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Everything posted by PAMAN
erotiksi:...... mipos exei paratirisei kanenas oti sto telefteo language pack gia to p900 yparxei ena problima me to gramma Z.... sta contacts???? to Z to katalabenei kai sto group grammaton η,θ,ι me apotelesma to M (p.x.) na exei metaferthei mia thesi pio deksia (proto gramma sto group ν,ξ,ο) καμια λυση?? (εκτος απο το να βαλουμε παλαιοτερο pack ή να περιμενουμε το επομενο) thank you!!
yparxei kanena directory pou na einai apothikevmena ta mail/sms/mms??
με γενικι επαναφορα χανω τις επαφες μου??? ευχαριστω
ok... na lipon to problima mou..... molis anigo to tilefono mou bgazei qmapp error klp klp kodikos sfalmatos 3 prospatho na kano link me bt gia na paro ta tilefona alla den sindeetai me tipota.... kamia lisi???
tenk you!! seems good to me......
mpas kai mporei na mou pei kanenas posi ora xreiazetai gia na fortisi to car-100 an klinontas to krataei tin fortisi pou tou exeis kanei (opote otan to ksanaaniksis den xreiazetai na to ksanafortisis kai posi ora "paizei" otan einai full fortismeno.... thanks...
re paidia mipos mporei kapoios na mou pei ti prepei na ftiakso stis rithmiseis tou internet giati den mporo na do selides.... Tis rithmiseis (vodafon) tis exo peiraksei etsi oste na mporo na paro mail apo freemail Tora omos otan mpo me ton opera se mia selida den mou dixni tipota leeei connected alla....... tpt Any idea???
Βρε παιδια μπας και εχετε καμια λυση για αυτο???? Το εχω και εγω αυτο το προβλημα !!!!! any idea???
Μηπως ξερει καποιος αν γινετε to p800 synchronizing με το MS Outlook 2003 ?? AKYRO --- PAROLO POU DEN EXEI STHN LISTA PROGRAMMATON TO 2003 AYTO KANEI SYNC --- THANKS ANYWAY
Elpizontas oti den me apata i mnimi mou leo to eksis An peraseis tous drivers to modem gia to P800 sto laptop kai tous energopoiiseis. An sindeseis to p800 os modem me to laptop (prepei na einai sindedemeno ekini tin ora me tis υπερυθρες π.χ.) και χρησιμοποιησεις και ενα fax manager τοτε εχεις κανει την δουλεια σου. Το προβλημα (του P800) και η εξυπναδα (του 7110) εγκειται στο οτι το P800 δεν θα σε ρωτησει για να το στειλη στις IR αλλα πρεπει να ειναι ο fax manager σε αναμονη και το τηλ συνδεδεμενο με το laptop.... για να κανει auto answer!! That's it...
GIA DOKIMASE AYTH THN EFARMOGH AN MPOREIS NA MOU PEIS AN DOULEVEI ME TO P800 Java Tips, Tricks & Code December 2003 Controlling Bluetooth Mini Race Car from the P900 Below is a brief description of the software. The Bluetooth CAR-100 is controlled by a string of AT commands. For example, to make the car go forward you need to send the command string "+CKEV: u,1" and the string "+CKEV: d,1" will make it go backward. So the job of the software is to convert the GUI commands from the user to the correct AT commands. The Bluetooth Car demo application was written in J2ME MIDP 2.0 with the JSR-82 Bluetooth API and contains the following classes: BluetoothCar - The main program that contains the standard MIDP startApp(), pauseApp(), and destroyApp() methods. The startApp() method creates the Car API, GUI, and SPPServer objects. Article Link http://www.sonyericsson.com/developer/images/bluetooth_screen.jpg Download Application
http://users.panafonet.gr/paman2/images/car_100.jpg Bluetooth Car CAR-100 This product is compatible with… R520m, T39m, T610, T68, T68i, Z600 Πηγη Δεν υπάρχει πουθενα το P900 (για το 800 δεν το συζητάμε) η μου φαινεται????
Afti tin stigmi den iparxei kati pou na kanei to 9210 kai na min to kanei to P800 :D Gia epeksergasia arxeion word excel iparxei to Quick Office 1 sto gnosto magazi... ;)
Loipon.......... Ekei pou elega oti ola pane kala me to tilefonaki mou ksafnika :eek: stamatise na sinergazetai me to HBH-60. TIPOTA... den anagnorizontai katholou Oute ftanei i klisi apo to kinito sto akoustiko otan me kaloun alla oute kai to antitheto :'( kai oute briskei to tilefono to akoustiko me pairing Kapoia stigmi ta ekleisa kai ta dio ta ksana anoiksa kai mou zitise to akoustiko pairing... ekana pairing doulepse gia ligo kai ksana ta idia simeraaaaaa :wacko: san na min exo akoustiko bluetooth.... kamia idea???
afto einai apo to my-symbian kai ton tipo pou tsekare to tilefono 2 mines [-- The problem is that there are no language packs for P900 yet. Now I only have British English. --] AFTO GIA KAPOIOUS POU LEGAN OTI PIRAN TA ELLHNIKA SE DISKETTA!!!
epanafero ligo to thema tou P900 apo tin roumania. Rotisa ton tipo na mou pei ti perilambanei to paketo kai..... Nomizo .... leo NOMIZO oti einai ta includes tou P800 i kano lathos??? 3!!!!! stylous 2!!!!! CD k.l.p k.l.p Have Fun..! :lol:
:up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
OK!! Mallon prepei na ksekolisoume apo afto to thema :angry: O TRON :up: den thelei na boithisi genikotera to forum na parei mia apofasi..... :mad: den mporoume na ton piesoume.. to mono pou mporoume na kanoume einai na to theorisoume anaksiopisto... :eek: Isos tha eprepe na katalaboun kapioi oti to klima tou foroum (kai an kano lathos as me diorthosoun oi moderators) einai na boithame o enas ton allon (opos px exoun boithisi ton tron se kapoies periptoseis apantontas se erotiseis tou) kai oxi na tous paraplanoume eitai legontas psemata (an einai psemata) eitai diadidontas themata ta opoia den mporoun na epibebaiosoun (asxeta me to an tous noiazei afto i oxi). (Tha itan oraia diladi na apantagame se erotiseis kapoion me tetoio tropo oste na dimiourgousame problimata sta tilefona tous??) Kalos i kakos iparxoun kapioi agrafi kanones :confused: tous opoious prospathoume (oi perisoteroi apo emas :innocent: ) na tous tiroume, kirios giati an den tous tiroume "blaptoume" tous ipoloipous. Tha itan kalitera gia opoio thema den mporoume na epibebaiosoume na min anaferomaste se afto :up: Signomi gia to megethos tou minimatos alla an mi ti allo me eknevrise to olo afto kolima sto sigkekrimeno thema kai i epimoni arnisi tou TRON na min prosferei tin (kaliteri oso ginetai) boitheia tou... thanks anyway!!
TRON MIPOS NA PROTINO KATI??? Epidi pistevo oti ektos apo tno agora megalo rolo pezei kai to software tou P900 Mipos Leo mipos einai efikto na koitakseis mesa sto CD tou P900 kai na mas kaneis post to programma gia to Video Recording?? i kapoio allo programa apo to P900 (tha itan bebaia kalo na einai to Vrecording) Logika prepei na yparxei ekei.... Toulaxiston emeis oi P800des na doume oti mporoume na litourgisoume ta programmata tou P900 Thanks.. P.S. Den to leo gia na se tsekaro (se peirame apo fobo.. :D ) P.S2 Opos eipes kai esi opoios thelei pistevei.. ;)
pia trapeza... O tipos mou eipe oti plironete mono meso Western Union Kserete ti einai afto??
Μπορει να μου πει καποιος γιατι ενω εχω κανει pair το hbh-60 μου παρ'ολα αυτα οταν παω να κάνω ηχογράφηση φωνητικης κλησης περιμενει το τηλεφωνο να 'ακουσει' απο την συσκευή????? ολες μου οι προσπαθειες ηταν ακαρπες
AFTO TO PEIRATE EIDHSH??? The much-anticipated successor to Sony Ericsson's P800 shows up in a Flash movie on the Sony Ericsson web site, only to be removed shortly thereafter. Following the exposure of a device named the Sony Erisson P810 by Orange last month, Sony Ericsson this week made a Flash movie available on its web site which apparently showed the successor to its P800 wireless handheld. However, as word of its existence spread around enthusiast web sites, Sony Ericsson swiftly removed the movie from its web site - although not swiftly enough to prevent screen captures from being made. Photo1 http://www.infosync.no/news/2003/09/17/gfx/sony_ericsson_p810_01.jpg Photo2 http://www.infosync.no/news/2003/09/17/gfx/sony_ericsson_p810_02.jpg Photo3 http://www.infosync.no/news/2003/09/17/gfx/sony_ericsson_p810_03.jpg The movie, which was only available from Sony Ericsson's web site for a short period of time, offers a plot where a man enters an apartment with the purpose of celebrating an event with his girlfriend. Having prepared flowers and champagne, he then proceeds to lock himself out on the terrace and resorts to the P800 successor to send a picture of a flower to his girlfriend's iMac, subseqently booking a flight to Paris and sending a message to his girlfriend's Sony Ericsson T610 to hint of the surprise in store for her when she arrives at the apartment. Περισσοτερα ΕΔΩ
Μηπως μπορει καποιος να μου πει πως μπορω να κανω ηχογραφηση για φωνητική κλήση μεσω του HBH-60?? Και για να μην προ-τρεξουν μερικοι μερικοι :rolleyes: εννοω να ηχογραφησω μεσω του HBH-60 και οχι μεσω του τηλεφωνου!! :wacko: Tenk you tenk you!! Υ.Γ. Ο λόγος είναι οτι επειδή η ηχογράφηση εχει γίνει μεσω του τηλεφώνου (επι του παρόντος) δεν πιάνει και πολύ καλά οταν την χρησιμοποιώ με το BlueTooth.
Emena den zorizetai re si... kleini poli aneta... toulaxiston me to ena.. Anyway..... It's a way..!!! OK!!