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αυτο που επιλέγω είναι "Προεπιλεγμένη λειτουργία" κ μετά παω στο PC Suite κ επιλέγω "σύνδεση"
Το ίδιο προβλημα με τον noiz είχα και εγώ. Αυτο που έκανα,ήταν να κατεβάσω την τελευταία έκδοση του PC Suite απο την Nokia. Τώρα λειτουργεί (το βλέπει) χωρίς κανένα πρόβλημα. Ελπίζω να βοήθησα :D
file mou,den boreis na kaneis kati gia ayto to provlhma.toulaxiston ayta pou exw prospathisei egw den exoun diorthwsei thn wra. as elpisoume oloi oti tha lythei me thn epomenh version tou firmware
file mou kalhmera k se sena. den nomizw na kaneis kati lathos giati k egw to idio provlima antimetopizw. isws na einai ayto pou eipes gia thn kakh lhpsh.
loipon,molis gyrisa apo thn nokia ths vouliagmenhs opou egine anavathmish.to provlima ston hxo diorthwnetai.epanakinhseis den mou exei kanei mexri twra k as elpisw oti tha meinei etsi. to parapono mou einai oti to provlima me tis lanthasmenes wres,paralavhs twn msg k twn anaforwn,apo tis kanonikes paramenei.exw rithmisei zwnh wra GTM+2 alla oi anafores einai dyo wres prin rhn kanonikh wra. to parathrhse kanenas allos?prepei na dw an einai provlima syskeyhs h provlima logismikou. sigoura den einai provlima diktyou giati to parathrhsa toso me vodafone oso k me cosmote. an borei as voithisei kapoios pou exei to thl.
egw tha hthela na rwthsw an me thn anabathmish lunetai to provlima me thn diaforetikh wra apostolhs k lhpshs msg. pira thl sthn nokia k mou eipan oti exoun paraponethei k alloi gia ayto to provlima!
parathrhsa kati k tha hthela na mou peite an symvainei se ola ta thl h mono sto diko mou. xthes loipon evala to thl na fortisei k kata thn diarkeia ths fortishs to anoixa gia na dw kati pou hthela.otan loipon to ekleisa xana eida oti h othoni asprise oli k h fortish synexistike kanonika.perimena kanena 10lepto alla den allaxe kati. to allo exei na kanei me thn wra paralavhs twn mhnymatwn.diapistwsa loipon oti otan pigainw sta stoixeia mhnymatwn h wra pou anagrafei oti stalthike to sms einai diaforetikh apo thn pragmatikh,eite o msg to lamvanw ekeinh thn stigmh,eite otan anoigw to kin.xereis kaneis an ayto ofeiletai sth rythmish ths pagosmias wras?
tha hthela na kanw mia erwthsh,h opoia den kserw an exei hdh apanththei k zitaw ek twn proterwn sygnwmh an thn epanalamvanw. an syndesw to thl mesw tou usb cable me to pc,tha arxisei h bataria tou na fortizei? k an ginetai ayto,yparxei epilogi pou na apenergopoiei ayth thn leitourgia?
Na kanw k egw mia erwthsh pou isws na akoustei asteia. an sou steilei kapoios mesw BT enan hxo sto kin,to opoio einai live,tha boreseis meta na ton peraseis ws hxo klisis h mynhmatos?
den kserw an sou to deixoune. egw pantws thn rwtisa pote tha erthei k mou eipe oti exei erthei hdh k an thelw na to dw. an mexri to apogeyma to exoun poulisei ti na sou pw?
kalispera filoi. prin apo ligo gyrisa apo to vodafone shop sthn nea smirni sto opoio eixan hdh to kin k malista mou to evgale apo thn syskeyasia na to dw. opoios thelei loipon na to dei bwrei na paei ekei. emena pantws mou arese alla epeidh einai mono live k thn epidwtish prepei na thn parw apo voda shop,isws katalhxw sto 6230i. :X
kalispera. exw ena provlima.otan kapoios,pou exw perasmeno ston katalogo, mou stelnei mms den mou grafei to onoma tou,alla mono to noumero.thelw na rwtisw an ayto einai normal.to kanei k se allous?an oxi, ti dorw na kanw? eyxaristo ek ton proterwn
oti arxeio theleis na peraseis tha prepei na to vazeis ston katalilo fakelo tou thlefonou.dil ta arxeia mmf stous hxous k tis eikones stis eikones.pas sto eikonidio tou thl k patas sto + pou exei dipla k etsi epilegeis opoion fakelo thes.
tha pas sto menu 5.5 k tha energopoiiseis thn epilogh "aytomath energopoihsh"
pros to parwn den yparxei kalodio gia syndesh me to pc.oti ginetai,ginetai mesw irda k tou programatos easy studio pims and file manager.twra gia ta msg yparxei kapoio provlima me tous ellinikous xaraktires,to keimeno diladi den emfanizetai swsta.kata ta alla borw na kanw up/download k eikones k photo k ringtones.an xriesteis voitheia se kati sygekrimeno steile pm.
file mou,egw agorasa irda.kostizoun gyrw sta 30? k douleyoun apsoga...
edw k 1 week exw k egw to kin sta xeria mou.parathrisa kati omws.otan kapoios filos mou esteile ena mms,sta eserxomena anti na grafei to onoma tou apostolea h estw ton aritho tou,grafei ton diko mou aritho.den xerw ti borei na ftaiei.exei kanenas allos ayto to provlima h paizei na exw kanei egw kamia m@l@ki@ stis rithmiseis twn mms?
exw mia aporia sxetika me ton katalogo onomatwn.otan paw na kanw kainouria egrafh afou vazw to noumero paw sthn synexeia na grapsw k to onoma.sthn katw gramh mou leei oti exw 20 xarakthres gia to onoma,otan omws pataw to prwto gramma,oi xarakthres meionwde aytomatos stous 8.apotelesma einai na mhn xwraei tipota allo ektos tou mikrou onomatos.to exei paratirisei k kanenas allos? p.s. oi egrefes ginode sta ellinika,enw sta agglika den yparxei tetoio provlhma
loipon vrika kati pou isws se voi8isei: To delete dowloaded ringtones or wallpaper or pics, press menu 72 (Menu, Funbox, Media box). Select 'Images' or 'Sounds', view the pic or play the ringtone you wish to delete. Go to 'Options' and delete from there.
se ena site gia to E700 vrika ta parakatw: To have alarm ring when the phone is off, press menu 5, 5, (Menu, Organizer, Alarm). Then enable Auto power. elpizw na voi8isa
telika exw berdeytei sxetika me thn mpataria toy sygekrimenou monteloy.sigoura exertatai apo thn xrish pou tou kanei o kathenas,alla diforora 2 hmerwn mou akouetai periergh.mporoun aytoi pou exoun to kinhto na mas poune se poies apo tis dyo apopseis plisiazei h pragmatikothta?
kalhspera!eimai kainourgios sthn parea.thelw na rwthsw kati to opoio den gnwrisw.to E 700 exei anafora paradwshs gia sms?exw synithisei sta nokia k den kserw gia ta samsung.an oxi yparxei kapoios tropos,me kapoion kwdiko isws, na mathenoume an eftasan ta msg?thanks...