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Everything posted by Angous_McGyver

  1. kalhspera gkp.Exo to idio provlhma pou antimetopises.Den exo me kanenan tropo syndesh meso wi-fi.Exo dosei ta panta.Eimai 1 vhma prin to rhmado service.Any idea prin to pao? Plhroforiaka, eno mou vriskei se hot-spot ton paroxea (xekleidoto) den mou dinei me tipota internet...
  2. to ekana f_stef alla tzifos... Fovamai mhpos einai provlhma leitourgikou mou. Me enhmerosan apo to service oti yparxei diathesimh enhmerosh (entos eggyhshs). Elpizo meta to pasxa pou tha apo na lythei to thema. Filos apo to site mou eipe gia remove kaia re-insert ths kartas syndeshs. Apogevataki pou tha pao plaisio, tha xero an exei apotelesma
  3. thanks gia to reply alla tzifos...To exo hdh dokimasei.Ola sta settings ok, internet omos yok.Shmera skeytomai na to pao mia volta pros ARBATO meria mhpos me diafotisoun aytoi kai o theos voithos. Fovamai mhpos exei provlhma h syskevh. An pantos sou erthei kamia idea, rixthn
  4. filaraki voitheia, exo psiloprovlhmataki kai anarotiemai an boreis na mou doseis ta fota sou. Eimai neos xrhsths kai oxi polla yposxomenos... Ostoso, thelo th voitheia sou me to wi-fi. Den paizei me tipota to rhmadi. Vrethika se hot-spot shmeia alla nth. Eno vriskei px to "amfitheatro" tou plaisiou sto the mall, den borei na syndethei me internet. To edeixa sto service tou plaisiou k mou dikaiologountai oti aytoi exoun provlhma. To phga omos kai sta cafe epano, pou exoun epishs asyrmath syndesh, alla tipota...Axizei na to pao sto tele-service ths Arbato h einai mufa?
  5. Paidia kalhspera. Neos xrhsths kai oxi polla yposxomenos... Ostoso, thelo th voitheia sas me to wi-fi. Den paizei me tipota to rhmadi. Vrethika se hot-spot shmeia alla nth. Eno vriskei px to "amfitheatro" tou plaisiou sto the mall, den borei na syndethei me internet. To edeixa sto service tou plaisiou k mou dikaiologountai oti aytoi exoun provlhma. To phga omos kai sta cafe epano, pou exoun epishs asyrmath syndesh, alla tipota...Axizei na to pao sto tele-service ths Arbato h einai mufa?
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