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About Cixx

  • Ημ. Γέννησης Απρίλιος 14

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cixx


    Hey Valeria, is all your's \-------------------------/ 400 dragons it's gonna be rough six million soldiers of fortune I'd fight them all for a night in your love... 400 dragons and if that aint enough send ten million Venus invaders I'd shoot them all down for a night in your love... And if I was a liar I'd give you the truth I'd give you anything that you'd wanted now baby, anything that pleases you... And if I was a dreamer you'd be the drug well I would lie up here in your dreams like a mystical scene ready to be taken and ready to love... If I was a liar I'd give you the truth I'd give you anything that you'd wanted now baby, anything that pleases you... And if I was a dealer you'd never loose I'd give you every reason to believe there's no reason to deceived just give me a chance baby and I'd do it all to you..
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