teorizo Δημοσιεύτηκε November 19, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημοσιεύτηκε November 19, 2004 ας συγκεντρώσουμε εδώ ολα τα tips και τα cheats που γνωριζουμε.Μπορουμε να κάνουμε την ζωή μας ποιο εύκολη!!!! :p Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 19, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 19, 2004 και ξεκιναω: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas All Weapons #1 Press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up All Weapons #2 Press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down All Weapons #3 Press R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left Max Health, Ammo, Money Press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up Floating Car Press R2, L1, Right, Left, Up, Down. Blow Up All Cars Press R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1. Commit suicide Press Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1. Clear Weather Press L1, L2, R1, R2(2), R1, L2, Triangle. Improve Car Handling Press Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1. Invisible Cars Press Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1. Cars drive on water Press Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2. Pink Traffic Press Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle Black Traffic Press Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle Dodo boats Press R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle Pedestrians go Crazy Press Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1 Pedestrians Get Weapons Press R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down Get a bounty on your head Press Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2 More Aggressive Drivers Press R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, R2, L2 Respect upgrade Press R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up during game play. Raise wanted level Press R1, R1, Circle, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left Lower wanted level Press R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down during game play. Perfect handling Press Triangle, R1, R1, Left , R1 , L1 , R2 , L1 during game play. Faster cars Press Right , R1 , Up , L2 (2), Left , R1 , L1 , R1 (2) during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Rhino tank Press Circle (2), L1 , Circle (3), L1 , L2 , R1 , Triangle , Circle , Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Bloodring Banger Press Down , R1 , Circle , L2 (2), X , R1 , L1 , Left (2) during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Ranger Press Up , Right (2), L1 , Right , Up , Square , L2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Hotring Racer #1 Press R1 , Circle , R2 , Right , L1 , L2 , X (2), Square , R1 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Hotring Racer #2 Press R2 , L1 , Circle , Right , L1 , R1 , Right , Up , Circle , R2 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Romero Press Down , R2 , Down , R1 , L2 , Left , R1 , L1 , Left , Right during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Stretch Press R2 , Up , L2 , Left (2), R1 , L1 , Circle , Right during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Trashmaster Press Circle , R1 , Circle , R1 , Left (2), R1 , L1 , Circle , Right during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Spawn Caddy Press Circle , L1 , Up , R1 , L2 , X , R1 , L1 , Circle , X during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Pedestrians riot Press Down , Left , Up , Left , X , R2 , R1 , L2 , L1 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Pedestrians have weapons Press R2 , R1 , X , Triangle , X , Triangle , Up , Down during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Slow down time Press Triangle , Up , Right , Down , Square , R2 , R1 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Speed up time: Press Circle (2), L1 , Square , L1 , Square (3), L1 , Triangle , Circle , Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Slow motion: Press Triangle , Up , Right , Down , Square , R2 , R1 during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Fast motion: Press Triangle , Up , Right , Down , L2 , L1 , Square during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Cloudy weather: Press R2 , X , L1 (2), L2 (3), Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Foggy weather: Press R2 , X , L1 (2), L2 (3), X during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Stormy weather: Press R2 , X , L1 (2), L2 (3), Circle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Very cloudy weather: Press R2 , X , L1 (2), L2 (3), Square during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Sunny weather: Press R2 , X , L1 (2), L2 (3), Triangle during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Very sunny weather: Press R2 , X , L1 (2), L2 (3), Down during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 19, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 19, 2004 και συνεχιζω: Need for Speed:Underground Easy drift points Stay behind a car to get lots of drift points. Easy style points After you unlock the oval drift track, go into "Quick Race" and choose that track. Then, race around it using the handbrake to powerslide into the corners. Depending on how good you are, you will unlock rewards every time you fill your meter, which does not take too long. Also, go to quick race mode and choose any circuit. Set it to five laps with maximum cars on. Then, just get near misses in a row to get a large amount of points. Once your reputation goes up you can make 20,000 points in one go around. Use rims that normally don't fit Certain cars can only fit so big of a rim. For example, the Miata can only fit 17s, but if you get a car like the Skyline put 20s on it and trade it in for the Miata. The Miata will now have the 20s that the Skyline had in it. Do not try to install any other rims on your new car because the rims will go back to the maximum sized allowed. Shoot smoke from nitrous To make nitrous shoot out smoke, put your car in neutral, or at the beginning of the race press Nitrous. Shortcuts Look for alternate routes on your in-game map while driving. These can get you ahead of an opponent easily or shave off seconds on your timer. They will look like another road on the map, but sometimes are narrower. Most of the time these shortcuts will be hard to see or take, and can be extremely risky. All Drag Tracks [submitted by: rob] Press Right, Square, Left, R1, Square, L1, L2, R2 Extra Speed by Purging Nitrous: Purge your N20 (Nitrous) at the start of a drag race and get a extra speed burst in getting to the fourth-sixth gears. One of the best cars to do this with is a souped up S2000 or a Skyline. Hint: Easy Reputation Stars: Make this set up for the S2000 Headlights: Voltage Tailights Chrome: Neon (you can leave that stock if you like) Muffler Rocket Roof Scoop Dually Wide Body Kit Mantis Rims Split Tint (Any) Color black or any dark color will be fine. Mods EXTREME Spoiler Dual GT (GT=Gran Turismo) or CarbonX or Warhawk. Muffler Color Chrome Rims Chrome. Follow this and you should have five rep stars. Unlimited Nitro cheat: Press X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle. All circuit tracks: Press Down, R1(3), R2(3), Square at the main menu. All drag tracks: Press Right, Square, Left, R1, Square, L1, L2, R2 at the main menu. All drift tracks: Press Left(4), Right, R2, R1, L2 at the main menu. All sprint tracks: Press Up, R2(3), R1, Down(3) at the main menu. Drift physics for all cars: Press R1, Up(3), Down(3), L1 at the main menu. Hint: 1988 Nissan Skyline GTR34: Select underground mode and complete at least the first 80 missions. A recommended car to use is the Acura RSX. You will then challenge Samantha. Defeat her under the medium difficulty setting and win the next drag race to unlock the 1998 Nissan Skyline GTR34. Hint: Eddie's: Nissan Skyline: To unlock Eddie's car in the end, keep winning style points. Note: It is faster to win them in drift. When your style meter maxes out, a message stating that you have won Eddie's Nissan Skyline will appear. Hint: Samantha's car: Keep getting style points until you get all the vinyls, then fill up the next meter. Hint: Kurt's Killa Ride: Use a Stock Mazda RX-7 and keep trying until you win. Hint: Easy drift points: Simply stay behind a car and watch the points rack up. Turn off the stability control by going into options and selecting "Car". This will make the car drift easier. As you progress through the levels, the score required to win the drift competitions get higher, especially when you have upgraded your car's handling. Before you enter the drift competitions, go into "Customize Car" and "Setup". For example, go to the engine upgrade section and refit stock tires to your chosen wheels. This will make drifting much easier. As you approach a bend with a bit of speed, back off the throttle, turn into it, and return to full throttle. With practice you can earn 50,000 style points on the figure of eight style track. Note: Do not forget to refit the better tires before entering a street race. Hint: Easy wins: If you are having trouble winning circuit, sprint, or lap knockout races, take off all of your engine performance mods. Note: This works for every car, is most useful for the Nissan Skyline. You do not need to take off the handling mods. Hint: Easier drag wins: To get to higher gears quicker in drag races, tap L1 repeatedly as needed to increase the RPM to the appropriate level to switch the gear. This also lessens the full force of the nitrous to lower the chance of burning the engine out. While drag racing, once you get into fourth gear use your nitrous. Your meter will shoot up into the red zone. Then, switch gears and get a perfect shift. You will get more speed when you do this. You can do this as long as you have nitrous. Keep tapping the nitrous button at start of the race. Hint: Faster speed: Hold R2 for greater speed. Note: This does not work in drags. Hint: Easy style points: After you unlock the oval drift track, go into "Quick Race" and choose that track. Then, race around it using the handbrake to powerslide into the corners. Depending on how good you are, you will unlock rewards every time you fill your meter, which does not take too long. Go to quick race mode and choose any circuit. Set it to five laps with maximum cars on. Then, just get near misses in a row to get a large amount of points. Once your reputation goes up you can make 20,000 points in one go around. Press Nitrous at the start of a race to purge your nitrous for 150 style points. Unlock the Toyota Celica in split screen/quick race mode and successfully complete the first tournament in underground mode. Go to "Customize Ride" at the main menu and select the Toyota Celica. Select the "Performance" option and equip your new engine, tires and drivetrain. It does not matter what brand package you choose for them. Return to the menu where you choose from "Visual", "Performance", etc. Choose "Visual", then equip your vehicle with parts from all of these options (though putting decals, painting, and placing vinyl on the vehicle is not necessary). Do not use any default parts. If your vehicle does not have a two star reputation rating or more, then you may have forgotten an option. Note: In the body section, the last option may be locked; it is not necessary for this trick. Return to the main menu and select "Quick Race", then "Drift Race". Select your Celica. Select the square track (should already be highlighted), and set the difficulty to medium and lap number to 10. You should be able to easily get "Great Drifts", and if you are good enough, you can get "Superb Drift" and "Colossal Drift" ratings occasionally. You will get a lot of style points for doing these drifts. This is an easy way to get style points early in the game. Also try to do drifts around corners in the bonus zone areas rather then doing drifts throughout the track. Go to quick race, then select "Drift" and use the little square track. Keep doing this to win vinyls, cars like Eddie's Skyline, the Mystikal car, and more. Once you have unlocked the orange Acura Type R in Underground mode, use it in regular quick race and win. Doing this will multiply your style points by five because this Acura has five reputation stars. Your style points gauge will fill up quicker, allowing you to unlock other things faster. Hint: Easy money: In Underground mode, take a VW Golf and upgrade it performance-wise as much as possible. Trade it in for a Nissan Skyline (or the best car unlocked so far), then downgrade the new car to stock. Trade it in for a Golf and you should make a profit (about $6,000 each time). You can use the money to buy more upgrade for regular mode if you want to play with the parts or are stuck in Underground mode. To earn a profit of about $5,500 or more (depending on how far you are in Underground mode), follow these steps. Go to Underground mode and enter the "Customize Ride" menu. Then, select the "Trade" option and trade your car for a Mazda RX-7. If you already have it as your car, skip this step. Downgrade all of your performance upgrades to stock. Then, go back to the "Trade" option and trade your car for a Volkswagen Golf GTI. Then, put all of your performance upgrades back onto the Golf GTI and trade your car for the Mazda RX-7. If done correctly, you should gain a profit of at least $5,500. Repeat those steps as many times as desired. In a short time you should have at least $30,000. Hint: Use rims that normally will not fit: Certain cars can only fit so big of a rim. For example, the Miata can only fit 17s, but if you get a car like the Skyline put 20s on it and trade it in for the Miata. The Miata will now have the 20s that the Skyline had in it. Do not try to install any other rims on your new car because the rims will go back to the maximum sized allowed. Hint: Purge nitrous: To purge your nitrous and appear to shoot out smoke, either put your car in neutral, or at the beginning of the race press Nitrous. Hint: Change color of vinyl: Choose any vinyl except for uniquem then select the layer you changed on the layers menu. Press Square and the color change menu will appear. Hint: Shortcuts: Look for alternate routes on your in-game map while driving. These can get you ahead of an opponent easily or shave off seconds on your timer. They will look like another road on the map, but sometimes are narrower. Most of the time these shortcuts will be hard to see or take, and can be extremely risky. At the beginning of the races that take place in front of the prison Samantha told you to race to for a reward, when the race starts, crash in the gate of the prison. It is an underground shortcut. Note: This only works after the race in which Samantha tells you to race to the prison in time for a reward. Hint: Recommended cars: The stats on the performance bars are not all that count. The Mazda RX-7 is extremely responsive. Quick movements and the ability to get yourself out of tight jams is what wins the race. The Mazda RX-7 responds very quickly and can help you out a lot with dodging cars and making it through quick S turns. The RX-7 may not have as good of a turning radius as the Skyline, but this can be compensated by holding the gas and pressing the brake at the same time while in a turn. This may bring your speed down a bit, but it also tightens your turning radius. Use this tactic when speeding through one of the tunnels with poles in the middle. Do not be discouraged by the poor start of the RX-7. This car will make up for it with its phenomenal top speed and ability to turn quickly. Objects always appear at a set distance ahead of you. At high speeds this will only give you a small instant for you to react and for your car to respond to your commands. The RX-7 responds faster than the Skyline, and therefore gives you a definite advantage at high speeds. It also turns more tightly at low speeds. It is also a good tool to use in Drift challenges because it is a light rear wheel drive. When you go sideways, the tires will just keep spinning as you drift. There is no need to use the handbrake with this car in drift mode except to slow yourself down -- you will continue to accelerate a lot with this car in drifts. Because drifting does not slow the car down (as long as you hold the gas), it is easy to go into a wall. There is no other car that can make it all the way around the 3/4 circle in a perfect 3/4 circle without losing speed. Do not use stock tires with the fully souped up RX-7 in drift mode, as the car is extremely slick on the ground (light rear wheel drive). Hint: See where you are landing in slow motion: Pause game play while you are in the air and the game is in slow motion. Resume the game and you can see where you are landing. Glitch: Street Glow: When you have Street Glow on your car, if your car flips over so where you can see the bottom of the car, the glow is gone. When you finally land back down, you can see it on the street. When your car jumps over another car, the street glow will not appear on the car that you are over. When your car flips to its side and is on a wall, the street glow will not appear on that wall. Glitch: No blur with nitrous: When you hit a jump the makes the camera move in front and slows down the game, press L1 (nitrous) immediately before you land. If done correctly, your view should all be clear and you should still see the flames shoot out of your muffler. Glitch: No mirror: Sometimes when you are racing in circuit or sprint mode, your driver side mirror will not be there for a lap or two. Glitch: 9999 style points: When in drift mode, if you hit a wall, immediately pause the game the resume. Quick look where you style points appear. It will read "+9999 Style Points", but you will not actually be awarded with that amount Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 19, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 19, 2004 Tony Hawks Underground 2 Unlockables Unlockable - How to Unlock Ben Franklin - complete Boston in Story Bull Fighter - complete Barcelona in Story Call Of Duty Soldier - complete Story on Sick Cheat Codes Movie - get all gaps on all 15 levels Graffiti Tagger - complete Berlin in Story Jesse James - complete Classic Mode on Sick Jester - complete New Orleans in Story Natas Kaupas - complete Classic Mode on Sick Neversoft Skates Movie - complete Classic Mode with 100% Nigel - complete Story on Sick Paulie - complete Story on Normal Peds Group A - complete Story on Easy Peds Group B - complete Story on Normal Peds Group C - complete Story on Sick Peds Group D - complete Classic Mode on Normal Peds Group E - complete Classic Mode on Sick Peds Group F - complete Story with 100% Peds Group G - complete Classic Mode with 100% Peds Group H - get all gaps on all 15 levels Phil Margera - complete Story on Easy Pro Bails 1 Movie - complete Classic Mode Pro Bails 2 Movie - complete Story with 100% Pro Skater Level - complete Story Ryan Sheckler - complete Skatopia in Story Shrek - complete Story on Easy Shrimp Vendor - complete Australia in Story Steve-O - complete Classic Mode on Normal The Hand - complete Story on Normal The Triangle Level - complete Classic Mode THPS1 Tony - complete Classic Mode on Normal World Destruction Tour Movie - complete Story Passwords Misc. Codes Enter the following at the cheat menu: Get ThisBy Doing This Infinite Rail/Lip balancestraightedge Unlock Natas Kaupasoldskool Unlock Nigel Beaverhousensellout Unlock Paulie4-wheeler Unlockables Misc. Unlockables Get ThisBy Doing This Ben FranklinComplete the Find Ben Franklin Goal in Boston Bull FighterComplete the Free the Bull Fighter Goal in Barcelona JesterComplete the Find the Jester Goal in New Orleans Shrimp VendorComplete the Find the Shrimp Vendor Goal in Australia Graffiti TaggerComplete the Find the Graffiti Tagger Goal in Berlin Ryan ShecklerComplete the Find Ryan Sheckler Goal in Skatopia Natas KaupasComplete Classic Mode on Sick Jesse JamesComplete Classic Mode on Sick THPS1 Tony HawkComplete Classic Mode on Normal Steve-OComplete Classic Mode on Normal NigelComplete Story Mode on Sick Call of Duty SoldierComplete Story Mode on Sick PaulieComplete Story Mode on Normal The HandComplete Story Mode on Normal Phil MargeraComplete Story Mode on Easy ShrekComplete Story Mode on Easy The Triangle LevelComplete Classic Mode on any difficulty Pro Skater LevelComplete Story Mode on any difficulty Pedestrian Group AComplete Story Mode on Easy Pedestrian Group BComplete Story Mode on Normal Pedestrian Group CComplete Story Mode on Sick Pedestrians Group DComplete Classic Mode on Normal Pedestrians Group EComplete Classic Mode on Sick Pedestrians Group FComplete Story Mode with 100% completion Pedestrians Group GComplete Classic Mode with 100% completion Pedestrians Group HFind all the gaps World Destruction Tour MovieComplete Story Mode on any difficulty Pro Bails 1 MovieComplete Classic Mode on any Difficulty Pro Bails 2 MovieComplete Story Mode with 100% completion Neversoft Skates MovieComplete Classic Mode with 100% completion All Cheat CodesFind all the gaps Lost Soul 1Complete Story mode on Normal Space Monkey 1Complete Story mode on Easy AlienComplete Story mode on Easy Geeky KidComplete Story mode on Easy Sea CaptainComplete Story mode on Normal Alien DoctorComplete Story mode on Normal BigfootComplete Story mode on Sick Pro Bails 2 MovieComplete Story with 100% Neversoft Skates MovieComplete Classic Mode with 100% Cheat Codes MovieComplete all gaps on all 15 levels Pro Bails 1 MovieComplete Classic Mode World Destruction Tour MovieComplete Story Mode Pro Skater level, Call of Duty Soldier, Nigel, Peds Group C, World Destruction Tour VideoComplete Story mode on "Sick" Peds Group H, Cheat CodesGet all gaps on all 15 levels Peds Group G, Neversoft Skates VideoComplete Classic mode with 100% Peds Group F, Probails 2 VideoComplete Story mode with 100% JesterComplete New Orleans in Story Mode Graffiti TaggerComplete Berlin in Story Mode Bull FighterComplete Barcelona in Story Mode Ben FranklinComplete Boston in Story mode Pro Skater level, Shrek, Phil Margera, Peds Group A, Wolrd Destruction Tour VideoComplete Story mode on "Easy" Pro Skater level, The Hand, Paulie, Peds Group B, World Destruction Tour VideoComplete Story mode on "Normal" Ryan ShecklerComplete Skateopia in Story Mode Shrimp VendorComplete Australia in Story Mode The Triangle Level, Jesse James, Natas Kaupas, Peds Group E, Pro Bails 1 VideoComplete Classic mode on "Sick" The Triangle level, Steve-O, THPSi Tony, Peds Group D, Pro Bails 1 VideoComplete Classic mode on "Normal" Shrekbeat Story mode in easy setting Easter Eggs ATM Destruction In Boston, on the side of the "Riboff" bank, there is an ATM machine. If you wallplant the machine, it will spit out a lot of money. Bead Madness Throw a bead at any girl in New Orleans, and they'll pull up their shirt to reveal the word, censor. Hydrant Pop In the Boston level, if you Natas Spin on a fire hydrant long enough, it will pop and water will come out. Star Wars Kid Cameo On the Boston level, turn left from where you first start. Go past the museum into an opening that looks like a typical apartment. Skate to the right of the door you can't go in, come down and skate up that ramp and, at the top of your jump, R2 to level out. You'll break through a glass window and find the Star Wars kid sitting there. Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 loipon ego tha sas doso gia 2 games 1o) PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2004 1094 - AC Milan 1105 - Ajax Amsterdam 1080 - Aquitaine (Bordeaux) 1042 - Argentina 1095 - AS Roma 1114 - Athletico Madrid 1055 - Australia 1000 - Austria 1078 - Azur (Monaco) 1118 - Barcelona 1085 - Bayer Leverkusen 1086 - Bayern Munich 1001 - Belgium 1108 - Benfica 1096 - Bologna 1087 - Borussia Dortmund 1079 - Bourgogne (Auxerre) 1043 - Brazil 1097 - Brescia 1063 - Bruxelles (Anderlecht) 1002 - Bulgaria 1031 - Cameroon 1116 - Celta Vigo 1112 - Celtic 1098 - Chievo Verona 1024 - Chile 1050 - China 1056 - Classic Argentina 1057 - Classic Brazil 1058 - Classic England 1059 - Classic France 1060 - Classic Germany 1061 - Classic Italy 1062 - Classic Netherlands 1045 - Colombia 1038 - Costa Rica 1003 - Croatia 1004 - Czech Republic 1005 - Denmark 1117 - Deportivo La Coruna 1124 - Dinamo Kyiv 1077 - East London (West Ham) 1046 - Ecuador 1032 - Egypt 1006 - England 1109 - FC Porto 1112 - Fenerbahce 1106 - Feyenoord 1007 - Finland 1008 - France 1123 - Galatasaray 1009 - Germany 1010 - Greece 1088 - Hamburg SV 1089 - Hertha BSC 1011 - Hungary 1099 - Inter Milan 1051 - Iran 1012 - Ireland 1013 - Italy 1039 - Jamaica 1052 - Japan 1100 - Juventus 1067 - Lancashire (Blackburn) 1082 - Languedoc (Marseille) 1101 - Lazio 1084 - Lens 1073 - Lloyd (Manchester City) 1069 - Merseyside Blue (Everton) 1072 - Merseyside Red (Liverpool) 1040 - Mexico 1033 - Morocco 1014 - Netherlands 1034 - Nigeria 1076 - North East London (Tottenham Hotspur) 1065 - North London (Arsenal) 1015 - Northern Ireland 1016 - Norway 1092 - Olympiakos 1093 - Panathinaikos 1047 - Paraguay 1083 - Paris St. Germain 1102 - Parma 1048 - Peru 1103 - Perugia 1126 - PES United 1017 - Poland 1018 - Portugal 1064 - Praha (Sparta Prague) 1107 - PSV Eindhoven 1113 - Rangers 1115 - Real Betis 1119 - Real Madrid C. F. 1120 - Real Sociedad 1081 - Rhone (Lyon) 1019 - Romania 1020 - Russia 1054 - Saudi Arabia 1090 - Schalke 04 1021 - Scotland 1035 - Senegal 1022 - Serbia & Montenegro 1023 - Slovakia 1024 - Slovenia 1036 - South Africa 1053 - South Korea 1025 - Spain 1111 - Spartak Moscow 1110 - Sporting Lisbon 1026 - Sweden 1027 - Switzerland 1074 - Trad Bricks (Manchester United) 1037 - Tunisia 1028 - Turkey 1075 - Tyneside (Newcastle United) 1104 - Udinese 1029 - Ukraine 1041 - United States of America 1049 - Uruguay 1121 - Valencia 1030 - Wales 1125 - WE United 1091 - Werder Bremen 1068 - West London Blue (Chelsea) 1070 - West London White (Fulham) 1066 - West Midlands Village (Aston Villa) 1071 - Yorkshire (Leeds United) 2o)This Is Football h TIF 2004 African all-stars – Κερδίστε το African Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur Asia/Oceania all-stars – Κερδίστε το Asian Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur European all-stars – Κερδίστε το Euro Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur North American all-stars – Κερδίστε το American Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur South American all-stars – Κερδίστε το South American Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur World all-stars – Κερδίστε το World Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur Jungle stadium – Κερδίστε το South American Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur School stadium – Κερδίστε το American Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur School Playing Field – Κερδίστε το Asian Cup στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Amateur Tha balo kai ena 3o 3o)DRIVER Αποκτήστε όλα τα όπλα – Πατήστε R1, L2, Τετράγωνο, Κύκλο, R1, R2, L2 God mode – Πατήστε Κύκλο, Κύκλο, L1, L2, R1, R2, Τετράγωνο Άπειρα πυρομαχικά – Πατήστε R1, R2, R1, R2, Τετράγωνο, Κύκλο, Τετράγωνο Ξεκλειδώστε όλες τις αποστολές – Πατήστε L1, R1, L1, L2, Τετράγωνο, Τετράγωνο, Κύκλο Ξεκλειδώστε όλα τα οχήματα – Πατήστε L1, L1, Τετράγωνο, Κύκλο, L1, R1, Κύκλο 4o)Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat Προσθέστε 10 magic pickups στο counter – Πατήστε L1, Κάτω, L1, L2, Τετράγωνο, Κάτω, Επάνω, Κάτω, Επάνω, Επάνω Αποκτήστε τέσσερα πρόσθετα κλειδιά σε κάθε επίπεδο – Πατήστε Τετράγωνο, L2, Κάτω, L1, L1, Επάνω, Τετράγωνο, Κάτω, Επάνω, Κάτω Κερδίστε μία έξτρα ζωή – Πατήστε Επάνω, Κάτω, Τετράγωνο, L2, L1, Κάτω, Επάνω, Κάτω, Κάτω, Επάνω Ξεκλειδώστε το Gallery – Πατήστε Τετράγωνο, Κάτω, L2, Κάτω, L1, Τετράγωνο, Επάνω, Τετράγωνο, Κάτω, Κάτω Ξεκλειδώστε όλα τα επίπεδα – Πατήστε Κάτω, L2, Επάνω, L1, Τετράγωνο, Κάτω, Κάτω, Κάτω, Κάτω, Επάνω Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 NBA BALLERS 4 3 1 – Διπλάσια αναπλήρωση του Juice 7 2 5 - Alley-Oop Ability 1 2 3 – Εναλλακτικός αθλητικός εξοπλισμός 4 2 3 – Μωρά αθλητές 1 2 2 - Back-In Ability 3 1 7 – Βελτιωμένες ελεύθερες βολές 1 3 4 - Big head mode 5 1 2 – Περισσότερες κινήσεις 7 2 2 - Fire Ability 7 7 2 - Fire ability 3 3 2 – Καλός χειρισμός της μπάλας 3 6 7 - Half House Meter 6 2 7 - Hot Spot 4 3 3 – Παιδιά αθλητές 7 5 6 - Legal Goal Tending 1 1 2 – Απουσία καιρικών συνθηκών 3 5 4 – Χάρτινοι αθλητές 5 3 6 - Pass 2 Friend Ability 3 2 7 – Τέλειες ελεύθερες βολές 5 1 7 – Παίζετε με τον Afro Man 5 5 7 – Παίζετε με τον Agent 5 3 7 – Παίζετε με τον BiznezMan-A 5 2 7 – Παίζετε με τον BiznezMan-B 5 6 7 – Παίζετε με τον Coach 5 4 7 – Παίζετε με την Secretary 3 1 3 - Put Back Ability 4 2 5 – Πυγμαίοι αθλητές 0 0 8 - R2R Mode 2 2 2 – Προκαλεί βροχόπτωση 3 0 0 – Τυχαίες κινήσεις 2 0 0 – Τυχαίες κινήσεις 0 1 2 – Εμφανίζει τα ποσοστά των βολών 3 3 3 – Προκαλεί χιονόπτωση 2 1 3 – Ταχύτατοι αθλητές 3 7 4 - Stunt Dunk Ability 2 3 5 - Super Back-Ins 1 2 4 - Super Blocks 3 1 5 - Super push 2 1 5 - Super Steals 0 1 1 - Tournament mode που απενεργοποιεί όλους τους άλλους κωδικούς 7 6 3 – Άπειρο Juice 4 4 3 – Νεαροί αθλητές Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 James Bond AGENT UNDER FIRE Πατήστε, X, τρίγωνο, τετράγωνο, αριστερά, δεξιά, κάτω, για να ενεργοποιήσετε όλα τα κόλπα κατά την διάρκεια της αποστολής, αρκεί μετά να πατήσετε το start. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 Under The Skin Cosmi Sr – Ολοκληρώστε το gameplay με τον Master Itazura Tag mode και Music Options – Ολοκληρώστε το gameplay Banzai και Tombland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Tombland Chowlow και Spaceland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Spaceland Daio και Bioland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Bioland Dangun και Westernland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Westernland Kurione και Pirateland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Pirateland Majinai και Horrorland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Horrorland Manitron και Casinoland map – Ολοκληρώστε την Casinoland Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 1o) LMA MANAGER 2005 LMA2005A – Οι τραυματισμοί θεραπεύονται μέσα σε μία ημέρα LMA2005B – Κερδίζετε 500.000.000 λίρες 2o) The Mumie Returns Αντιμετωπίστε τον Scorpion King: Αφήστε τον Scorpion King να φορτώσει τις δυνάμεις του και χτυπήστε την ουρά του κάθε φορά που φορτώνει. Μετά, αφήστε τον ξανά να φορτώσει και επιτεθείτε του από πίσω. Σταθείτε και περιμένετε μέχρι να νευριάσει και να επιτεθεί ξανά, αλλά αυτή την φορά με όλη του την δύναμη. Τρέξτε από πίσω του και χτυπήστε την ουρά του. Όταν πέσει, χτυπήστε τον στον θώρακα. Επαναλαμβάνετε αυτή την διαδικασία μέχρι να σας επιτεθεί ξανά. Αφήστε τον να φορτώσει και επιτεθείτε του πάλι από πίσω. Περιμένετε όπως πρίν, αλλά όχι περισσότερο. Θα προσπαθήσει να σας αρπάξει. Μετακινηθείτε από μπροστά του την σωστή στιγμή και θα τον δείτε να μένει ακίνητος. Χτυπήστε ξανά την ουρά του και μετά τον θώρακά του. Επαναλάβετε την ίδια διαδικασία μέχρι το Spear of Osiris εμφανιστεί και αποτύχει να χτυπήσει τον Scorpion. Χρησιμοποιήστε την ίδια τακτική για να χτυπήσετε πάλι την ουρά του και ενώ είναι ζαλισμένος, πάρτε την λόγχη του Osiris και επιτεθείτε του ξανά. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 1o) ROBOTECH :INVASION DUSTYAYRES – Σκοτώνετε τον αντίπαλο με μία βολή RECLAMATION – Πρόσβαση σε όλα τα επίπεδα SUPERCYC – God mode YLLWFLLW - Lancer's Multiplayer Skin KIDGLOVES - Rand's Multiplayer Skin BLUEANGLS - Rook's Multiplayer Skin LTNTCMDR - Scott Bernard's Multiplayer Skin TRGRHPY – Άπειρα πυρομαχικά 2o) OBSURE Για να ξεκλειδώσετε τα στοιχεία του gameplay θα πρέπει να καλύψετε τις αντίστοιχες προϋποθέσεις: Gallery – Ολοκληρώστε το gameplay σε κάθε επίπεδο δυσκολίας Laser sighted pistol – Ολοκληρώστε το gameplay στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Normal Mace – Ολοκληρώστε το gameplay στο επίπεδο δυσκολίας Easy Music Videos – Ολοκληρώστε το gameplay σε κάθε επίπεδο δυσκολίας Εναλλακτικές στολές – Για κάθε χαρακτήρα που επιβιώνει μέχρι το τέλος θα ξεκλειδώνετε και μια εναλλακτική στολή Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 Confilct : VIetnam Για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στο cheat menu πατήστε στο κεντρικό μενού L1, R1, L1, R1, Τετράγωνο, Τρίγωνο, Κύκλο, Τρίγωνο, Τετράγωνο, Κύκλο. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 CATWOMAN Για να ξεκλειδώσετε πρόσθετα στοιχεία στο Gallery χρησιμοποιήστε τον κωδικό 1940 στην οθόνη Vault code. Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 20, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 Burnout 3: Takedown Unlockables Unlock Assassin Cars Unlockable - How to Unlock Assassin Compact Car - Get 15 Takedowns Assassin Coupe Car - Get 60 Takedowns Assassin Muscle Car - Get 30 Takedowns Assassin Sports Car - Get 100 Takedowns Assassin Super Car - Get 150 Takedowns Unlock Classic Hotrod Get a Gold Medal in each Special Event to get a postcard. Then collect all Special Event Postcards Unlock Custom Cars Unlock these in World Tour Mode Unlockable - How to Unlock Custom Compact Car - Get 10,000 Burnout Points Custom Coupe Car - Get 50,000 Burnout Points Custom Muscle Car - Get 25,000 Burnout Points Custom Sports Car - Get 100,000 Burnout Points Custom Super Car - Get 200,000 Burnout Points Unlock DX Cars Unlock these in World Tour Mode Unlockable - How to Unlock Compact DX Car - Get 4 Gold Medals Muscle DX Car - Get 10 Gold Medals Sports DX Car - Get 25 Gold Medals Super DX Car - Get 32 Gold Medals Unlock Heavyweights Collect Crash Dollars from the Crash Junctions in World Tour Mode Unlockable - How to Unlock 4WD Heavy Duty - Get 10 Million Crash Dollars 4WD Racer - Get 2 Million Crash Dollars B-Team Van - Get 15 Million Crash Dollars City Bus - Get 70 Million Crash Dollars Heavy Pickup - Get 1 Million Crash Dollars INT Express Delivery Truck - Get 20 Million Crash Dollars SUV Deluxe - Get 5 Million Crash Dollars Tractor Cab - Get 30 Million Crash Dollars Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 20, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Completion bonuses: Successfully complete the game in single player mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock three bonus costumes for Batuo and Motoko; unlimited grenades and small gun ammunition; and yellow menus. Successfully complete the game in multi-player mode under the easy difficulty setting to unlock Batuo and Motoko as playable characters; three bonus costumes for Batuo and Motoko; and the Dome level. Successfully complete the game in multi-player mode under the normal difficulty setting to unlock the Arm Suit and AI Tank as playable characters. Successfully complete the game in single player mode under the hard difficulty setting to unlock three bonus costumes for Tachikoma. Successfully complete the game in multi-player mode under the hard difficulty setting to unlock Tachikoma as a playable character. Successfully complete the game with all the fans to unlock Motoko's fast automatic rocket launcher; unlimited ammunition for the rocket launcher; Batuo's explosive laser gun; and unlimited ammunition for the laser gun. Successfully complete the game in single player mode without using a continue to unlock unlimited ammunition for the grenade launcher, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, and automatic rocket launcher. Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 20, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 Lord Of The Rings: The Third Age Hint: Restore HP and AP: If you are low on HP or AP, find a save point. Save your game then quit to the main menu. Reload the game you just saved and both your HP and AP will be completely full. Hint: Everlasting health: Once your Elf healer gains the Valor move that presets whoever you choose with an instant revival when ever you die, use it at the beginning of each battle on her first, then on everyone else. If you maintain this so that no enemies can truly kill you, you will almost always be the victor. Hint: Defeating the Balrog: Stock up on Elf Medicine before fighting the Balrog. Have Gandalf use it to bring you back to life; you will get more unit points back if Gandalf uses it on you. Also, equip any Fire protection Elf Stones you have. The Balrog has about 70,000 HP. Information in this section was contributed by Eodain. Hint: Transferring Evil Mode treasure: Any treasure acquired in Evil Mode can be transferred to a regular saved game. Hint: Good sword for Berethor: To start the the game with a very good sword for Berethor (the first character you start with), do the evil mode of Osgiliath and save it on an early game. By doing this, you will get the Sword Of Isildur, which has a 200+ damage rating. At the beginning of the game, you can give at least 2,000 damage points from a normal hit with this weapon. Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 20, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists Of The Roses Note: This game is also titled Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters 2. Card passwords: To enter a password for a card, press R3 at the "Build Deck" screen, and enter an eight character password. CardPassword Ancient Tree Of EnlightenmentEKJHQ109 Aqua DragonJXCB6FU7 Barrel DragonGTJXSBJ7 Beast King Of The SwampQXNTQPAX BirdfaceN54T4TY5 Black HoleUMJ10MQB Blast SphereCZN5GD2X Change Of HeartSBYDQM8B Crush CardSRA7L5YR Dragonseeker81EZCH8B EarthshakerY34PN1SV Elf's LightE5G3NRAD Exodia's Head37689434 Fairy King TrusdaleYF07QVEZ Fairy's GiftNVE7A3EZ Goblin Fan92886423 Gravity Bind0HNFG9WX GreenkappaYBJMCD6Z Harpy's Feather Sweep8HJHQPNP Horn Of The UnicornS14FGKQ1 Left Arm Of ExodiaA5CF6HSH Magician Of FaithGME1S3UM Meteor Dragon86985631 Mimicat69YDQM85 Mirror Wall53297534 Mystical Capture ChainsN1NDJMQ3 Robotic KnightS5S7NKNH Royal Decree8TETQHE1 Seiyaryu2H4D85J7 Serpentine Princess UMQ3WZUZ Slate Warrior73153736 Swordsman From A Foreign LandCZ81UVGR SwordstalkerAH0PSHEB Tactical warrior054TC727 hint: Starter decks: Depending on the name used at the start of the game, you will get a different type of starter deck. Try names such as Konami, Rod, or Puzzle. Enter the names Kaiba or Scale and choose the monster with highest number (on the left) to get a Kaiser Dragon (2300/2000). Information in this section was contributed by Brandon Karas. Look on the back of PlayStation2 game cases. Look carefully to find sponsor names. Use those names as your name to get different cards. Not all names will work. Also, use the names of consoles such as Nintendo. Leave out the numbers. When starting the game, enter Katsuya as a name and choose Fairy King Truesdale as your deck leader. Your deck will be packed with insect and plant monsters such as two Hercules Beetles, a Kwagar Hercules, a Needle Worm, and a Great Mammoth Of Goldfine. Side with the Lancastrians (Red Rose) and duel Weevil at Chester. There is a good chance that you will win. Enter Flame as a name. This should show one of the starter decks with the deck leader Robotic Knight. Select this deck. This decks is powerful because it is full of machines, includes Wasteland (powers up all machines and allows them to move two spaces), and the machines will never have an attack lower than 1500 The following is a list of decks that are available when a specific name is used. NameDeck 1Deck 2 Deck 3 AceFairy King Trusedale Patrician Of DarknessTwin Headed Behemoth AlienFairy King Trusedale KryuelTwin Headed Behemoth ArronSerpentine Princess Bird FaceKing Tiger Wanghu LeifMaiden Of The Aqua The Illusionary GentlemanWolf Axweilder CreatonMaiden Of The Aqua Airknight ParshathWolf Axweilder DeadmanSerpentine Princess Bird FaceKing Tiger Wanghu PuzzleLuminus Soldier Thunder Nyan NyanSerpentine Princess SetoMaiden Of The Aqua Bird FaceWolf Axweilder DuneLuminus Soldier Patrician Of DarknessTactical Warrior JalenSerpentine Princess Patrician Of DarknessKing Tiger Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 20, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 ολοκληρο το cheat εδω ;) yu-gi-oh! duelists of the roses.zipFetching info... Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 20, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 λοιπόν προτείνω από εδώ και πέρα όλα τα cheats και tips να ν τα ανεβάζουμε σε μορφή zip για να μην ξεχειλώσει το thread ;) Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
kostaskaltsas Δημ. November 20, 2004 Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 20, 2004 ok teo Παράθεση Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. November 25, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. November 25, 2004 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 dragon ball z budokai 3.txtFetching info... Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. December 5, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. December 5, 2004 pro evolution 4 ολα τα cheats and tips για το pes4 εδω :) Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. December 7, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. December 7, 2004 Gran Turismo 3 (GT3) Gran Turismo 3 is still one of the best driving games available on the superb PS2 platform, despite being a couple of years old now, it's certainly not past its best. And with the world eagerly awaiting the release of GT4 (some time in 2004 we understand), there's never been a better time to pick up a copy of the old favorite GT3 and get some practice in. Although Gran Turismo 4 is expected to move the genre on to a new level, the basic gameplay will be based on that of GT3, so if you've already mastered GT3, you're going to get up to speed with GT4 so much more quickly. Gran Turismo 3 Cars Car What you need to win to get it Aston Martin Vanquish British GT Car Cup in the Professional League. Audi S4 Tourist Trophy in the Amateur League. Audi TT 1.8T Quattro Tourist Trophy Audi TT Race in the Beginner League. Celica TRD Sports M FF Challenge in the Amateur League. Chevrolet Camaro SS Stars and Stripes Grand Championship in the Beginner League. Citroen Xsara Rally Car Super Special Route 5 Wet in Rally. Daihatsu Mira TR XX Avanzato R Turbo Race of Turbo Sports in the Beginner League. Ford Escort Rally Car Tahiti Maze in Rally. Ford Focus Rally Car Smokey Mountain Rally in Rally. Honda Civic SiR-II Type R Meeting in the Beginner League. Honda CRX Del Sol SiR NA Race of NA Sports in the Beginner League. Honda NSX Type S Zero MR Challenge in the Amateur League. Honda NSX Type-R Type R Meeting in the Amateur League. Impreza Rally Car Tahiti Maze II in Rally. Mazda 787B Like the Wind in the Professional League. Mazda Eunos Roadster Clubman Cup in the Beginner League. Mazda Miata Roadster RS Spider/Roadster Cup in the Beginner League. Mazda RX8 NA Race of NA Sports in the Amateur League. Mazda Savanna RX7 Infini III 80's Sports Car Cup in the Beginner League. Mercedes Benz CLK Touring Car (D2 AMG Mercedes) Legend of Silver Arrow in the Amateur League. Mercedes SLK 230 Kompressor Legend of Silver Arrow Mercedes Benz in the Beginner League. Mines Lancer Evolution VI GSR Turbo - Race of Turbo Sports in the Amateur League. Mini Cooper 1.3i Lightweight K Cup in the Beginner League. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR Evolution Meeting in the Beginner League. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR Win all Golds in the Beginner League. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car Evolution Meeting in the Amateur League. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car Smokey Mountain II in Rally. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR 4WD Challenge in the Amateur League. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype 4WD Challenge in the Professional League. Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII Rally Car Prototype Swiss Alps II in Rally. Nismo 400R Race of Red Emblem in the Amateur League. Nismo Skyline GT-R S-tune 80s Sports Car Cup in the Amateur League. Nissan Silvia K's 1800cc FR Challenge in the Beginner League. Peugeot 206 Rally Car Swiss Alps in Rally. Shelby Cobra Spider & Roadster Championship in the Professional League. Spoon Sports S2000 Race Car Stars & Stripes Grand Championship in the Amateur League. Subaru Impreza Rally Car Prototype Super Special Route 5 Wet II in Rally. Subaru Legacy Blitzer B4 Boxer Spirit in the Amateur League. Suzuki Alto Works Suzuki Sports Limited 4WD Challenge in the Beginner League. Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak Version Win all Golds in Rally. Team ORECA Dodge Viper GTSR Win all Golds in the Amateur League. Tommy Kaira ZZII MR Challenge in the Professional League. Toyota Celica Rally Car Tahiti Challenge of Rally in Rally. Toyota Celica SS-II Altezza Race in the Beginner League. Toyota Corolla Rally Car Tahiti Challenge of Rally II in Rally. Toyota MR-S S Edition MR Challenge in the Beginner League. Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex (AE-86 Type I) Sunday Cup in the Beginner League. Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-Apex Shigeno Version FR Challenge in the Amateur League. Toyota Vitz RS 1.5 FF Challenge in the Beginner League. Toyota Vitz RS 1.5 Vitz Race in the Beginner League. Volkswagen New Beetle RSi Beetle Cup in the Beginner League. Gran Turismo 3 Cheats Infinite Money Repeat 3 this sequence 3 times:- L1, R2, L2, R1, X, O, square, triangle, L3, R3. If you don't want to use cheats, there's also a variety of ways to make easy money The best one to use depends on which cars you have available If you have a basic car, race the Super Speedway in the Beginner League over and over. If you have a car good enough to win in the Amateur League repeat the same race there. Or, if you have a very good car, race in GT All-Stars in the Amateur League on the test course to get 25,000 credits. or get a fast car and in the Beginner League, Final Series, race the Speedway for 10,000 credits. Save Money Use cheap tyres as they last longer than the more expensive ones Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. December 7, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. December 7, 2004 wrc 3 Unlock all cars and tracks On the main menu highlight "Quick Race", press "Start" 13 times and then "X", if you go into "quickrace" the 13 taps need to be quicker, exit and try again, you will hear a tone if entered correctly. Now you've got everything! Evolution Cars: After each 100km you travel, you will unlock an 'evolution' of the car. There are five 'evolution' cars in all. Extreme Cars: In order to unlock the extreme cars, you must travel 750km in their respective WRC counterpart. All Cars And Tracks: Highlight 'Quick Race' at the menu, then press Start(13), X. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You will start on quick race, but can quit. Unlocking 2003 Wrc Season's Second Half: To unlock the second half of the 2003 WRC season (Germany, Australia, Wales (GB), Corsica (France), San Remo (Italy), Catalunya (Spain) and Finland) for time trials and single rallies, you must finish first, second, or third in the Overall Driver's Standings (at the end of the season). The default rallies available are Monaco, Sweden, New Zealand, Acropolis (Greece), Cyprus, Turkey (new event last year), and Argentina. All Cars: Complete the Wales Rally GB under the extreme difficulty setting in first place to unlock all cars, including the Extreme and Concept cars. Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. December 10, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. December 10, 2004 τρομερό cheat για το pro evolution 4 !!!!!! :wacko: :cool: Μόλις σημειώσετε ένα γκολ, με την μπάλα να έχει περάσει εντελώς την γραμμή, αλλά πριν ο παίκτης σας αρχίσει να πανηγυρίζει, πατήστε Pause και παρακολουθήστε το replay. Κάθε φορά που το παρακολουθείτε θα σημειώνετε και ένα επιπλέον γκολ στον αντίπαλο.!!!!!!!!! ;) Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
teorizo Δημ. December 10, 2004 Author Κοινοποίηση Δημ. December 10, 2004 νέα cheats για το Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Χρησιμοποιήστε τους παρακάτω συνδυασμούς πλήκτρων κατά την διάρκεια του gameplay: Κερδίστε 250.000 δολάρια, πλήρη υγεία και πυρομαχικά – Πατήστε R1, R2, L1, X, Αριστερά, Κάτω, Δεξιά, Επάνω, Αριστερά, Κάτω, Δεξιά, Επάνω 4 star wanted level – Πατήστε R1, R1, Κύκλο, L1, Επάνω, Κάτω, Επάνω, Κάτω, Επάνω, Κάτω Επιθετική κίνηση αυτοκινήτων – Πατήστε R2, Κύκλο, R1, L2, Αριστερά, R1, L1, R2, L2 Μόνιμα πράσινα φανάρια – Πατήστε Δεξιά, R1, Επάνω, L2, L2, Αριστερά, R1, L1, R1, R1 Αόρατα αυτοκίνητα – Πατήστε Τρίγωνο, L1, Τρίγωνο, R2, Τετράγωνο, L1, L1 Αλλαγή μοντέλου για τον χαρακτήρα – Πατήστε R1, R2, L1, R2, Επάνω, Αριστερά, Κάτω, Δεξιά, Επάνω, Αριστερά, Κάτω, Δεξιά Ταχύτερα αυτοκίνητα – Πατήστε Δεξιά, R1, Επάνω, L2, L2, Αριστερά, R1, L1, R1, R1 Κερδίστε respect – Πατήστε R1, R2, L1, X, Αριστερά, Δεξιά, Κάτω, Επάνω Τέλειος χειρισμός αυτοκινήτων – Πατήστε Τρίγωνο, R1, R1, Αριστερά, R1, L1, R2, L1 Μειώστε την ταχύτητα του gameplay – Πατήστε Τρίγωνο, Επάνω, Δεξιά, Κάτω, Τετράγωνο, R2, R1 Αυξήστε την ταχύτητα του gameplay – Πατήστε Τρίγωνο, Επάνω, Δεξιά, Κάτω, L2, L1, Τετράγωνο Επισκευή του οχήματος – Πατήστε R1, R2, L1, X, Αριστερά, Κάτω, Δεξιά, Επάνω, Αριστερά, Κάτω, Δεξιά, Επάνω Παράθεση only crossfit... Link to comment Share on other sites Περισσότερες Επιλογές Κοινής Χρήσης
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