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Everything posted by tsiouk

  1. υπαρχει κανα site με προγραμματα για το 5800?
  2. mia erwthsh telika ta mhnymata exoun ftiaxtei? mporeis na steileis me ellhnikous xarakthres kai na mhn ta stelnei 2-2 ta mhn?
  3. geia sas edw kai ligo kairo mou exei kolhsei na parw thn vespa ,,, apo times ti kseretai gia dietias?kai genika ti gnwmh exetai gia to mhxanaki
  4. hmm paidia tha eithela mia gnwmh gia ayth thn camera Sony 'Sony CyberShot DSC-W150'
  5. tha hthela na kanw mia erwthsh giati apo ta magazia exei aposyrthei ato x600,,,ennowntas oti den to vriskeis eykola!!!!
  6. kanena neo gia ta sms?phga ston germano kai mou eipan den ginetai tpt.....mono se greeklish .. eleos einai..
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