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About supertsik
- Ημ. Γέννησης Απρίλιος 10
Κινητή τηλεφωνία
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Cosmote - Ελλάδα
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Endiaferon auta pou lete, alla de nomizo oti de tha kataliksete kapou gia tis bataries pera apo to symperasma oti to kinito tou filou andrebreton epidiknyei kalyteri autonomia apo ta ypoloipa. Oxi oti o zerow den exei dikio, aplos oi diafores de mporei na einai aisthites ston katanaloti. O logos loipon pou symvainei kati tetoio den einai oute epeidi kapoios ypervalei oute epeidi sto ergostasio epesan katalathos perissotera battery cells stin polysyzitimeni mpataria. Oi logoi gia tin akriveia einai polloi kai tha anafertho se merikous apo autous. Diktyo. Analoga me to diktyo pou xrisimopoiei kaneis, mporei na diaferei poly i katanalosi tis mpatarias. Gia paradeigma, to kinito mou sti Vodafone stin Agglia katanalonei poly perissoteri energeia ap'oti sti Vodafone stin Ellada. Analoga me to pos exei stithei kai rythimstei to kathe diktyo mporei na epireazetai i katanalosi. Oso pio kali poiotita exei o ixos gia paradeigma, toso perissoteri energeia apaiteitai. Thesi tou xristi. Oso pio konta vrisketai kapoios se mia keraia/stathmo kinitis tilefonias, toso ligoteri energeia apaiteitai gia na pragmatopoiithei i epikoinonia. Ta kinita, se antithesi me alles syskeves tilepikoinonias opos radifono, asyrmatoi VHF, ktl, de xrisimopoioun statheri isxy, alla tin auksomeionoun analoga me tin entasi tou simatos tis plisiesteris keraias/stathmou. Opote isos o andrebreton na exei mia keraia/anametadoti ekso apo to parathyro tou domatiou tou i tou grafeiou tou kai na min to kserei. Epimerous leitourgies tou kinitou. Ean kapoios xrisimopoiei to radiofono i vgazei polles fotografies i xrisimopoiei handsfree bluetooth katanallonei perissoteri bataria. To idio mporei na symvei kai ean kapoios, parolo pou den kanei polles klisis kai de xrisimopoiei kamia apo tis ypoloipes xrisopliromenes leitourgies, ploigeitai sto menu tou kinitou synexos. Rythmiseis tou kinitou. Yparxoun para polles mikrorythmiseis pou mporei kapoios asynidita na exei kanei, oi opoies prokaloun simantiki diafora stin autonomia. Gia paradeigma, - Kapoios mporei na exei afisei to bluetooth energo parolo pou den to xrisimopoiei. - Mporei na exei poly dynata tin entasi tou akoustikou. - Mporei na vgazei polles fotografies me flash (to flash sta samsung einai enas kalos tropos gia na ekfortiseis ti mpataria mesa se 5 letpa!) - Mporei na exei rythmisei to fotismo ton plikrton na einai monima anoiktos (ta pliktra sto samsung mporoun na rythmistoun na fotizoun mono tis vradines ores kai oxi tis proines pou outos i allos me to fos tis imeras den katalavaineis diafora). - Mporei na xrisimopoiei screensavers me animations. - Mporei na xrisimopoiei wallpaper apo arxeio megalou megethous. - Mporei na einai energo to GPRS. - Mporei o fotismos tis othonis na exei rythmistei na diarkei perissotero - Merikes fores yparxoun kai kapoies kryfes rythmiseis tis opoies de vlepoume kai tyxainei na diaferoun apo kinito se kinito. - Merikes fores episis to software tou kinitou epireazei tin katanalosi opote analoga me tin ekdosi isos na yparxei diafora. Sigoura pano se ola auta mporoun na ginoun polla debates kai na poikiloun oi apopseis sto kata poso epireazoun aisthita tin autonomia i oxi. To sigouro einai oti ola tin epireazoun apla kapoia apo ta apotelesmata auta metriountai mono sto ergastirio kai kapoia fainontai kai ston pio aprosekto xristi. Episis to kathe ena apo ola auta mporei paizei megalytero i mikrotero rolo analoga me tin marka/typo kinitou. Otan gia paradedeigma eixa to Nokia 6230, eixa valei ena katapliktiko animation gia screensaver kai oraies fotografies gia background. Molis ta apenergopoiisa ola auta eida toso megali diafora pou me ekanan na min ta ksanaxrisimopoiiso pote. Meta apo ola auta loipon tha proteino mia kali lysi. H mpataria einai apo ta simantikotera pragmata sto kinito kai kalo tha einai afou ksodepsame oso ena eisitirio gia 2 atoma Athina-Londino me epistrofi gia na agorasoume to agapimeno mas D900, as ksodepsoume kai 2 eisitiria Syntagma-Marousi me epistrofi gia na agorasoume mia extra bataria. Fysika de milao gia tin original bataria tis samsung apo to katastima tou Germanou. Milao gia after market mpataries oi opoies kostizoun poly ligotero kai ean dialeksete ti sosti, isos na diarkei kai ligo parapano. H xoritikotita tis ergostasiakis mpatarias einai peripou 800Ah kai after market mporeite na vreite kai 1000Ah. Rikste loipon mia matia sto eBay i se alla online shops kai dialekste. Oso gi'autous pou protimane ta sovara katastimata kai ta authentika proionta exo na paratiriso to eksis.: As eimaste toso sxolastikoi me ta frena sto autokinito mas kai me tis mpataries tou vimatodoti stin kardia tou pappou mas. Gia ena kinito pou tha allaksoume pali se 1-2 xronia de xreiazetai na to ntantevoume me oraia autokolita stis mpataries i sta hands free. Alloste mia alli mpataria isos na erxetai kai apo to idio ergostasio opos tha symfonisei kai o zerow. Ego leo na paro pantos auti: D900 Extended Battery + Free car charger i auti: 2 Battery+Desktop+Car+USB Charger for Samsung D900 :lock:
Osoi agorasete to D900 apo tin Pixmania, to kinito erxetai apo ti Gallia kai pithanos de tha vrite tin elliniki glossa sto menu. Kai gia osous asxolountai me ypologistes kai endiaferontai gia to logismiko tou Samsung D900 to opoio perilamvanei to elliniko menu, meta apo psaksimo sas grafo ta parakato: This is the link to download D900BDFH1 which is the August firmware for Samsung D900, supporting the Greek language. http://www.sendspace.com/file/l92gkv I haven't test it yet, so I don't know what other languages it supports. However, I know it doesn't include the voice recorder feature. If you want that you have to install the D900XAFI1 which is a newer version, but doesn't support the Greek language. http://www.sendspace.com/file/y50wg4 To upload this to your D900 phone, you will need the OneNAND Downloader (Flash Program): http://www.sendspace.com/file/frnknr You will also need a USB Flash Cable. The cable that comes with the phone is a different one and will not work. http://www.phantomgsm.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=134_36_87&products_id=1222 For a better performance of your phone I strongly recomend you buy a hi-speed memory card such as Sandisk 1GB Ultra II TransFlash/microSD Card. The read speed of this card is 10Mb/s (9Mb/s write), whereas it is only 3Mb/s for a normal microSD card. There are lots of international sites that offer this card for around 45 EUR. The instructions on how to actually flash the phone, taken from another forum, are as follows: Ensure you use a flash cable rather than the Data Cable. connect Cable To PC Goto System Goto Hardawre Goto Device Manager Expand The Com Ports Area Locate and write down the assigned com port number for your cable (normally the largest number) Make sure your Battery is fully charged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! power off the phone with no sim inserted and connect phone to cable and cable to PC. select correct com port that you wrote down earlier. select "Don't Auto NAND Format" com speed should be 921600 (USB) or 115200(Serial) select the BIN + TFS radio button. press the BIN button and open the ".cla" file. you are flashing press the TFS button and open the ".tfs" file. you are flashing Click Start. tap the power button on the phone when prompted. The phone should not turn on, but software will recognise the ignition. Phone will connect, and the "Download" button will now be highlighted click the download button and the flash will begin Once flash has finished, press stop Phone successfully flashed take out and replace battery and power on :)