Nai, fabo114, auto prepei na einai... epeidh omws der to xreiazomai auto to bluetooth, to apegkatesthsa, alla o upologisths deixnei akoma auth thn idia endeiksh kai den kleinei fusiologika. Na ton paw gia service? ti na kanw?
Ton eixa dwsei thn perasmenh bdomada gia elegxo, alla upotithetai oti leitourgei swsta... egw alla blepw omws. thn deuterh mera pou ton phra ekleise monos tou otan phga stis ruthmiseis gia na allaksw thn tapetsaria sthn othonh kai den anabe pia. Meta apo eks oloklhrou nea egkatastash tvn windows XP professional kai tou CD drivers and Utilities fanhke na leitourgei kanonika, alla merika programmata den leitourgoun, apo o,ti blepw (ok, auto mporei na ofeiletai se diafora) alla exei eksafanistei kai ena koumpi pou uphrxe arxika sto "termatismos" mazi me ta "sleep", "end" kai "cancel". to tetarto koumpi "suspend" den uparxei pia...
Please please, as me bohthsei opoios mporei, paideuomai edw kai duo bdomades...