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Traktor dj studio me 2 kartes hxou?


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Παιδες υπάρχει τρόπος να λειτουργήσει το Traktor με δυο καρτες ηχου...απο την μια να ακους τα ακουστικα και απο την αλλη να παιζει το mixarisma.....Η γενικά πως μπορώ να ακουω το αλλο κομμάτι που πάω να μιξάρω.....? Κοιταξα σε καποια σχετικα thread αλλά δεν βρηκα καποια απαντηση.....Καμια ιδέα?


Οι καρτες ηχου ειναι μια on board της Asus

και η άλλη η Creative LS

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katarxas, ti drivers xrhsimopoieis? Directsound h ASIO?

sthn periptwsh pou xrhsimopoieis ASIO, apla kaneis assign apo to setup=>audio ta headphones (L kai R) se kapoia e3odo (p.x. Out2 & Out3)

sthn periptwsh pou xrhsimopoieis Directsound, 8a sou proteina na baleis ASIO :p

gia phgaine mia bolta apo http://www.kxproject.com gia na peraseis tous kx drivers sthn SB anti twn teleiws aparadektwn ths creative kai 8a mporeis na exeis kx ASIO me 5msec latency!!!

HTC One X+ || Android Revolution HD 8.0 || Sense 5.0 || TWRP Recovery
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υπαρχει κανας driver για την Soundblaster PCI 128??? εγω παντως που ασχολουμαι και με αυτα τα προγραμματα, δεν καταφερα να το ρυθμισω το Traktor... πολυ μπερδεway κατασταση ειναι...
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  • 1 month later...

Για δες αυτό:


If you have one soundcard, press "Master & Mono 2 x Mono". This will output your master signal to one channel and your monitor signal to one channel. Unfortunately, this means your mix with be in mono. The monitor output is what you wil hear on your headphones, basically it will sound out of sync at first, but as you move the pitch sliders etc. it should eventually sound in sync. Your audience will hear the master output, which should be totally sync. If you have two soundcards click "Master & Monitor 2 x stereo" under two sounddevices, then assign one soundcard as the monitor and one the master output. Generally try to make your best soundcard the master. If you have a 3D soundcard with front and rear outputs click "Master & Monitor 2 x stereo under Quad speaker. It will output the monitor to the rear output and the master to the front output.

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