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Everything posted by deos24

  1. http://www.brighthand.com/images/Benq_P50_L.jpg Quite a few new mobile devices are showing up for the first time at the CeBIT tradeshow, going on now in Germany. One of these is a cellular-wireless Pocket PC from BenQ that invites comparison to palmOne's popular Treo 600. Like the Treo 600, the BenQ P50 will have a small keyboard for writing email and MMS messages. It will also include a 1.3 megapixel camera, while the Treo 600's is just 0.3. However, the BenQ model will include plenty of features not available in the Treo 600, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The P50 will run the Phone Edition of Windows Mobile 2003 for Pocket PC. The exact clock-speed isn't known yet, but it will have a Bulverde processor, which is the code-name for the next generation of XScale CPUs. How much memory it will have is also not yet known, and it might not have been determined yet. It will include an SD/MMC slot for additional storage. Surprisingly Small Last summer, Microsoft made headlines by removing some of the hardware restrictions it had placed on Pocket PC makers. BenQ is taking advantage of this by including a 2.8-inch screen in the P50, which previously would not have been allowed. This display will be at the Pocket PC standard resolution of 240 by 320 pixels, and it will be able to display 262,000 colors. This model will be surprisingly small for all it offers: 4.7 inches long, 2.4 inches wide, and 0.8 inches thick (120 by 60 by 20 mm). It will weigh about 5.3 ounces (150 g). For comparison, the Treo 600 is 4.4 by 2.4 by .9 inches and it weighs about 6 ounces. The P50 will use GSM/GPRS wireless networks and support 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. The fact that it will support 850 MHz is a strong indication that this device is intended for release in the U.S.
  2. Εδώ μπορούμε να συζητάμε για το νεο "εργαλείο" της BenQ...
  3. Ζυμαρικα και Κρεατικα.... The Best!!!
  4. http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000BVGOM.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg Unreal Tournament 2004 is a multiplayer first person shooter that combines the kill-or-be-killed experience of gladiatorial combat with cutting-edge technology. Ten game modes, both team-based and "every man for himself," provide even the most hardcore gamer with palm-sweating challenges through unbelievably detailed indoor arenas and vast outdoor environments. As the ultimate techno-gladiator of the future, players will take their fates into their hands, battling against up to 32 other players online in action-packed, frag-filled arenas. Reload, rev up and ride out. Unreal Tournament 2004 is faster, higher and meaner than ever. Land and air based vehicles take combat to a new level. An arsenal of new weaponry, daunting arenas and battlefields combined with the challenge of the Assault and Onslaught modes make the gladiator blood sport of the future a brand new experience. Buckle up. It’s gonna be one hell of a ride! Game Features: • Land and air and space based vehicles- from lightweight attack craft to behemoth tanks • New weapons- including mines, rocket-propelled grenades, stationary gun turrets and more • New Arenas and battlefields- planet-bound mayhem and the cold vacuum of space • Assault mode returns- you asked for it…here it is • The mighty Skaarj return as a playable race now prepare for the return of the ultimate opponent: Xan Kriegor • Demo recording- record something special and show others who’s got the skills • Onslaught mode- a brand new mode of play that takes warfare to the next level • New UI- clean, mean and lean. This new customizable User Interface gives you a clear picture on the body count • Full support of software rendering for those with lower-end video cards or unreliable drivers • Live chat over LAN and Internet with 3D audio (on supported cards), using a microphone and headset (not included with game) • A wealth of new textures, static meshes and music- a field day for mod makers • UnrealTV broadcast system- allows hundreds of people to log on and watch famous combatants or rival clans duke it out • UT2004 will ship over 20 brand new maps along with the original UT2003 maps and the official bonus pack maps. This will allow 2004 owners to jump into any 2003 server and compete • Numerous tweaks and refinements including a completely redesigned user interface (UI) (including the ability for mod makers to design their own UI), unique crosshairs for each weapon, the ability to wield dual assault rifles, improved bot AI and optimized network bandwidth usage. System Requirements: • Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP • Pentium III or AMD Athlon 1.0 GHz or greater processor • 128 MB RAM • Any Windows-compatible videocard • 3.5 GB hard drive space • CD-ROM drive • Windows-compatible soundcard Τι έχετε να πείτε για αυτό το υπερπαιχνίδι;;;
  5. Θέλω να πάω και εγώ....:( Θα πάω οταν έρθει η αδερφή μου Αθήνα! :) Ελπίζω να αξίζει...
  6. Που κοντά είσαι στον Βύρωνα;;; Λες να είμαστε γείτονες;;;
  7. Δεν πληρώνω, είναι αγορασμένο το σπίτι... :p :p
  8. "Εξέλιξη (από κάποιο άλλο είδος πχ. Πίθηκος)" Εγώ αυτό πιστεύω...
  9. Αυτά και για εμένα...
  10. Παππού για ακόμα μια φορά συμφωνούμε... :whistle: :wacko: :worry: :confused: :eek: :eek: :D
  11. Εγώ παιδιά μέχρι τώρα δεν έχω κανένα παράπονο από τους γονείς μου... Είμαι πρώτη Λυκείου (καλός μαθητής) και έχω πάρα πολλές ελευθερίες... Μένω Βύρωνα και τα Σάββατα Βγαίνω και πηγαίνω Αγια Παρασκευή, Γλυφάδα, Ρέντη ή όπου κανονισω με τους φίλους μου. Από δευτέρα γυμνασίου με άφηναν να πηγαίνω όπου θέλω και γυρνάω οτι ώρα θέλω (σε λογικά πλαίσια πάντα 1-3), και το μόνο που με ρωτούσαν είναι σε ποιο μέρος θα είμαι. Επίσης ότι και αν τους ζητήσω προσπαθούν όσο μπορούν να το κάνουν.... Υπολογιστή ήθελα, μου τον πήραν, ADSL ήθελα, την έχω, Κίνητό, το έχω και αυτό Πενταήμερη στην Γαλλία ήθελα, και πήγα.... Όλα αυτά τα λέω γιάτι θέλω να καταλήξω σε ένα συμπέρασμα... Το μόνο που ζητούν από εμένα είναι να είμαι καλός μαθητής στο σχολείο για να μπορέσω να έχω ένα καλύτερο μέλλον από αυτούς. Πραγματοποιώντας αυτήν τους την επιθυμία είναι και αυτοί εντάξει απέναντι μου και έχω οτι ζητήσω... Νοιμίζω οτι το κουμπί κάθε γονιού είναι να του δίνει λίγες χαρές το παιδί του....
  12. Για εμένα είναι το tetris!!! :p :D :p :whistle:
  13. Αυτό είναι το πρόβλημα;;; Τυπωσε το να το διαβάσεις στο μπάνιο! :p :p
  14. Εγώ μένω Αθήνα!!! :p :p :p :p :p :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
  15. Το άθλημα είναι τέλειο.... :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes:
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