vista σε 3-4 βδομαδες, θα τα συνδεσω μεταξυ τους με Wi-Fi και ασε τους αλλους να λενε τα δικα τους...

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Να το video του 360 v2


Το video είναι καθαρό HOAX. Κάτω από τις πετσέτες και τις κουβέρτες είναι το αληθινό 360. Αλλιώς είναι mod-άρισμα.


Λέτε η Ms να έδωσε στους modders πρώτους τα πιλοτικά νέα 360? :wacko:


Επίσης η MS δεν έχει ανακοινώσει τίποτα επίσημα για HDMI και 120G σκληρό στο 360. Καλό θα ήταν να περιμένουμε επίσημες ανακοινώσεις πριν χαρούμε ή δυσαρεστηθούμε... Relax.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Το Video είναι από την ΧΒΟΧ-Scene, και αποκλείεται να είναι hoax. Πέραν του video έχουν και πολλά high res pics του εσωτερικού της κονσόλας όπου φαίνεται το νέο scaler chipset.


New York, Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew York!

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Το video είναι καθαρό HOAX. Κάτω από τις πετσέτες και τις κουβέρτες είναι το αληθινό 360. Αλλιώς είναι mod-άρισμα.


Λέτε η Ms να έδωσε στους modders πρώτους τα πιλοτικά νέα 360? :wacko:


Επίσης η MS δεν έχει ανακοινώσει τίποτα επίσημα για HDMI και 120G σκληρό στο 360. Καλό θα ήταν να περιμένουμε επίσημες ανακοινώσεις πριν χαρούμε ή δυσαρεστηθούμε... Relax.


Αμεσως hoax. Εγω κυριε θα ηθελα να ηταν hoax επειδη κατι τετοιο το θεωρω μαχαιρια. Τοσο γρηγορα καινουργιο build, επειδη κακα τα ψεματα αλλο HDMI και αλλο VGA με τα ψηλοπροβληματα του. Και κατι αλλο, ποσο μλκς ειναι να κατσουν να κανουν ολοκληρο case δλδ;:lol: :p :D :rolleyes:

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Bill Gates Credits Nintendo as a Competitor, Ignores Sony:

In an interview which aired on Japanese TV, Bill Gates credited the strength of the Wii and DS but went by without a mention to the almight Sony.



Mysterious Dashboard update over Live:

The MS team released out a dashboard update over live today, there is nothing new in this one just some tweaks and fixes some stability issues. Interesting.



Command and Conquer 3 to support Live Vision Camera:

C&C 3 on the Xbox 360 will support the Live Vision camera. Now when you crush your enemy, you can let him see the look of triumph right on your pretty little face :). You even get ten seconds of fame in the spotlight cam!


Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Το Video είναι από την ΧΒΟΧ-Scene, και αποκλείεται να είναι hoax. Πέραν του video έχουν και πολλά high res pics του εσωτερικού της κονσόλας όπου φαίνεται το νέο scaler chipset.


Δεν είναι κάπως περίεργο να πηγαίνει κάποιος να δίνει σε αυτούς που κάνουν mods (γιατί το xbox-scene modάδες (sic) είναι) ένα πρωτότυπο (prototype) 360 v2? Mήπως πρόκειται για modding?


Κατά τα άλλα πάω πάσο και γράφω αυτό που έγραψα και αλλού. Μακάρι να είναι αλήθεια και για το HDMI και για το υποτιθέμενο δίσκο των 120G.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Δεν είναι κάπως περίεργο να πηγαίνει κάποιος να δίνει σε αυτούς που κάνουν mods (γιατί το xbox-scene modάδες (sic) είναι) ένα πρωτότυπο (prototype) 360 v2? Mήπως πρόκειται για modding?


ΤΟΣΟ εξελιγμένο modding δεν παίζει να είναι.


Σου θυμίζω πάντως ότι λίγο πριν βγει το 360 ένα devkit της κονσόλας είχε πέσει στα χέρια της Team Xecuter και έτσι είχαν βγει οι πρώτες εσωτερικές φώτος της κονσόλας στην κυκλοφορία.


New York, Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew York!

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Καταλαβαινεις τι θα γινοταν αν τις επιβεβαιωναν... Και κατακριβεια δεν το διεψευσαν, ειπαν πως δεν ειναι σιγουρο να βγει στην παραγωγη και πως υπαρχουν "πειραματικα" μοντελα. Ετσι και αλλιως αυτο θα εβγαινε μαζι με τους 65nm processors που αυτοι ερχονται τελη 2007. Δεν θα ηθελαν να χαλασουν τις πωλησεις. Να ακομα κατι http://gamerscoreblog.com/team/archive/2007/01/05/539826.aspx Εδω διαψευδουν νεο SKU αλλα γυρω απο το HD-DVD. Αρα το ΗDMI δεν ειναι καθολου απιθανο...

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First Look: GRAW 2 Will Blow you Away

IGN has conducted a preview on Ubisoft's GRAW 2. They say it is amazing and is the complete vision that Ubisoft had for the game in the beginning. It looks absolutely beautiful and there are sone kick ass explosions in there for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing. Bring on the final retail version!



New Bioshock Screens Released:

Some new official screens have been released for Bioshock, they are marked under both the PC and Xbox 360 formats.



Moore, Satchell Blast 'Talentless' Sony at CES:

Peter Moore and Chris Satchell of Microsoft both put the boot into Sony claiming that their online service really sucks badly and that they are plagued with hardware production issues. Satchell commented that if he was to give Sony more advice, it would be to copy Xbox Live a little more closely!



Capcom's Dead Rising Ships over One Million:

Capcom has today announced that ONE MILLION copies of its zombie killing fest 'Dead Rising' have been shipped WORLDWIDE.


Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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shodanjr_gr και sonymobby, πάω πάσο. Μακάρι να βγει. Οπως έχω δηλώσει και σε άλλο φόρουμ εάν βγει εγώ θα το αγοράσω. :)
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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shodanjr_gr και sonymobby, πάω πάσο. Μακάρι να βγει. Οπως έχω δηλώσει και σε άλλο φόρουμ εάν βγει εγώ θα το αγοράσω. :)


Αν κανουν και μια προσφορα για τους παλιους τοτε σιγουρα θα το παρω και εγω!!

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Αν κανουν και μια προσφορα για τους παλιους τοτε σιγουρα θα το παρω και εγω!!


Χαχαχα, ωραιο το ανεκδοτο σου αλλα που...:(

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Χαχαχα, ωραιο το ανεκδοτο σου αλλα που...:(


Για να γελασουμε το ειπα αλλα μακαρι να γινει... που ομως!!! :(

Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Masterbit HD: Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007



Halo 3: Day of the Mongoose



Gates: PS3 has no Graphics Advantage, 'Burned a Year'

In a recent interview, Bill Gates slammed Sony commenting that they had no graphics advantage over the Xbox 360 at all. Sony will never have games looking better than on the Xbox 360, but Gates was quick to remark that BOTH systems would not exploit HD beyond 720p.



It's Official: Xbox 360 Won Next-Gen Battle in December

The Official figures are in from research group NPD and the Xbox 360 can proudly declare it sold 1.1 million units during December, that's almost twice as much as the Wii (604,200) and signficantly higher than the PS3's figure of 490,700. The shine was taken off the Xbox 360 a little by the PS2 which sold 1.4 million during the month. Elsewhere, the DS sold 1.6 million units and the PSP a somewhat impressive 953,200. Although, MS will have the last laugh with Gears of War topping the software charts! Not to mention the Xbox 360 Wireless Controller topping the accessory sales with 832,800 units.



The Xbox 360 is a Star in Hollywood:

Peter Moore has been bragging about the major connections Xbox has in Hollywood. Not only that but MS is in good with hot shot director Peter Jackson who will be bringing Halo to the big screen. Looks like its a win win situation for MS and Hollywood.


Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Talismoon Window Cutting tool for Xbox 360:

Talismoon has released a rather interesting manual tool for Xbox 360 owners. The tool was customly made so that Xbox 360 owners can cut up their Xbox 360 to impliment hardware mods such as windows.



Xbox 360 goes Flush down the Toilet, Really it Does:

If you ever got tired of reading magazines and old newspapers while going for a toilet break, how about playing the Xbox 360 on a HDTV in an uber modern setting? The toilet packs a 1.4 gallon flush and will be sure to make trips to the loo alot of fun.



Rumor: Leaked Halo 3 Gameplay Videos

A member of a Halo 3 forum is claiming that the following videos of 'Halo 3' are definitely real. Due to the poor quality its virtually impossible to make a valid judgement of authenticity.



Microsoft Use cute Girls to promote Gears of War in Japan:

At Microsoft’s CERO Z Game for Adults fiesta they debuted a wealth of games including Gears of War for Xbox 360 as paraded by the following fine looking female model.



Exclusive Halo 3 Goodies Revealed:

A listing on Walmart has pictures of the Spartan Mjolnir Mark VI Helmet and Display Stand, which are included in the Legendary Edition of Halo 3 for the Xbox 360.



Xbox 360 the least Noisy console of them all?

Some dude got to testing the noise outputs from the 360, PS3 and Wii. He concludes that on average the Xbox 360 is the least noisy, the PS3 is not noisy to begin with but then cranks up the volume after a short while. Lastly the Wii has no noise until you start to play a game and BOOM it becomes the loudest out of them all.



Crysis IS COMING to Xbox 360, but a Little different from PC Version:

Speaking at CES, one of the developers behind the popular FPS Crysis has announced it will make its move onto the Xbox 360 but in a different form. They will have to restructure things a little as the Xbox 360 doesn't run DX10, graphically it wont look as good but they'll try to make up for in the gameplay department. It will be far from a straight port.



Capcom Deny Microsoft Buy Out:

Just a few short days ago, the internet was awash with rumors that Microsoft bought out Dead Rising publishers Capcom. The Capcom folks have responded by saying its just a THREE YEAR old rumor that has been sparked up once again following the great games they have been making for Xbox 360.



New Xbox 360 due for late '07 to handle IPTV?

Windows expert Paul Thurrott has sparked once again that rumors of the Zephyr Xbox 360 may actually become a reality. According to his pals Microsoft will be coming out with a new Xbox 360 by the end of 2007 which will feature a larger hard drive and hardware to enable IPTV functionality.



Lost Planet Launch Event attracts over 1000 Gamers:

The recent launch event for Capcom's Lost Planet on Xbox 360 was a huge success with over 1,000 gamers heading down to SF to join in the fun. A DS was there, ice sculptures, pizza to waiters, rock climbing area and the opportunity to have a Lost Planet t-shirt made. Alot of the development team were also there which created a big buzz.



Decryption keys for HD-DVD are Real:

It has been found that the decryption keys for HD-DVD by Muslix64 are indeed real. As one guy says, the 'fair use' crowd has their way, but surely the industry can not be too happy.



SEGA Rally Revo:



Ιδιαίτερα κερδοφόρο το Xbox Live Video Marketplace:



Το Ghostbusters στο 360



Mετά τον Paul Thurrott, τώρα και η MS επιβεβαιώνει(?) τον ερχομό του XBOX360 v2


Η αγάπη αποτελείται απο μια μοναδική ψυχή που κατοικεί σε δύο σώματα! (Αριστοτέλης)


Proud Owner of a Xbox360 fully updated!!! (http://www.enternity.gr)

Next Generation Consoles WAR:http:// http://www.vgchartz.com/

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Ελληνικό review για το hd-dvd addon του Xbox 360


Επειδη ακομα να το πει καποιος, το Gears of War εκανε 3 εκατομυρια πωλησεις σε λιγοτερο απο 3 μηνες!!!

να ένα game που αξίζει να πουλάει τοσο!

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