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Everything posted by cangiante

  1. Ciao All! it may be of your interest to know that there is a “In favour of a Symbian os Option for the new psion netbook pro” petition going on at http://www.petitiononline.com/nbookpro/petition.html Please note that it has been promoted ONLY via word-of-mouth on the psion forums and newsgroups, as well as on many developers' epoc/symbian-related sites. Even a number of pda e-magazines whose correspondents usually frequent the forums mentioned it. Anyway, advertising for it on other media has been avoided as no one did absolutely want that this initiative were to be misinterpreted as an anti-Microsoft campaign. The spirit of the petition, once again, it is *not* against PT's decision of releasing a Psion netBook pro with Windows CE.net (which the Psion User Community do absolutely respect in full), but it is just in favour of developing a *second* OS option, that is a Symbian OS one. with in mind the above, we are committed to ensure that the petition gets the maximum possible awareness among developers, software house representatives, software integrators, VARs and resellers as well as power users and enthusiasts in order to gather the maximum support. at the time of writing, the number of endorsers is very close to quota 2020 and the number is steadily growing. For further information about how we decided to start a petition, you might find interesting reading the original psionplace thread: http://www.pdastreet.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18259 printer-friendly version: http://www.pdastreet.com/forums/printthread.php?s=45cb2050937b929721a32b5f0410%209b31&threadid=18259&perpage=100
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