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[GT-I9105/P][ROM][OFFICIAL][KitKat 4.4.4]PAC-man 4.4.4.RC-1


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PAC-man ROM is a ROM built with our own tweaks and options, including picks and features from the best ROMs out there!


Why choose among ROMs, when you have All-in-One !!!





















* Download the ROM and GApps


* Reboot to recovery


* Wipe data/factory reset


* Flash the ROM and then GApps


* Reboot your phone


* Enjoy









* Download the latest version


* Reboot to recovery


* Flash the ROM


* Wipe both dalvik cache and cache


* Reboot your phone


* Enjoy the latest version of PAC-man







* Cyanogen Team


* AOKP Team


* Paranoid Android


* PAC-man Team


* SlimRoms


* RootBox


* Carbon ROM


* Vanir


* ChameleonOS


* Omnirom


* Paranoid SaberDroid


* Special thanks to all our Build Bot Providers (see Contributors list for all names)


* PAC Graphix Team - Graphics, logos and images (see Contributors list for all names)


* and of course, thank you for your love and support!





PAC-man, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S II Plus




ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat

ROM Kernel: Linux 3.0.x

ROM Firmware Required: 4.2.2

Based On: PAC-man


Version Information

Status: Beta

Current Beta Version: 1.0

Beta Release Date: 2014-07-05


Created 2014-07-04

Last Updated 2014-08-24


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* PAC-man ROM Downloads



Bugs & PAC FAQ



  • HW Composer not used in landscape
  • screenrecord does not work
  • FM Radio does not work (you can use SpiritFM, but I'm not providing support for any problem)
  • Stock browser does not use hardware acceleration (Please use Google Chrome)
  • Does not work on 4.1 stock ROM's bootloader, please upgrade to 4.2 before flashing



  • 07/08/2014
    - Rom is now compatible with ext4 to f2fs converter
  • 05/07/2014
    - Fixed buttons feedback
    - Fixed low resolution album arts
  • 03/07/2014
    - Updated PAC sources
    - Fixed USB mounting
  • 26/06/2014
    - Updated PAC sources
    - Fixed USB Host
    - Advertise bluetooth LE capabilities
  • 21/06/2014
    - Initial build






Q. What is PIE?

A. PIE is a new way to interact with your notifications. It provides easy gesture based interaction with all your system information without taking up valuable screen space. PIE is what you see in this image.


Q. How do I access Pie?

A. Swipe your finger from the pie gravity edge (default is the bottom) toward the center of your screen. While keeping your finger on the screen, drag your finger to the desired button and release to click.


Q. My PIE doesn't look like the ones in the screenshots. I don't see the Clock or notifications.

A. Notifications work either through the status bar or PIE. If the status bar is enabled, PIE reverts to just the softkeys. To enable the full PIE experience, enable Expanded Desktop by going to Settings -> System -> Power Menu -> Expanded Desktop (Status bar hidden). Access the power menu and turn Expanded Desktop on.


Q. How do I change PIE colors?

A. Go to Settings -> Hybrid Properties -> Interface and change the Navigation bar color.


Q. Buttons or keyboard rows near the edge of my screen are nonresponsive.

A. PIE's trigger area overlay is covering the edge of your screen. Change either the Trigger Area or Pie Gravity in Settings -> System -> PIE Settings.


Q. I don't like PIE, how do I turn it off?

A. To disable PIE set Trigger Area to None in Settings -> System -> Pie Settings. Remember to disable Expanded Desktop to turn status bar on again.



Q.Do I need to do a full wipe before installing this ROM?

A. Unless coming from a previous version of PACman it is highly recommended to do a full wipe before installing. This includes coming from ParanoidAndroid ROMs.


Q.What do the settings in Hybrid Properties do?

A. ParanoidAndroid has an extensive guide to the settings at this thread: [GUIDE][PARANOIDANDROID] A Complete Compendium on ParanoidPreferences [PA-Settings] Please do not post questions related to PA Settings in this thread, they are not ROM specific and all we'll do is point you to that thread.


Q.How do I turn on the Navigation Bar??

A.To enable the NavBar open Hybrid Properties, swipe the screen to the right to peek through to the menu.

Select Interface, now set your desired NavBar size with the slider.


Q.Something isn't working. What do I do?

A.First, make sure you're running the latest version. Try doing a full wipe(wipe data/factory reset and format system) and reflash the ROM + Gapps. If the problem persists, report what it is and what triggers it so the dev can duplicate it.


A BIG thank you to IconRunner for putting together the FAQ!! :good:



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