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HP Printing Updated!


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HP made a lot of people happy a while back when they released their HP Mobile Printing for the Pocket PC tool (especially since it was free!). For those of us who occasionally need to print directly from our devices, it was a very welcome step. Now, HP has made mobile printing even simpler with its release of an updated (version 4.0) Mobile Printing application. link: (free) http://www.hp.com/go/pocketpcprint

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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Αρχικό Μήνυμα από το μέλος Alexkass ( 6 Νοέ. 2004 , 09:29)


Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows CE; PPC; 240x320))


HP made a lot of people happy a while back when they released their HP Mobile Printing for the Pocket PC tool (especially since it was free!). For those of us who occasionally need to print directly from our devices, it was a very welcome step. Now, HP has made mobile printing even simpler with its release of an updated (version 4.0) Mobile Printing application. link: (free) http://www.hp.com/go/pocketpcprint


Δηλ. τί ακριβώς κάνει ?

"Πολιτική ανυπακοή και....Αλληλοβοήθεια"
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πριντάρεις αρχεία και εικόνες από το ππσί στον εκτυπωτή μέσω ΒΤ ή irda ανάλογα.

Alex = the best!

http://www.myphone.gr/gallery/data/500/9260sakalogo1.gifτο blog μου

PIN: 20DDA1B0 (Storm)

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